4 year old cat still not eating after going to emergency vet


TCS Member
Thread starter
Young Cat
Nov 10, 2021
Hi everyone,

Thursday night we took my cat to the emergency vet- he threw up 3 times in one day and had terrible diarrhea. Also was eating very little. The vet took vitals and did an x ray. He said our cat seemed fine and all the X ray showed was gas in his stomach. He diagnosed him with mild gastroenteritis, gave him a shot for nausea, and some liquid diarrhea medicine.

he has not thrown up since then. His poop is runny still, but much better. I can still tell he feels bad though. My worry is he hasn’t eaten today at all. Yesterday he ate some dry food in the morning, and today he kind of licked at his wet food, but that’s it. No interest in smelly food or his favorite treats.

I’m wondering if I should take him back to a vet. This happened a few months ago and I took him to the vet twice for this. The vet had no idea what caused it (I now think he probably ate something that irritated him). Last time the vet gave him some medicine but the issues mostly resolved itself within about 5-6 days. I’ve spent a ton of money on vet bills. Any advice? He is drinking and peeing and walking around-just not playful.

silent meowlook

TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 10, 2014
I am sorry. You need to get him back to a vet ASAP. If he isn’t eating he can develope a life threatening liver disease called hepatic lipidosis. I would be concerned that he ate something that is causing an intestinal obstruction. I would try to find a cat only vet if I were you.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 7, 2021
I know all cats are different, but when my one kitty won’t eat I give her Tiki Stix (specifically tuna because it’s her favorite). It seems to work as an appetite stimulant for her.
I hope your kitty feels better soon!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
My cat had gastroenteritis and it can take several days for them to return to normal. Kitties don't pass gas like humans or dogs do, so it just has to work itself out of your kitty's system. It can make them nauseous and they might drink a lot of water, smack or lick their lips frequently, and not eat or only eat very little. My Tumbles ended up staying at the vet hospital for 3 or 4 long days before we could bring him home. We finally asked the vet to give him Science Diet a/d (which is like kitty crack) and he started eating. We had to continue giving him an anti-nausea pill for about 2 weeks until his system finally settled down. Make sure your kitty drinks and stays hydrated. You might try offering baby food, plain meat with no veggies or onions. Call the vet and see if you can pick up a couple of cans of Science Diet a/d also.