4 year old cat constantly scratching and losing weight


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2018

I have a 4 year old male shorthair cat (born March 2018) whom, in the past 5-6 months, has been excessively scratching to the point he's caused fur to fall out in some places (mostly around the ears) and given himself minor cuts and scabs. He's also steadily been losing weight, to the point where his pelvis/hip bones are pretty visible now.

I initially thought the issue was fleas, and tried a multitude of different flea treatment over months; Frontline spot-on, Vectra Felis, On Defence, Johnson's 4Fleas Tablets, as well as Johnson's flea spray for bedding, carpets and such. We even tried bathing him with Johnson's flea shampoo a few times. He would often start scratching even more for a few hours directly after giving him flea treatment, and generally seemed irritable. This is normal based on my previous experience with giving cats flea treatment, but no matter what, the scratching continues. We have 2 other cats (who received the same flea treatment all at the same time), and neither of them seem to be scratching any more, just the 4 year old male. We've been ensuring the spot on treatment is applied to the skin, not the fur, and applying it every 4 weeks (though since Frontline didn't seem to work for the first 2 months, we switched to the other aforementioned brands). Previously Frontline has always worked first time and we never need to reapply it, not until there was another obvious flea infestation, which thankfully has usually only occurred once a year, in the summer normally.

I'm now left wondering if the issue is even fleas. I've been combing him with a flea comb regularly but have found no fleas on him for nearly 3 months now. I've also wormed him with Beaphar worming tablets, in case that was at all related to his weight loss. I don't believe he's lost any more weight in the past 2 months, but he isn't gaining any either. His personality hasn't really changed much, aside from maybe being a little more nervousness (but he's always been a fairly skittish cat, a small bang or similar noise is enough to scare him). He's always been a very fussy eater and pretty much exclusively eats wet food, in gravy (he hates the jellied variety). He refuses to eat dry food no matter how much we've tried, it's like it doesn't even register as food to him.

We've tried giving him Kitzyme conditioning tablets to see if that at all helps, as it was recommended by a friend whom also had a cat that had issues scratching and having dry/scabby patches of skin. He doesn't eat them directly so we have to crush it up and put it in his food, we've given him around 3 tablets per day, but it doesn't seem to have improved his condition either.

I don't think he's eating any less than he normally does, so I'm unsure why he's been losing weight, other than the fact that he seems clearly stressed. We'll likely be taking him to the vets soon as we're out of ideas of what could be causing these issues with him being itchy and losing weight.

Could anyone here offer any advice? He's never had these issues previously.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Absolutely vet! Especially if he's outdoors. It may be food allergies. How much do you feed him? There are numerous health hazards being outdoors. He may also be allergic to something outdoors. Weight loss is not a good sign. If it's that bad do not try to treat it on your own. Vet may be expensive but more if you wait. Hope he fills better!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2018
Absolutely vet! Especially if he's outdoors. It may be food allergies. How much do you feed him? There are numerous health hazards being outdoors. He may also be allergic to something outdoors. Weight loss is not a good sign. If it's that bad do not try to treat it on your own. Vet may be expensive but more if you wait. Hope he fills better!
Thanks for the response. I forgot to mention, but he's an indoor cat, which just makes this even more confusing for me. I had a feeling it could be allergies as well, but no clue what as he's not being fed anything different. I'll see what the vet says, I'm just concerned it may be something more serious at this point (like cancer).


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 13, 2018
Central FL (Born in OH)
It sounds like it could be an allergy of some sort - although that doesn't necessarily explain the weight loss. A cat can acquire an allergy at any point in time, even to food they have eaten for a long time. If not food allergy, it could be litter related, or an environmental issue, like new cleaning products, new carpeting, etc.

I realize you have other cats, but it would be helpful if you could figure out if he has been eating less. The weight loss which is now not happening is perplexing as it would seem something changed to cause him to lose weight, and another thing has now changed to stop him losing weight. Cancer would seem odd as if it did cause the weight loss, why would it have stopped?

Is he peeing and pooping normally?

A vet visit with full scale blood work, urinalysis, and a fecal PCR test would probably be a good idea. I suggest the fecal PCR as it not only looks for a multitude of parasites but can also identify bacterial/viral issues too.