4 months old baby kitten Driving me nuts at bedtime


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2010
hi i just adopted this cute little fellow

she's very very kind ,

there's only 2 problem with her

1 she stinks from the behind.... very much dunno if it's common for a baby but DAMN! it seems like she dragged the litter with her each time she moves around

She's been neuteured & has all her vaccine

2 . she is driving me nuts at bed time

she tried to sleep with me i tried one night..... she would play all night , making my cup of water fall down.... , drinking inside my cup of water , trying to jump on my face ect ect...

I decided since then to have a room dedicated to her & when it's bed time i put a cussion & put food everything and make her sleep there & close the door

but she would meaow all night & scratch

i even put a box so she couldn't hit the door but she still does it

I dunno what i could do

i always try to play with her 1 hr before bedtime but she seems to always want to follow me

like when im on the pc she jumps on me constantly & i cannot write a thing i just can't use the pc while she's there.

each time i close a door she cries her life out

What can i do for both issues?
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 18, 2010
yeah but i feel so bad of putting her inside a deserted room with a small mat + blanket & shut the door....

but if she can learn that sleep time is no playing time that would be wonderful.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 2, 2010
I've had Sophie almost 2 months and from the beginning she's had her "bedroom" at night. I foresaw many sleepless nights if it were any other way. Once she's less kittenish, I look forward to letting her her sleep with me.

I don't think its cruel, because she has everything she needs (except me!) -- toys, food, water, a bed, climbing places... and she doesn't cry, so she isn't telling me she thinks its cruel either. The first few nights she cried a little, and stopped. Now, she might "talk" to herself quietly once in a while, but very rarely.

Yours may take longer to adjust, because she's gotten the luxury of sleeping (err... or not sleeping
) with you, and now she knows what she's missing, but if you ignore it, I'm sure she'll stop eventually.

The neat thing with Soph's bedroom is that it is my ensuite bathroom, with NO windows. And so she has no concept of night/day in there. She won't cry to come out, because she doesn't sense the morning! I've woken up as late as 9am once and she was still just hanging out in there.

The best part of keeping Sophie in her bedroom, is that in the morning, she is soooo happy to see me!! She flops over for belly rubs and then she crawls into bed with me, and proceeds to cuddle and snuggle all over my face.... :p

en passant... bienvenue au forum, d'une canadienne Ã:censor: un autre!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
kittens need a lot of attention to burn off energy. all you describe is normal kitten behavior. Once solution is to get another kitten and they will play and keep each other company


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 20, 2006
I don't like shutting young kittens away alone like that. At that young they do need some company, either from a human or another cat. Let her in with you or consider getting an older kitten/young cat to mother her.

As for your water. We've all learned that you can't use a regular cup/glass beside the bed. It has to have a lid of some sort.

As for her being stinky. It could be that the food she's on doesn't really agree with her or that she could use some probiotics (like benebac). Talk to your vet.
Another thing, which I really don't have an answer for, is that a lot of kittens will have a bit of a smell that goes away when they get a little older.
One of the odd things is that every young kitten I've petted will sort of... pouch their butt out a little? I can't really explain it well, but it seems to be a holdover behavior from young kittens needing the mother cat to lick them for them to pee/poo.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Something else to think about is that the smell may be coming from her paws. When Hannah was young, she was very uncoordinated in the box. She'd scratch all over everything and step in poop and pee puddles and then hop out of the box and continue on her merry way. I learned early on that I had to wash her little paws off after every trip to the litter box.

As for bedtime, have a really intense play session then feed her a nice helping of canned food, warmed up just enough to take away the cool of the food. Then, have a designated place for her to sleep in your bedroom. (We have nice, comfy, snuggle balls beside the bed for our girls.) Place her in her bed. Maybe brush her and give her a little treat, then turn the light off, and go to bed. Get her a little stuffed animal to sleep with. If she gets up on the bed in the middle of the night, place her back in her bed.

Be consistent and be firm, but not mean.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Your kitten is being a kitten. A glass of water is fair game for them. You must "kitten proof" your home as one would "kid proof" a home.

Is she long haired? Perhaps she needs shaving back by her hind legs to avoid feces clinging to the fur.

She is only 4 months old, a baby. She will want to play all the time. That is what they do. My cat hangs out by my computer also. I enjoy it. Yea, I make typos!

When she gets older, she will settle down and become a regular cat who sleeps a lot. You may miss these playful days.

They don't last.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I have a 13yo cat that LOVES to drink out of any kind of glass or bowl. I've been sick and have had a cough. I'd love to leave a glass of water on my night stand, but not with that cat around!
Sometimes the best offense is a good defense!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 8, 2010
O'Fallon, IL
Attitude and Nuts will try to eat or drink anything we are eating or drinking. You can't leave anything at your bedside that you don't want drank or spilled by your cat/kitten.

Attitude will sometimes crowd me on my computer. I either deal with it or put her on the floor. The only time she has ever been shut in a room was when I first brought her and Nuts inside, and when she went into heat(unexpectedly) to keep Nuts from jumping her until she went the next day to get spayed. If you want her to learn how to act you can't shut her up in a room every time she acts like a kitten. You can teach her the down command, can't she'll always listen but that's a lot better at teaching her how to behave than just shutting her into a room because you don't want to deal with teaching her proper behavior. If you don't want to bother teaching her down then put her on the floor when she 'bothers' you.

I'd get her her own bed and let her sleep in your room, just move her back to her bed whenever she decides to go into your, or close your bedroom door and let her have the run of the rest of the house.

She is acting like a kitten, if you can't handle it then maybe you shouldn't have got a kitten. Get her a friend and she'll leave you alone since that appears to be what you want.
