4 month year old kitten dry heaving


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2016
I have a kitten named Tama who since Friday has been having bouts of dry heaving, as if she is going to vomit. There is no discharge, just the gagging/swallowing motion. She is still eating/drinking/playing/pooping and everything else a kitten does but does occasionally will sit hunched in the middle of the floor, which is didn't do before. Yesterday, she had a bloated stomach as well, though it's gone down since then. She shows a few signs of discomfort when you touch her belly, but doesn't panic or anything.

We did notice that is has decided that she likes to eat the carpets, and so we are worried it might be a carpet string. Otherwise, could it potentially be her first hairball? She is not shedding much, nothing comes off when we groom her, so could it be that? We're worried she's eaten something bad... I bought some hairball malt paste, so going to try that. We did try her with butter, but no effect.

Food: She is currently on whiskas kitten pouches as that's what her previous owner had her on. Both dry and wet. I do want to change it, but thought it might be okay for her first 12 months. 

Vet: She is registered with a vet and is also insured. She has had all her vaccinations and a microchip. She is not yet spayed.

Home: She is an indoor cat. We do not have any house plants in her main room, but my housemate does have a couple of some cacti on his windowsill. 

I am of course, fully prepared to take her to the vets, I would just like to know your opinions. I have heard some vets say to wait 7 days and such and that others treat it as an emergency. So yeah, just wanted to post this and such and hope things will be okay! I think I will phone the vet tomorrow and pray it's not something awful D: 

Here is a photo of her!



TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
If you can get a video of her doing the heaving, get one.  She needs to get to the vet soon to make sure nothing is going on medically like a blockage or anything like that, especially with the tummy is sensitive to the touch.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 12, 2016
Update: She went to the vet today, who thinks it is most likely lungworm, though we have no idea how she could have gotten this as she is an indoor cat. She did have flea dirt on her when we first got her so maybe it is linked to that? She has had an antibiotic injection and some prinovox to put on later.

She's already much more full of energy and running around! I hope that this will help D: What started with heaving did turn into coughing, so I hope it all sorts out.