3 Weeks And No Progress With Recently Rescued Stray/feral


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Well, maybe taking Gypsy in the room is not a good idea just yet. You'll have to use your best judgment on that. I'd be more concerned that Ollie might strike out at Gypsy if Gypsy went up to Ollie trying to say "hello".

My feral came out of her shell when I took my tabby into the room and put him on the floor. She wanted to pounce all over him, playing, not attacking, and annoy him to no end. Fortunately, he is very laid back and calm, so I took him in for a few minutes, then extended the time until they got along peacefully. I do think he helped make her social more quickly than I could have done on my own.
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Young Cat
Nov 10, 2017
I'm not sure either. I'm at a loss for what to do different :( or what to try.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 22, 2008
Ollie will eventually come around, since she does come out and play and eat and do everything else that "cats do". I would think about rolling out a sleeping bag and sleeping in the room with her (if she's not aggressive). Cats find us least threatening when we're horizontal.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
So it's been another 2 weeks and no progress. Last night I slid open the cabinet door where she hides just to see her and give her more treats and she hissed at me :( I'm heartbroken and feel like no progress is being made. Seriously if it wasn't for the baby monitor in there I wouldn't see her at all. Do I do something different or just keep going as is and hope in a few months time she'll come out? I hope this wasn't the wrong thing to do........bringing her inside to live with us :( The thing is when she knows I'm not coming back she hunts the room for all of the treats I hide for her, she plays with balls or play mice that I leave in there for her, she sits on the window sill, sleeps on the cat tree, is generally out and about but ALWAYS runs for her cabinet when she hears me coming in.
During the last 2 weeks how much time have you spent in the room talking to her? Just sitting on the floor?

I am not surprised or worried that when you slid the doors open she hissed. That is very normal as she was cornered and a little afraid. She was just saying "hey, don't mess with me".

I know it is difficult but please do not be heartbroken. I see a great positive, she comes out and gets your treats and plays around the room. That is a great sign and a big positive. She is building her confidence in their. If she is on teh cat tree, in the window sill, out and about it is a great positive. So we can build off of that.

I would like you to do a couple of things. If you can, just sit on the floor and talk softly and lovingly to her. We want to be low on her level. We don't want to make movement towards her or to touch the cabinet. We want to associate your voice with confidence and with safety (no harm). After a while if you can get some stinky wet food and put it maybe 6 inches in front of the opening that would be great. She will not come out for the first few times but she will eventually. I also would like you to get some old shirts, get your scent on them and place them around the room especially where she spends time. Again, we want her to smell your scent and be in safe comfy places to get a positive association.

It sounds like she is loving life so I think you did the right thing bringing her in. We just need her to build trust with her human family. I guarantee you will build that trust.

For now, I would just do that. I wouldn't bring the other cat in yet. We will have to take small steps. One day she will come out and realize you are a positive and not to worry. I deal with ferals, I use food to build trust and confidence. I use warm chicken thigh meat and stinky wet food and treats. When they associate me with the food trust is built. We need her to get use to your voice and being there as a positive and not a threat and to associate you with good things (food).

Don't worry, we will have a breakthrough. We just need her to come out when you are there are realize you aren't a threat and offer good things (food). You should always be confident and act normally. Don't reach towards her let her initiate contact. Also, don't look directly into her eyes or if you do only give eye kisses (slowly close your eyes hold closed for 5-10 seconds then slowly open).

She is obviously getting comfortable in her territory and that is a great step towards where we want to go. We will get there.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Nov 10, 2017
I would do that but unfortunately my 2 1/2 year old little girl won't sleep unless I am there with her :( perhaps over xmas break while I'm off work and my little one is at daycare I will do that during the days I have off. Thank you for your suggestions :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 14, 2016
Is there anyone else that can be in there and talk softly and lovingly to her? We just need a soothing voice showing no aggression or threat. And to have stinky food to coerce her out. Then positive association and safety.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Oct 10, 2017
when you go in to spend time with her, how long do you stay?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Dec 4, 2017
Once you get her to come out of the box you can try making her curious. Bring a little ball in the room, sit on the floor sideways to her, and just roll it back and forth between your hands while you talk to her. But don't look at her or roll the ball toward her. When you leave the room leave the ball. Cats are attracted to movement. So, if she sees you messing or apparently playing with something that is moving, but in no way threatening her, she will watch. I took care of a friends half wild cat once, and I would sit in the room with her and crochet. After a week of of watching me crochet, she had had enough watching and attacked the yarn. That was the breakthrough. It was still a slow process and I had to move slow and never direct any action AT her for awhile, but eventually she would come to me when I came in her room.