3 months kitten acting worse and worse... I don't know what to do


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 17, 2013
My 3 months old stray (been with me almost 2 months) is giving me headaches and I don't understand what I am doing wrong. She's actually behaving pretty well towards the house, but aside of that she's some sort of ghost running around the house.

She's CONSTANTLY hiding in places and running. We have a balcony and she'll run outside every single time she can. She'll go as far as bashing her head against the windowpane in the attempt to slip through (and that's kind of unavoidable since you won't see her coming). Mind that she has freedom around the house, she can go anywhere except the bathroom so she isn't constrained in any way.

She's been recently developing this habit of jumping into the WC or the bidet. She won't drink the water, she just sits there. Today I yelled at her trying to make her understand she can't go there, but she ignores anything I try to do. She ignores praise, she ignores me raising my voice (which happens VERY rarely since I speak calmly to her all the time), she ignores treats.

As if her constant hiding wasn't enough, she spends 80% of the day walking sideways with her fur and tail puffed up. I thought it was just play but at this point I think it's legit fearful / feral behavior. She'll bite HARD on my hands (doesn't bite anyone else like that) and she's drawn blood several times. And no I don't play with my hands... Sometimes she just runs at me and bites me then runs away. Getting close to her is almost impossible and if one tries to pet her while she's resting she'll get up, move a meter away and sit down again.

It's like the hates the place and the people in the house, but everyone's been really calm with her and she's been treated nicely all the time. Nobody in the house is abusive or harsh with her. What puzzles me the most is that there's a moment every morning where she's the cuddliest kitten in the world, then a few minutes later she's skittish and fearful again.

As of late she has developed the habit of laying down on the pavement (which she never did before) which makes me wonder if she's ill. Sometimes when I'm sitting at my desk she'll meow at me and paw at my leg and as soon as I look at her she zooms away. As I'm typing this she's chasing her tail knocking herself against a wooden case... Now she just jumped on my back and clawed me over the shoulders. I don't know what to do.

I promised myself not to raise my voice again (it's useless anyway) but I don't know how else I can discipline her. And I don't even care about that at this point, I just want her to not be scared all the time

Please help


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 4, 2012
Hello. I read your other posts to catch up on your story.

It sounds like she has not had very much socialization done. Since she was born feral, and so young when you found her. Though it seems like a great thing to allow her free reign of the house, sometimes in these cases it is best to confine them to one room until they become more used to being around you and being handled. You can still do this. In her room have everything she needs. When you play with her use toys that'll wear her out. Wand toys are great, they allow her to keep her distance yet still interact with you and you can use them to tease her closer and closer to you. You could also invest in a feliway diffuser for the room. Takes about a week to kick in, but will help in calming her. Do not allow her free run of the house until you see she is more accepting of you. Don't reach to grab her ever, let her come to you. Keep your body in non threatening positions.Sitting or laying on the floor with her when you play. Talk softly to her all the time, a lot. Go slowly and she'll come around.

Every time she goes for your legs or feet, redirect her to an appropriate toy. She IS a kitten so even after she comes around and adjusts to her new surroundings and you, she will need lots of active play.


TCS Member
Oct 9, 2003
W/ the best cats
I am more inclined to believe she is just an overactive kitten. At present I have one - a calico, about 3 - 4 months old, appeared out of nowhere and followed my son who was walking home from work. She does all the things you mentioned. The other cats try to avoid her because she is too rambunctious. 

However, you need to make her understand that biting is not acceptable. The other stuff is not as important. With my Cheesekee, I hiss and blow air on her face. I can include screaming which I have done at the start when Cheesekee was new. But things are improving and the biting has almost stopped and I have not cried OUCH for a long time. 
 Be consistent, firm and very patient. Your little one will learn. 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2013
Sound like almost little bit like my cat Jasper.. yeah Jasper was born outside that my sister's friend found from under the house so she was leave them kittens there with the mother cat till I THINK! mother cat run away doesnt want near the kittens and my sister's friend had no choice and give them away that how I got Jasper for the last one .. no wonder I read your story and other people no wonder yeah My cat Jasper was attacked me when I moving my hands for sign language or my feet are moving then attacked me .. even he totally hate when I rubbing his stomach and he grab my arm with all his 4 paws it was pretty hurt and I yelled at him said OW!!!! then he run off and sometime not listen to me so I had to rid of him off my arm it was hurt :( but he is soooo friendly :) always follow me and sleep with me all the times :) now I miss my Jasper :( and now I got another cat name Meeko NEVER! attacked me and he is VERY FRIENDLY!!!!!!! :)


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
A lot of what you describe sounds to me like she's trying to get you to play/roughhouse with her, which isn't at all unusual at that age. A lot of interactive games - wand toys, a laser pointer, hide and seek, chasing balls, etc. - should tire her out and settle her down between sessions.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Scared cats hide and don't come out, so she sounds like a regular active hyper kitten to me :D. Since she lost her mother so young, she hasn't learned proper cat behaviors, so she's bound to be a bit awkward. But do what you can---play with her a lot (a large stuffed toy, a laser pointer, and a fishing pole type toy will save your hands), make things as stimulating as possible for her (hide her food/some treats in boxes, give her some newspapers to tear up before you throw them away, etc.). She needs a human-approved outlet for her natural predatory instincts.

If it's at all possible, a kitten playmate would be good. A young male a little older than she is, similar in activity levels, well-adjusted, who stayed with his mother long enough, would probably be best.
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TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2013
When YOUNG socialization is the key!!! They young enough have good socialization skills. I would crate, use only one room where you come incontrate with in the crate. After a few days touch, and love on and put her back into the crate. I wish Buckwhere would have been better socialized. Take baby steps wit her seeing that she was ferel when she came into your home. You can even put the other two in crate also because they also may need alittle attention. Roaming all over the house is not good, they maybe still looking for their mother. Seeing a vet is most important do that right away with all of them.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Aug 6, 2013
Buckwheat is still missing. Maybe he has found his "ferel community, and is doing well. Buckwheat was 8mos old when I got him. He ran, and hid for most of the day and nite, only coming out at night to eat, and play with his toys. I had him 5mos never touching him, or even being able to look at him because he was sooooo afraid. When I went to pick him up he was already in taxi I only seen pixs of him before bring him to my home. Something I will NEVER do again. It would have been different I f I agreed to having a ferel kitten/cat 8mos of age, but I did NOT. Becareful of your selection on bring any pet into your home. First thing you must ask yoursef is do I have the time to invest in this....I though Buckwheat would fit the program of being a family member, and just Meowing around the house I bought condo, sratching tree, toys, and everything but he just wasn't happy:( but I was happy until I started to become afraid of him. I never knew where he was in the home, and he had never been able to see a vet due the fact I could catch him to crate him. I call vet that Monday. The vet loan me me a "trap" to get him in to see vet. Before any of that happen Buchwheat ran out the door Sunday morning, never to be seen again:( I will never wish tha on anyone to have to go through what I went through. Gudluck, get to a vet ASAP, and be patient ferel kittens/cats are very afraid because mama tought that to them from birth. Ahhh I wish you good luck with your kittens. Go to UTUBE google ferel kittens/cat it really opens ya eyes to a lot of behaviors.....


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 24, 2013
lmao .. fishing pole .. my cat so CRAZY!!!!! with toy fishing pole make me laugh lol he loves it lol :D