2 week old kitten, adapting?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2011

This is my first post. I found an abandoned kitten on Friday. I had herd the kitten since Thursday, but did not want to touch him in case the mom came back. I believe his mother, a feral cat, was poisoned along with the other kittens. However this little kitten was left behind some time before. He is between 2 and 3 weeks, I suppose. His eyes are open and he is starting to want to walk, but isn't very stable.

When I first found him he had an eye infection, but I treated that with some drops. He now is eye infection free. I had to give him a bath because he was filthy. He had almost 20 fleas that I removed with a fle comb. Poor little guy.
Te first day I was unable to purchase a kitten formula, so I made one from the recipes online. He did not like it much, but ate a little.

Today I was finally able to get the kitten formula and he is eating a bit better than before. He doesn't love the formula, but at least he eats more.

He seems a good weight, he is alert, I think he is doing ok. The main issue being that he got diarrhea after switching him to the formula today. I do not think that it is the formula itself, but it might be that I switched him to it so fast. He is quite young, but he really barely ate the formula I had made before.

In general I think he is doing well, but what concerns me is the diarrhea. Especially since I cannot take him to a vet until Monday. It's Saturday, midnight right now and I want some advice as to what I can do in the meantime.

I suppose it should change to firm stool by Monday as the kitty gets used to it, right?

Hs little anus is a it red too. I was wondering if I can put some ointment on it?

I am not really a cat person, but I love animals in general. I just don't have as much experience with cats as I do with dogs.

He is the cutesy little guy ever! I will post a pic tomorrow when I am able.

He sleeps ok and is sort of calm but very alert

I have been having to obviously stimulate him to poop and pee. Maybe the napkins I use are too harsh?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Sorry about all the typos, I really need to sleep now.


Staff Member
Sep 18, 2005
Hi and welc to this Forums!

You seems to do excellently.

Not even hardly any typos although you are begging excuses for them... Anyway, we dont bother about such, as long as the message is understandable.

A good site about helping kittens in overall, and abandoned orphans in particular, is www.kitten-rescue.com. One of our veterans, Hissy, stands behind it.

If he doesnt eats much, try with giving him more often, if it is possible for you.
Can you get goat milk where you live? If yes, it may be the next try, if he doesnt eats even of this proper kmr-formula...

About the behind: if you have olive-oil, you could try with this. Probable other oils may also do, but its good olive oil which is recommended in many cases of sore skin and so.

Let others fill in!

Tx a lot, and good luck! *heart*


TCS Member
Young Cat
Jun 24, 2011
It might take some time for him to learn how to use the bottle. Keep offering it, maybe putting a little pressure on it so he can see the reward quicker. Is the hole to small so that he is tiring out while trying to suck?

As for his bum, I use a little mineral oil one my rescues or sudocrem (a baby cream). Paper towel might be a bit rough. Could be also that since there is little input, the output won't be as often or as much. When their bottoms are raw, I run them under warm water which will also stimulate them a bit more gently.

An abrupt change might account for the trots but so can things like parasites, or other illness.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2011
He is eating more now
he has not pooped, but I think it's because he is adapting to the formula still.

I read the page thanks for the link btw. I took the advice of making him a rice sock to keep him warm, the lil guy loves it.

I made the hole on the bottles nipple bigger which made it easier for him to eat. He's just relaxing right now next to the sock.

Will keep you posted (:
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jul 31, 2011
The kitten has been on the new diet for three days now. It is the kitten formula, he likes it fairly well.

He has not pooped since yesterday morning, and his belly seems swollen. He does not seem to be in pain or anything. He loves to sleep a lot and wakes up every 4 hours to eat and tires to walk some. He has been peeing normal though.

I called the vet and he said not to worry too much since the kitty is on a new formula and it really hasn't been that long. He said as long as he looks good and acts alert he should be fine.

I was wondering if anyone has had a similar situation? Any advice?

I have been feeding him every four hours, I set an alarm at night to make sure it's every 4 hours.
