2 new kittens in a separate room at night--is this okay?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Nov 27, 2012
Hubby and I were thinking about getting 2 new kittens very soon. Should we keep them in a separate room for the 1st month or so at night along with bedding, food, litter boxes? I hate the idea of doing that. Years ago when I first got my tabby kitten, right before bed I would take him to his box to do his business, then keep him in my room with me the entire night--just because I was worried about him roaming the house that young and small. He would get the "kitten crazies" and run up and down the bed, etc. but that was fine because he eventually tuckered himself out and fell asleep next to or on me. I would love to try that with two new ones, but I'm married, and the fact that it'll be two of them I'm afraid it'll get too crazy! Does anyone have experience with this? I also do want the cats to snuggle with us on the bed at night when they are a little older, like my previous cat. If we keep them in another room at first, do you think they will come around to sleeping on the bed with us? Any insight would be a huge help. Thanks!


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
You could look into getting them from the same litter.  My 2 were litter mates and the last 2 left.  When they were small we got a big wire dog crate that had room for a small litter box, food, water (which were kept at the other end away from the litter...it was never a problem) and their bed.  DH is allergic so they've never been able to sleep with us...unless they get in and DH is up already so he doesn't notice. 
  I think every cat I've ever had loves to sleep in bed with someone.  I've never slept with them when they are small; too worried about rolling on them and all that.  But all my cats growing up slept with me and my girls now sleep with me on the couch any time I'm there.

Honestly I thought it was easier to get 2 kittens at once.  They were very attached to each other.  They slept and played together all the time.  It felt like they got into less mischief because they had each other to play with.  I highly recommend it as long as you are prepared to do twice the vaccinations and spaying/neutering at once.  

I do think it's good to at least keep them in a room that is safe for them when you can't supervise them.  I kenneled my 2 both at night and when we  were not home.  At first they were in a bathroom but the first night they both wiggled out under the door!  They were about 11 weeks old.  We found them watching the fish tank in the living room. 
  They are now almost 8 years old.  They don't snuggle as often; but they still wrestle pretty much every day.  And they are just as attached to me as any of my kitties from growing up.

Hope all my rambling answered your questions some.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 4, 2011
Denton, Texas
I wouldn't leave two kittens alone at night in a different room, no. Especially if you want them to sleep with you later.
Part of having kittens is that they are crazy. Have you thought about getting two cats instead? They'll be able to sleep with you without being too bothersome and you'll save two lives.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 8, 2005
Not a problem having a kitten room set up for them to sleep in, or be in when you're not at home.

Many cats adjust just fine once they're used to a bedtime routine and will sleep with you when they're a little older. 