2 cats slight aggression...but a violent attack!


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2014
So i have 2 cats, Isis a tabby girl who is 14 who i have had since i rescued her as a stray kitten and Ryo-ohki, a rehomed cat (2 different times! :() who my friend was going to throw out and she is a tortie about 5 years old who was abused. It has taken about 2 years to get Ryo to the point where she will greet visitors and sit with people and sleep on our bed. She has turned into the most loving clingy cat just like Isis. They deal with each other, are okay eating with eachother (seperate bowls) and will sleep on the same bed. If either gets to close the other will let out a little hiss and they will go their separate ways without much else.

About a month ago Ryo was sleeping in the middle of the end of the bed. My fiancee was getting ready for work and Isis jumped on the bed right infront of Ryo (neither cat knew the other was there) and war ensued! the screaming, howling hissing and full on brawl woke me up terrified and neither cat would stop even with me yelling. We had to pull them apart and even then Ryo was spring-boarding herself off of the floor to try to get at Isis. My first thought was that it was panic, it was dark and this cat just appeared out of nowhere... i mean i would be scared too...but normally a yell would break up anything and with her spring-boarding in the air trying to get at her it was mildly insane. We put Isis in the living room and she calmed down almost immediately. Ryo however continued to growl for a few minutes and puff her tail and sniff everything. She did not mark anything and calmed down about 10 minutes later.

We had this event happen again this morning. Ryo was sleeping next to me and Isis jumped straight up off the floor onto her and the insane fight started again. No yelling, stomping or clapping stopped them so i pulled them apart and held Ryo for 10 minutes until her breathing relaxed and she stopped growling periodically. It terrified me both times. I mean pure terror.

Would you say they are just isolated incidents or is something more at play here? I am thinking of making a small set of stairs to go near the bed so she doesnt jump straight up. She is older and i figure it couldn't hurt to have them there... except maybe me bashing my toe on them in the middle of the night. We have many plants and also have frogs, lizards and fish so we have a lot of the outdoors inside for them. I just wanted some additional opinions. 



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 17, 2013
I think they're just isolated incidents and only happen when one frightens the other without meaning to. Ryo might think that the surprise "attack" by Isis is on purpose and that's why the fights are intense and hard to break up. I think the stairs are a good idea, that way neither cat is surprised by the other when they go on the bed. I hope they work for you guys and no more wars happen.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I think any two cats would start fighting if one jumped on the other and neither knew the other was there. My two boys have done it too, but they are flipping all over the place trying to get away, yours are fighters. One time something outside scared my two so bad that they attacked each other in the middle of the night and one even ended up with an abscess, so serious injury can happen. Since it doesn't happen at other times when they can see each other, I would say it's isolated incidences. If one was MEANING to jump on the other that is a different story. A 'stair' would be a good idea. Or move the sleeping cat to a spot that won't be in the landing zone. Good luck!
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TCS Member
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Mar 12, 2014
Well heres an update. Ryo is angry and wont let isis on the bed at the same time. She hisses and growls... but they are going to have to suck it up. The main reason i am worried is that we are moving sunday! But i guess that will give them a chance to get a new place together and maybe balance them back out
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TCS Member
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Mar 12, 2014
Ok so apparently Rio will not get over this. She is attacking isis at least 3 times a day now. Rio will be on the bed and isis will be walking by and one of those violent screaming attacks will ensue. I am getting a bit worried. Maybe the move today will stress them out enough to where they get along because they are in a new place?


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 17, 2013
Rio has the mindset that Isis is going to attack her because she's on the bed, it's where bad things happen to her. So I'd suggest separating them for awhile once you move into your new place and reintroduce them slowly again until they learn that neither is out to kill the other. Hope it goes well.
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  • #7


TCS Member
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Mar 12, 2014
Well all seems back to normal. They are eating next to eachother again with very little problems (an occasional hiss if miss chubby isis tries to steal ryos food) but i currently have isis laying on my chest and ryo curled up next to my rib cage. I cant move or roll over to sleep but this makes me happy :) and they are so much better and relaxed again... i must say though for ryo being so small she sounds like a elephant when she runs around!!! All her weight must be in her paws! Thanks so much everyone for your help!
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  • #8


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 12, 2014
I've had more time to observe and see situations... and this is how it goes... if Isis is sitting with me or laying on the bed with me and Ryo jumps up everythings fine. She can even lay next to Isis and we have no problem. Now if its the other way around or Isis leaves and Ryos still laying there when she tries to come back Ryo freaks out and violently attacks. Food time is fine they will even eat off the same plate, Isis takes over and Ryo wanders off so i do feed them seperately.... any ideas? Anyone ever had anything like this before? I mean completely ok if isisis first and ryo pops up but if ryos with me first its war. I wasnt sure if anyone might have dealt with this before or have any ideas. Thanks!!!
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