1st thread, need some real help with my kitty


TCS Member
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Sep 24, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Hey there everyone! First time 2 the board, but I sought it out because I am in a real dilemma with my cat Snuggles...

OK first off, Snuggles is a craigslist kitty. She was given to me for free by a family, and I should've known when the husband said, "Good luck" that there may be a problem.

So, things were fine when she was small, but I took her to a low cost veterinary clinic that spayed her and immunized her. Ever since, she hasn't been the same cat. She's always been a more confident kitty, but it's now turned into aggression. Even people that she's seen on a daily basis during her kittenhood, if they pick her up now, she attacks. Now I'm worried because I have a 5 year old special needs child, and she will literally "stalk" him through the house, then if he acknowledges her, she attacks.

She tried killing my pet bearded dragon, she's literally cost me HUNDREDS of dollars in damage to my home. She quite literally ripped up the carpet in the bedroom, then proceeded 2 shred all the padding out of it. She's ripped my screens, ripped open the armrest on my couch, ripped up wood trim ALL OVER.

She won't interact with me anymore unless it's aggressive play. I've never been a fan, but I've really avoided it because she is not declawed and has no understanding of how bad she hurts me. I'm not a fan of declawing, but I've seriously considered it as NOTHING as worked. Those little nail covers? Ya she chewed them off then proceeded 2 swallow one that thank goodness passed out of her system.

Anyway, I guess what I'm looking for is some insight and what the right decision for me might be. I feel this is not the home for her anymore. My husband and I had to move into a smaller place temporarily, and the lack of space has been an issue. I've thought of trying to rehome her, simply because I think maybe she would do better in a home where she can get the space and attention she wants. Thank you all in advance for your help. I WANT to keep her, but do you think she can be helped? Understand I don't have tons of time to sit and retrain her, but I am willing to put forth some effort to keep her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
I hope someone comes here with some advice for you. I have none, unfortunately, because I have never had an aggressive cat. Stay tuned, someone here will help you I am sure.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
One thing you might do is tell us how old she is and how long you have had her. Wasn't clear from your OP.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 14, 2010
I'm sure that someone with more knowledge will come along with better insight than I, but It seems to me that if her spaying by a "low cost" vet was the start of the issue, then maybe you should see another vet, ASAP.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Originally Posted by Subvet642

I'm sure that someone with more knowledge will come along with better insight than I, but It seems to me that if her spaying by a "low cost" vet was the start of the issue, then maybe you should see another vet, ASAP.
Oh most definitely. The thing is, it's not a veterinary clinic like you're thinking. It's just a low cost immunization/sterilization site. It's just for those things only...


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 14, 2010
Originally Posted by DetroitSnuggles

Oh most definitely. The thing is, it's not a veterinary clinic like you're thinking. It's just a low cost immunization/sterilization site. It's just for those things only...
Then definitely, take her to a proper vet!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 19, 2009
New York State
Hi there, hope I can help a bit. Cats will shred things. What you need to do is give her something of her own to shred, like a scratching post.

Please don't declaw. You will open a pandoras box of problems then. Many vets refuse to do it. Keep her claws trimmed properly, being careful not to go too far and nip the "quick" that is the blood supply. It is clearly visible with good light.

IMO she needs to be tired out. Play with her often and let her run and get pooped out more often. Maybe her need to get more exercise is coming out as aggression. I will re read the post later and post again if any more thoughts come to mind.

Others with more expertise will be along.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 1, 2010
Connecticut, USA
Originally Posted by Primula

One thing you might do is tell us how old she is and how long you have had her. Wasn't clear from your OP.
I'm BUMPING this one up in case OP didn't see it.

white cat lover

TCS Member
Nov 17, 2005
Welcome to TCS!

First off - I'd like to say that declawing will probably only make things worse. Also - before considering declawing please read this thread.

Now, to address the issue. You must take into account several factors. First, how was your kitty raised? How old was she when you got her? When did this behavior start? What types of major changes has she gone through? Anything coincide with the time she started "acting out"?

I also agree with the suggestion of making a vet appt & having a vet do a full exam to rule out the possibility of any medical problems.

I have 10 indoor cats. One despises other animals. She lived peacefully in my home for several years before she became "unhinged". We tried several behavior modification medications & have found one that works for her. She lives on her own in my office, happy as a clam. I've made adjustments/accommodations for her, simply because knowing her behavior I know no one will adopt her. And she stands no chance of survival outdoors.

So, if you're willing to work with ideas we can offer, we can hopefully help you come up with a solution to keep you, your family, & your kitty happy!
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TCS Member
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Sep 24, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Originally Posted by white cat lover

Welcome to TCS!

First off - I'd like to say that declawing will probably only make things worse. Also - before considering declawing please read this thread.

Now, to address the issue. You must take into account several factors. First, how was your kitty raised? How old was she when you got her? When did this behavior start? What types of major changes has she gone through? Anything coincide with the time she started "acting out"?
As far as declawing, I'd prefer NOT to do it...I've grown up with many cats, and she is by far the most troublesome. She gets so violent with her posts clawing on them, that she snapped the wooden base of one of them lol. Um, she was raised with just me when I first got her. Without telling my business 2 much, before I got married I had joint custody with my son so he wasn't here as much. She was VERY attached 2 me. When I got her, I suspect she was a tad bit younger then 8 weeks though the couple told me she was *guessing like 6 or 7*. She's always been destructive as far as clawing, but its escalated plus the add in with the aggressive behavior about 4 months ago when I had her spayed and immunized. As far as major changes, just my son coming over a couple extra days a week, but he really doesn't pay attention 2 her, mostly plays on his mini laptop or watches TV. The only thing I can say that's a marker for her behavior change would be the clinic I took her too.

*** Edited to Add: *** This is somewhat important I think now that I'm thinking. When I picked her up from the vet, I was told she ATTACKED 2 of the volunteers there. When I picked her up, she was in her crate that was inside a cage that had red tape all over it. She was growling and not happy. As soon as I got her out of there, she was fine.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Sep 22, 2010
Sarasota, FL
My heart goes out to you! It does sound like your poor kitty has suffered some sort of emotional trauma. I agree with everyone here, please don't declaw her. It's too cruel, and should you decide to rehome her, it'll be much tougher for the shelter to place her. I understand that you have your hands full, but it seems like this kitty just has a lot of energy to expel. Especially if she's young. She may need more play, or a cat tree to climb. (We have a cat gym for our cats and they love it. It really keeps them busy.) And, I think a vet visit with a different vet may be a good idea, too. As you know, kitty aggression can come from pain or discomfort. Also, you may want to consider an animal behaviorist. I can suggest someone if you're interested.
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TCS Member
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Sep 24, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Thank you everyone...I"m SO glad I got understanding...I came here because I had did some research and reached out to a few non profit agencies located in michigan. When I explained the situation to one of them, I got a very hateful and venomous email back. I was told that I think my cat is a throwaway pet (ya ok I've only spent hundreds of dollars fixing things she's destroyed over the last few months, plus toys, posts, whatever), and how it's only a matter of time that I don't have time or patience for my son, and how she'll take Snuggles just because I'm basically a "bad" person. I've raised cats by hand and rabbits, I've always been an animal lover. If I thought she was a throwawy pet, I would've gotten rid of her the first time she destroyed something *like my couch!!*, but I didn't. * sigh * I really do love my pet, I just want 2 do what's best for her. I just told her politely that she did not know me and had no right whatsoever to speak about my relationship with my son. As far as declawing, I'm not for it, but my cat won't let me trim her nails. I've even tried wrapping her in a towel so I could do it, and I'm afraid because she struggles so much and fights it, that I may hurt her restraining her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 7, 2008
As has been said Snuggles needs to see the vet first. Some cats are just "wired" wrong.

There is a rare condition called Limbic Rage Syndrome, or she could have some sort of brain injury from abuse.

Sometimes medication is the only answer. If it will save Snuggles, I'm all for it. Declawing will not solve her problems, or yours. It will only make her worse.

Please do take her to a reputable vet and discuss the possibility of medications (such as amitriptyline)

Thank you for caring so much and being willing to go the distance with this little girl. A cat with issues like hers should never be rehomed, as she would most likely end up dumped on the street.

Welcome to TCS and please do keep us posted on Snuggles.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 30, 2007
Wow, DS, just wow! I have never had to deal with a raging and aggressive cat. I am wondering if the anesthesia did something to her or something happened while she was under. (eg - brain damage)

I am also confused. You have had her since she was a tiny kitten? Or you got her as an adult?

Absolutely agree that no matter how horrible it might be, she needs to go to a REAL vet. Sounds like you took her someplace like All About Animals in Warren for her shots and spay.

I would start out with the usuals here - Feliway plug ins and Bach's Rescue Remedy either in her water or on a few of her favorite treats. Also, as tough as it is, she would need to be retrained re: aggressive play. There is a sticky at the top of this sub-forum on aggressive cats. I would read that. It may help.

I had a fear aggressive cat that I rescued. He bit me pretty badly a couple of times. Had to start over from scratch and build a relationship with him ... letting him know that putting his teeth on me was unacceptable. PM me if you want to know what I did. In this case, he was sweet, but VERY FEARFUL... not the same as your sitch, I know, but maybe I can help. (Note that I am still considering using Elavil on him, over a year later b/c of his anxieties.)

I also find that if I use Feliway spray on my furniture, the boys scratch there a whole lot less. Chairs are already quite damaged b/c I didn't act quickly enough

ETA: is there anyone who can help you trim Snuggle's claws. At least the front ones? I find covering their eyes helps calm them a little bit... either with a muzzle or your hand. Mostly, they don't like it or they are panicking b/c they are not in control of their paws. My boyfriend holds and I trim as quickly as I can.
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 24, 2010
Detroit, Mi
LOL yep you hit it right on the nose A, I did go to All About Animals in Warren. I am going to take her 2 a vet in the next week or 2, but please shoot me a PM on the techniques you used with your cat. I will say this, my cat is also a bit food obsessive (OK not a bit she is obsessed lol) so I will say this on a good note about Snuggles. I started making my 5 year old son give Snuggles treats when he comes into the house (joint custody). I'm thinking, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the fact that he's only a semi regular member of the household that she kinda loses the bond with him. The treats kinda work to a point. The fact is though, is he almost never approaches her. I think she just has a hard time distinguishing "play" from "aggression" maybe. My husband told me the same thing: Don't rehome her. Someone else may dump her. I am definitely going to look into that feliway. I did try some natural thing before...A friend made some with like citrus juice and stuff idk but Snuggles was only a wee bit fazed by it. I think it's because she's built an immunity to it because I clean with citrus cleaners. Snuggles is definitely the hardest cat I've ever had 2 deal with. And yes, I've had her since she was a little baby probably about 7 weeks...