13 Week Old Kitten Pooping Outside The Litter Box


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 18, 2018
So i have 2 cats 1 years old a male and female, they both share the same litter box and i have had no issues with them ever they are perfect.

We have a 13 weeks old kitten, we have had her for well over a month now and she wont seem to use ANY litter tray to poo in, some days she will go into the other 2 cats litter tray witch they share and have a poo some day she will go in her litter tray to have a poo but like every other day she will just use a random post on the carpet

It is really getting to me and becoming hard work, i dont know what to do, we use wood chip, but today im going to try change to stoned litter, we never let the big cats into her litter tray but then why would it matter when she some day happily goes into there litter tray

The cats have integrated well and are house cats.

I need help


Professional Cat lady
Mar 7, 2017
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Hey! there can be an array of reasons your cat won't/can't use their litter box correctly.
Simple reasons:
  • it's too close to their food or water - cats think that anything too near their food is contaminated and therefore won't utilise it, equally if their food is too near where they toilet they may think their food is contaminated by their waste;
  • it's too close to the other litter box - Cats need to feel safe when they use the toilet, it's instinctual, that's why they try to cover their poops!;
  • s/he doesn't like the feeling of the litter - some cats have issues with texture and will only use litter that feels good under-paw, try using something soft like sawdust, sand or very fine litter.
  • Not clean enough - Cats are very sensitive to smells, if the litterbox isn't emptied out or cleaned regularly enough, it might put them off wanting to use it.
Less simple reasons:
  • They may be experiencing discomfort or pain when they use the toilet -t's possible they have a bladder or bowel problem that makes going to the toilet painful or uncomfortable, get them seen by the Vet;
  • It's too high - the sides of the litter box might be a little too high for them, try a lower one for easier access?
  • Stress - Cats can and do experience stress, especially within new environments or new living arrangements, your cats may seem well integrate but there may still be some residual stress from their introduction, keep an eye on them and ow they interact and maybe have the kittens litterbox far away from the other cats usual hang outs.

I am in no way saying you haven't done these thing or questioning that you care properly for your cats, I realise this list might come across a bit preachy, sorry! Just thought I'd include as much info as possible to help you get to the bottom of your Litter Box Woes!

I hope this helps!


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Hello and welcome to TCS.

When the kitten poops on the carpet, is it near a litter box? Is it normal consistency, or more like diarrhea or like she's constipated. Sometimes when it hurts "to go" cats avoid the litter box. When you clean up after her, try putting the waste in the litter box, and letting her see/smell it.

Also, how many litter boxes do you have? With 3 cats, the "recommendation" is 4 boxes - one per cat, plus one. So maybe try adding another litter box.