1 Month Old Kitten Died, Please Help :(


TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2019
We got a kitten from a pet shop, it was more of a outdoors pet stall. This is in India. He looked about a month old and was covered in fleas and dirty, and also skinny. We brought him home and cleaned him and he seemed to adjust to us fast, he was sitting on us and purring a lot. He was refusing to eat cerelac, which is the milk formula type of thing that young animals are always fed here. For the first 1.5 or 2 days he was refusing it and didnt eat anything at all. So we started syringing it into his mouth. And about a day later we gave him the wet packet food which he started eating well and ever since then he ate that everyday (that was about two weeks ago). The wet packet food was labelled 2 to 12 months but it's the only thing he would eat, he had a good appetite for it and his stools were solid. We don't know his actual age but because of his size we thought he's around a month.
We converted one of the bathrooms in our house into his room, at first it was kind of empty except for a box for him to sleep in, then we added a litter box and bed. But couldn't find proper kitten beds in a pet shop here and his bed was actually a soft rug folded 4 times to make it smaller and thicker, but it didn't have any enclosure on the sides.

We fed him through the day and he always had water, I wish he had been given more attention during the day but most of the time we have him proper attention it was at night. He used to cry in the room sometimes during the day. We used to make sure he's properly fed and then at night time we used to let him out and cuddle him and stroke and carry him. He was always purring and such a sweet kitten.

A few times this past week he threw up white foam. Not food though, once it had a few food particles but otherwise just white foam. It was a small to medium amount that he would throw up, he used to make the movement with his body like he needs to throw up and seem like he's trying to spit something out. We did some research and thought it's a hairball. Since he wasn't throwing up food and his stools were normal at the time. His appetite was also very good and was always eating well. We refreshed the water everyday but I don't know how much he drank. Sometimes I saw urine in the litter box.
2 nights ago we were cuddling and playing with him, he was going from lap to lap and climbing up on shoulders and he was eating well. This was all around 2 am - 3 am. He was purring and warm. He sneezed a few times but otherwise no major change in his behaviour. We refreshed his food and water again and put him in his room to sleep, this was around 4 am. We heard him meowing around 5 am, it was the normal meow hd sometimes gave when he heard noise or wanted attention. We went to bed and some hours later around 9 am we saw that he had passed away. It was devastating. He wasn't on his bed but lying in a wooden box in the room. He might have passed away a few hours earlier.

What do you think happened? Please help. I wish we had done an autopsy.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Sometimes these things happen, and the reasons for doing so are too numerous to pinpoint exactly what happened. Sudden death in kittens can be a genetic problem with the heart, or from previous malnutrition/disease that eventually overcame his underdeveloped defenses.
I hope you can remember that you gave him what all babies want, love and care, and that you had no way of knowing this was going to happen. You gave him a much better chance at life than what he had at that pet shop, where he most likely picked up distemper or some other fatal disease. He was too young to have built up a good defence or had proper vaccinations. It sounds like you did all you could, and I'm sure he thanks you for letting him know there was kindness and warmth in his tiny world.
You have a big heart, try not to dwell on his death, but make his short life more important, as it should be. He had a hard start to life and you made it better, that is what counts. Please know I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, know his tiny soul will be forever bound to your own and he will now live on through you now, so send him thoughts of joy and love as he so richly deserves......RIP sweet boy, you will never be forgotten, you will forever have a secure place in a loving heart. Goodnight, sleep tight, precious one!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 4, 2019
Thank you so much, I feel blessed to have received your words. It's been hard to stop thinking about it and wondering what happened to him and if there's any way we could have intervened faster and prevented it. I hope he knows he was always loved and will be loved. I will never forget him. We were lucky to be blessed with his love, the way he gave love so generously. He will always be in my heart. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and for your sweet words. It really means a lot.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 28, 2018
You found him to open your hearts even more to compassion. He gave unconditional love and you returned it. You gave him a save place to live his short life, and a bond of love that will live forever between you and him. There is no more and no less to life and forever.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Poor little one. Rest you gentle, dream you deep. You walk in someone's heart forever.

Such a short little life. Yes, the possible reasons have been given. This happens, and it does, indeed, break our hearts. Perhaps, just perhaps, this kitten came into your lives because some kind spirit knew he would not be here long, and wanted his short life to be filled with care, and love. With soft voices and gentle hands. He left this world loved and cared for, and he is remembered by more people than he ever knew existed. I honor his memory, and your care for him, in my heart now and always.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 14, 2018
I don't know honestly but if it was a month old it would need body heat, kittens don't regulate their body heat and they need something warm to touch while sleeping. Not sure what the white foam he threw up looked like, but I've heard that bubbles around the mouth / spit when throwing up indicates toxication. My thoughts are either cold or something in the bathroom that he might have eaten?

Anyway, I kind of feel you, recently I've been leaving my cat locked in the room for a long time cause the rest of the apartment is under construction, and the thought constantly crosses my mind that I might one day open the door to find the cat dead or something. I am so sorry this happened to you.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Jan 13, 2017
That happens in human babies too. Science is not so advanced.

Autopsy in cats requires high qualification, so i doubt it can reveal to much.

The causes of such sad event, from what I know, range from heart disease to intoxication or metabolism shutdown.


In the wild, only a percentage of cubs survive to adulthood. That is the Law. We cant change it.

In the Wild, your Cat could not survive so much. So, your care resulted in a longer and happier life than in Wild. You are a nice person and caring Human!

Hugs and milkdrops here for [name him] the Cat!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Oct 22, 2018
Tallahassee, Florida
Everyone else has already said what I would, that these things can happen in the very young or even in general, things that are dormant that we have no way of knowing exist. I am certain that you saved his life and filled it with love and a quality of life, which is surely better than a long life of misery. I am so sorry this happened to you all. Thank you for loving this baby, my heart breaks for you both. Sending you peace and comfort. Rest now, little one.