What's your love story?

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Jul 1, 2005
Edmonton, Canada
Originally Posted by Charcoal

Well our best friends were dating and mine wanted me to go to the bar that night with her. I did not want to go but went anyway. Same thing with his friend and he showed up. We met and became friends first. He predicted our best friends would get married the night they met, and they did. Three weeks later we start dating and he had a temporary TDY so he left for that. His ex, who I thought was my friend, decided she wanted him back (they only dated two weeks and she couldn't stand him being happy with me) and was sending him letters and emails and junk bad mouthing me. I told him if he wanted her back, let me know and he could have her. Then he proposed through a very pretty e-card and told his ex to leave him alone. A few short months later, he left for Korea for a year so when he came home on leave, we got married. A few months later, he stayed in Korea and brought me over. Our best friends have been married one year longer than we have but our Anniversaries are only four days apart. We just celebrated our third Anniversary
Awww...very cute. Boy, that ex got a rude awakening, eh?

Happy anniversary.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
Michigan USA
My Hubby and I met in Hogh School.
He has always said it was "love at first sight" for him...with me it was "like at first sight"....but not even being 15 , and not allowed to date yet, I was`nt really looking for anyone. (He`d just turned 16 himself) So I kept politely turning down his invite to ball games, a soda, a movie etc. (Did`nt want to have to tell him I was`nt allowed to date till I ws 16 anyhow!)
I was part of a big church youth group, and several of my friends were trying to get me to invite Larry to one of our get togethers....but knowing he liked me...well, I did`nt want him to get the "wrong idea".
Then, about the time I was turning 15, the youth directors, who also happened to be my parents, had planned an ice skating party...and a couple of friends informed me that they had told Larry I was going to invite him....GEE! I could`nt believe they had done that! So now he was expecting an invitation. I asked my parents first...and since it was a group function,,,, they did`nt consider it a date....so I invited him to "go with US". Larry had already become friends himself with several of our youth group....so at least I was`nt asking him to go alone with me....come to find out, those girls had LIED to get me to ask him!!! (Can you imagine those sweet little Christian girls lying?!?!STINKERS!!!
Anyhow...that was "all she wrote". He started coming to different things that our group was doing and before long we fell in love. Everybody kept saying "puppy love"....but we got married at 16 & 17 and will be married for 40 years this next March 6th.
Now in case some of you gals out, there who are looking for the love of your life, and think this sounds like a perfect fairy tale...just know that we, like any other couple that stays married for a lifetime...have had our problems too.
We have 3 children that are grown and 2 that are in Heaven. We have built 4 houses together (some pleople have said that is the true test of a marriage...if you can stay together through the building of a home.....he he he) We almost lost one of our daughters to a serious head injury a few years ago ..and have had other "UPS & DOWNS" just like everyone else does.....but, even though we were very young when we got married, we promised each other not to ever talkabout the "D-word", but to always work at working out our problems together.....and we are so glad we did.
we are each others BEST FRIEND....he still buys me flowers and I love to wait on him hand and foot whenever he first comes home from work....our biggest dread now, as we get older, is thinking of a time to come, when more likely than not...one of us will have to "move on" for awhile without the other one.....but you know what? We have had more happiness together in our lifetime than most people have...and so we know that those sweet memories, and our faith in God, will see us through until we meet again in Heaven.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 30, 2003
Under the cats, mostly.
Hrmn... I'm not sure if there is anything romantic about my story really....

I met Rune while rambling drunkenly over a chatroom on the internet - telling him all about how Asa had treated me badly and then left me. He did drop everything to come and stay for a week to make sure I was ok, though.

Four years on, we live together. I'm still waiting for the big question. And I could probably be waiting for a looooooong time too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 15, 2005
NE Arkansas
Awwww...such great love stories!!!
My hubby and I met in high school when I was 15 and he was 16. We dated throughout the summer and by the begining of school we were obsessed with each other!! We had our schedules worked out so that we would have all our afternoon classes together and when he graduated at the end of my junior year, I was crushed not to be able to spend all day every day with him!!
We moved in together shortly after I graduated high school and lived together for a year and a half when one day out of the blue he asked me to marry him!! We had been talking about it forever but hadn't put much thought into a date yet and I certainly didn't expect it when it happened!! It was so cute though!!
He came in from work and I was finishing dinner. He went and jumped in the shower and I sat down at the table to read a magazine. The next thing I know, there he is in the kitchen, in nothing but a towel mind you, on one knee!!! I laughed, then I cried, then I said yes!! We got married on March 19 of this year and have never been happier!
He's the most wonderful, gorgeous, unselfish man I've ever known!! I'm so so lucky to have him all for me!!!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 2, 2005
North Carolina
Steve and I have been dating for over 9 years. Our best friends had been dating and they set us up on a blind date. We were both in high school, though different ones. We went to a pool hall for the date and then as we were driving home, almost hit a cow. (Upstate NY has a lot of them) We started dating then, but I was going to college and didn't want anything serious. Well, one night a week before I left for college he told me he loved me. I told him he was a fool and threw him out of the car (it was parked) As it turned out, I loved him also. We spent four years only seeing each other on weekend and summers. When I graduated I found a job right away and we were still dating. We moved in with each other and just last Christmas Eve he proposed. (Better late than never
He even moved with me to NC to my new job. He is the best!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 14, 2005
Windy City Kitty :)
I met Ian my freshman year of college. We lived in the same dorm, he lived across the hall. We both contend that when we met, we knew there was something out-of-the-ordinary about the other. We fell in love steadily throughout the year, refusing to admit it until the spring because it gets to a point where you just can't deny these things any longer. Of course, being as how we were 18, our story is not without drama. Here's the short version: At the beginning of the year, I turned Ian down because it was 'so like me' to always have a boyfrined. I wanted to spend my first year of college being single. So, Ian started dating my best friend and I started going out on no strings attached dates with various individuals. One of those individuals was using me to get some, which he was not going to get from me, and I found out, and so we broke it off. Well, Ian and I got to talking about the startingly large occurence of sleazy guys at college, we made a bet about something, he lost and so he had to take me out on a date.

He took me to an extremely fancy resturant down by where Oprah lives. It was so. much. fun. Of course, we were just going out as glorified friends because he had recently broken up with my best friend and to have something more would totally break the best friend code of conduct. At the end of the date he asked me if he could kiss me. I thought about Cheryl and how much I valued our friendship...and I kissed him.

Not only did I kiss him, but I continued to go on dates with him. And Cheryl continued to have this huge unrequited love for him. And Ian and I started to fall in love with each other. Without anyone knowing of course. I don't know why I did this. Love makes people do crazy things. I just thought I could stop it and I really wanted to protect Cheryl. Little did I know...I guess we all learn this kind of lesson, huh?

Well, this went on for a while, and eventually Ian and I cracked. This was in April. We spent a day on teh lakefront with our bikes and had a picnic and walked around Navy Pier drinking ridiculously expensive lemon shake-ups that I got for free because my dentist father seems to be relatively famous in this city. It was a dream. It was something tht came right out of a movie. We knew we had to let everyone know. Now, Cheryl hated us for a while and even moved out of our dorm room. But that was relatively short lived and, if anything, she and I are even closer now.

As far as Ian and I, we're still going strong. Talks of engagement are in the works. His mom even let slip to me that he has a ring. I love the kid more and more every single day of my life. We're been together ("unoffcially" as our first date was in November) for almost 2 years and we never run out of things to do, see, talk about, share with each other.

Here's a picture:

boys mum

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 7, 2005
i used to work for a chemist,i used to deliver medication to old folk ect.and i was delivering to a neighbour of charlies,and i held the door open for him all i could see was the most sexy eyes (brown) he had his crash helmet on and all dressed in leather (shiver) and we just kept meeting up,took ages eventully we went out,we spoke for hours,and i found when i wasnt with him i missed him like crazy,i got a warm feeling in my chest when i thought of him (still do
) and eventully he moved in with me with his 2 cats LOL i had a dog (that was fun and we where at a wedding reception and I propsed to him
even got it in writing so he couldnt back out the next day saying he couldnt remember.
but we have been together 9 years and married 5 years,can spend 24/7 and still get on we do a lot of talking,and plenty of cuddles,love him to bits

and ill let u into a little secret hes 13 years younger than me,and i can tell u age difference dont count.

boys mum

TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 7, 2005
forgot to add this neighbour i was delivering meds to had a crush on charlie but he wasnt interested,she wasnt too happy
tried everything to split us up (didint work )


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 11, 2005
Wellington, New Zealand
My bf and I were introduced by a mutual friend 3 years ago. We were friends for about 6 months before we started dating, something I can highly recommend!!

After we'd been together for about a year, he walked in the door from work one day and blurted out "I love you".
We both knew how in love we felt, but he still took me by surprise

We have been living together for about a year now and I my heart still skips a beat every time I think about him and every time I wake up and he's there beside me


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 6, 2004
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Where to start, I met my first hubby through a friend, I loved him from he minute I saw him, I was 16 when we got married, we were married for 34 years, had 3 daughters, he passed away in july 1995 he was just short of 50. I felt like my life was over, I just couldn't beleive I had been handed something so terrible at that time in my life, and it was the hardest thing anyone could go through.
But somehow you manage, you choose to move ahead the best way you can or fold up and fall apart, the latter may have been the easier choice, but I couldn't do that so I struggled to stay strong.
You just feel like your life is over, and that you can never be happy again, but 3 years later I met a very special person online.
This great person has saved me emotionally, he had been a batchlor for 12 years, in the Navy for 20 years, and we have been married for 8 yrs now, he retired from the navy with 25 yrs, he is a very bright person with more intergerty then anyone I have ever know, he's a wonderful provider, very kind and special in many many ways,
He came into my life when I felt the worst, I am almost 8 yrs older then him, and I told him I may be to old for you, and he replied to old for what. We have a nice life he would do anything in the world for me and I would for him, I do have to say it is not the same because it's not how I had my life planned, My oldest Daughter would always ask me are you Happy, and I always say I am as Happy as I can be. But I Love him, I am Thankful for him, and Thankful for my life. I feel very fournate to have had 2 wonderful men in my life.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 5, 2005
Michigan USA
Oh halfpint...I`m reall sorry for the loss of your first husband...esp at such an early age. I can only imagine how hard that must have been for you. I can hardly stand such a thought...but I do know it happens.
I`m thankful that you have found somebody else to share your life with...and I wish you as many happy years with him as you had with your first hubby.
My Mom lost my Dad to Leukemia when he was only 47...after almost 25 years of marriage. She is now married to my step dad, who is also a wonderful man...only different than my dad was...and that`s OK...he IS a different person. They have now been married for almost 31 years....I feel very blessed to have had 2 such great dads, especiallly since so many do`nt get even one good man to look up to.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Originally Posted by maherwoman

What's the story behind you meeting your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife? Do you live together? Are you engaged? Are you married?

When did these things happen in your relationship?
My husband and I have been married for 2 years, 4 months, and 8 days. (I know the day count because he's been into telling me lately
) We met in March of 2001. He was friends with a friend of mine living in the base dorms. I didn't really see him for a few months after that. The he and our mutual friend became room mates off base in what is now our house. He's laid back like me so it took time to get to know eachother first.

In October of that year he was deployed and everything had just been getting good! But it turned out that his deployment was cut short. When he came back we started dating, November 13, 2001.

That next March he was deployed again. He came home June 7th. On September 7th we got engaged. Then the next June 7th we got married. The old roommate was in the wedding but as of now neither of us are friends with him.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2005
Unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the
I spent 4 years of my life with a man who was very kind and loving but we realised we weren't really in love and should never had been anything more than friends. So after some heartache, that's where we are. Just good friends.

Now I'm 27 and still waiting for my love story


TCS Member
Jul 26, 2005
Originally Posted by marie-p

I spent 4 years of my life with a man who was very kind and loving but we realised we weren't really in love and should never had been anything more than friends. So after some heartache, that's where we are. Just good friends.

Now I'm 27 and still waiting for my love story
That's a shame, but you know, it's better than just carrying on with a pretence. I'm sure your love story is just waiting to be written any day now!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2004
Originally Posted by cat mom X4

I met my husband at a tattoo shop (of all places!!). I went with my sister to get her first tattoo and there he was. It was love at first sight. He worked there, so I knew I had a little bit of time to assess the situation. By the time we were ready to leave, he asked if I wanted to go get some coffee together. I went, and we haven't been apart since. A week later he asked me to marry him! We were married two weeks later at the beach. In December, we will be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary. I laugh now at the people who put bets on us not making it to our first anniversary!!!! I have no doubt that my husband is my soulmate.
wow you just made my eyes nearly pop out!!
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 1, 2005
Edmonton, Canada
Originally Posted by stampit3d

My Hubby and I met in Hogh School.
He has always said it was "love at first sight" for him...with me it was "like at first sight"....but not even being 15 , and not allowed to date yet, I was`nt really looking for anyone. (He`d just turned 16 himself) So I kept politely turning down his invite to ball games, a soda, a movie etc. (Did`nt want to have to tell him I was`nt allowed to date till I ws 16 anyhow!)
I was part of a big church youth group, and several of my friends were trying to get me to invite Larry to one of our get togethers....but knowing he liked me...well, I did`nt want him to get the "wrong idea".
Then, about the time I was turning 15, the youth directors, who also happened to be my parents, had planned an ice skating party...and a couple of friends informed me that they had told Larry I was going to invite him....GEE! I could`nt believe they had done that! So now he was expecting an invitation. I asked my parents first...and since it was a group function,,,, they did`nt consider it a date....so I invited him to "go with US". Larry had already become friends himself with several of our youth group....so at least I was`nt asking him to go alone with me....come to find out, those girls had LIED to get me to ask him!!! (Can you imagine those sweet little Christian girls lying?!?!STINKERS!!!
Anyhow...that was "all she wrote". He started coming to different things that our group was doing and before long we fell in love. Everybody kept saying "puppy love"....but we got married at 16 & 17 and will be married for 40 years this next March 6th.
Now in case some of you gals out, there who are looking for the love of your life, and think this sounds like a perfect fairy tale...just know that we, like any other couple that stays married for a lifetime...have had our problems too.
We have 3 children that are grown and 2 that are in Heaven. We have built 4 houses together (some pleople have said that is the true test of a marriage...if you can stay together through the building of a home.....he he he) We almost lost one of our daughters to a serious head injury a few years ago ..and have had other "UPS & DOWNS" just like everyone else does.....but, even though we were very young when we got married, we promised each other not to ever talkabout the "D-word", but to always work at working out our problems together.....and we are so glad we did.
we are each others BEST FRIEND....he still buys me flowers and I love to wait on him hand and foot whenever he first comes home from work....our biggest dread now, as we get older, is thinking of a time to come, when more likely than not...one of us will have to "move on" for awhile without the other one.....but you know what? We have had more happiness together in our lifetime than most people have...and so we know that those sweet memories, and our faith in God, will see us through until we meet again in Heaven.
Awww!! That is such a beautiful story!! Wow...40 years...I can't wait until I can tell people the same about my marriage. We vowed to each other to never talk about the d-word, too. I look forward to many happy memories...
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  • #38


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 1, 2005
Edmonton, Canada
Originally Posted by LilleKat

Hrmn... I'm not sure if there is anything romantic about my story really....

I met Rune while rambling drunkenly over a chatroom on the internet - telling him all about how Asa had treated me badly and then left me. He did drop everything to come and stay for a week to make sure I was ok, though.

Four years on, we live together. I'm still waiting for the big question. And I could probably be waiting for a looooooong time too.
Awww...well, hopefully that time will come soon.
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  • #39


TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 1, 2005
Edmonton, Canada
Originally Posted by maddensmom

Awwww...such great love stories!!!
My hubby and I met in high school when I was 15 and he was 16. We dated throughout the summer and by the begining of school we were obsessed with each other!! We had our schedules worked out so that we would have all our afternoon classes together and when he graduated at the end of my junior year, I was crushed not to be able to spend all day every day with him!!
We moved in together shortly after I graduated high school and lived together for a year and a half when one day out of the blue he asked me to marry him!! We had been talking about it forever but hadn't put much thought into a date yet and I certainly didn't expect it when it happened!! It was so cute though!!
He came in from work and I was finishing dinner. He went and jumped in the shower and I sat down at the table to read a magazine. The next thing I know, there he is in the kitchen, in nothing but a towel mind you, on one knee!!! I laughed, then I cried, then I said yes!! We got married on March 19 of this year and have never been happier!
He's the most wonderful, gorgeous, unselfish man I've ever known!! I'm so so lucky to have him all for me!!!
Awww!! I love reading these stories...so ROMANTIC!!!! How wonderful...

We just got married June 4th...so I guess we're newlyweds, too!
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TCS Member
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Super Cat
Jul 1, 2005
Edmonton, Canada
Originally Posted by emsteve

Steve and I have been dating for over 9 years. Our best friends had been dating and they set us up on a blind date. We were both in high school, though different ones. We went to a pool hall for the date and then as we were driving home, almost hit a cow. (Upstate NY has a lot of them) We started dating then, but I was going to college and didn't want anything serious. Well, one night a week before I left for college he told me he loved me. I told him he was a fool and threw him out of the car (it was parked) As it turned out, I loved him also. We spent four years only seeing each other on weekend and summers. When I graduated I found a job right away and we were still dating. We moved in with each other and just last Christmas Eve he proposed. (Better late than never
He even moved with me to NC to my new job. He is the best!
Awww...congratulations on getting engaged!! Have you guys set a date yet?