Problem with Feral/Stray cats in Maine


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Staff Member
Oct 23, 2000
Oops! I'm so sorry but I must have deleted this thread by mistake. Here is a reconstruction -

Posted by CommradeKitties:
My Mom lives in an elderly housing project - she had a Mom stray and wild cat have a litter of 3 of the cutest kits last Summer - Mom has all but abandonded them - we live in Maine it is getting cold -she has called numerous rescue organizations and they are willing to catch, neuter, give shots and then bring them back and release them to live a normal life as a feral cat. I do not understand " a normal life as a feral cat" - yes they will have shots but they can only give one they need more - they come to her door and the neighbors feed them but management wants them gone - she hs an indoor cat so can't take them - she is in her late 70's also - I can't take them as I have many now - what ever happened to finding homes . They can't be brought back to the complex because they will call animal rescue and they will put them to sleep - If I had a garage which I do not I would take them in and try to socialize them , they appear very healthy - what to do ?
Posted by Anne
How old are the kittens? The older they get, the more difficult it's gonna be to socializa and find good homes for them.

That is a problem. Maybe you can find a no-kill shelter that would be willing to take them in and socialize them? Tell them about the situation and that the cats might be put to sleep by the local authorities.

I hope that as these forums grow, there will be people here that will be able to help with specific cases.

Best of luck and warm regrads to your mom!
Posted by CommradeKitties
The kittens are about 3-4 months old - there are NO no kill shelters around here - that is the problem - I have contacted and so has Mom of the agencies here and they just want to spay/neuter and release. Is this the way nowadays? Linda
Posted by Anne
TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) is now the recommended way to deal with feral colonies. What bothers me is that you say that even if the cats are neutered, they still face the danger of being put to sleep by the local authorities.

Maybe you can talk with the people in charge of the complex? Sometimes when you tell neighbors that the cats are neutered (no noise at nights and no spraying) and vaccinated, they don't mind so much.

Itâ€[emoji]8482[/emoji]s actually not so bad for them to get their shots just once. Some vets actually recommend this. They should get rabies shots and these are good for three years. After three years, I guess they can trap the cats again, just to give them the booster.

I think you can learn more about TNR projects in the links to these organizations:


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 28, 2000
N. Carolina
Oh this is so upsetting. I guess we're lucky over here. When people dump off their unwanted pets out here in the country, we have enough room to take them in, get them healthy and find good homes for them.

I'll be back to post a phone number... I belong to EARS - (a disaster rescue team), they might have a list at the headquarters of no kill shelters that were worked with before in your state. Hopefully, they might have one on the list, that is within driving distance of your area. Well dur, let me just grab my notebook... it should be in there.

Ok, here's the number: 1-916-429-2457. It's in California so you'll probably need to adjust your time to call them. I think the main office is open from 8 am to 4:30 pm. Gosh, I hope they can help... but just to avoid any confusion, EARS is a rescue orginization that goes into disaster areas, (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc) sets up a rescue center and works with the local animal shelters in coordinating placement of pets. Any animal rescued is either fostered out or placed in no kill shelters. They don't provide no kill shelters, but rather work with them. Just didn't want you to think that they would come out and rescue the kittens themselves... well, unless there was a disaster in your area, of course. Then people would be mobilized and a team and center set up. ok, whew... just yacking away here. sorry.

[Edited by blinc on 12-09-2000 at 06:41 AM]