Advice Needed On What Is The "BEST" Canned Cat Food To Buy To Live On After Subtotal Colon Resection


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Hello Cat Forum Friends.....

 My cat Nala whom is an 11 1/2 year old Siamese that just under went one week ago a Subtotal Colon Resection which means 3 to 4 inches of colon was left and the rest removed.

This Monday the vet and I are going to discuss what is the "BEST" wet canned food brands on the market, what are the "BEST" ingredients and what are the "BEST" flavors to use that I should purcahse. I would appreciate any and "ALL" feedback from anyone with a post op Mega colon cat that had this surgery and living happily, what food does your kitty live on....

Thank you Sincerely,

Karin Marie & Nala:)


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Feb 7, 2006
Columbus OH
I haven't had any experience with this.  I know we normally say that vet's aren't the best source of info about nutrition but I think this may be an exception,


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I haven't had any experience with this.  I know we normally say that vet's aren't the best source of info about nutrition but I think this may be an exception,
.  With just a few inches of colon left, I'm thinking this is definitely an exception to the rule, and that your Vet IS the best one to handle this one, especially since no one else has responded who's actually had a cat with this surgery.. 

How's she doing?
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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Hello Denise....

 Maybe the people on this forum don't have cats that had Mega Colon and the resection done I guess but I joined because I saw so many posts about Mega Colon cats...Maybe they have the disease and have not gotten the surgery....I know they say don't rely on the Vet do your own research and I agree and I am but not finding anything I am looking for, strange but I guess I will have to rely on him...
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  • #5


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Jul 6, 2014
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Hello to you and thank you for reaching out. I agree I think I need to work with my Vet to figure this out beginning tomorrow. As I told Denise I joined this forum because when I was browsing a lot of people have cats with Mega Colon so I thought they would respond but maybe none of them had surgery? Your right I am not getting any responses....I have done my own research but I cant find anything concrete which is odd...

Thank you for asking about Nala...She is doing good, suture on belly is finally healing from opening up a few times prolonging the healing because you just cant keep a cat down especially a Siamese so she has ripped it open a few times with a er visit to the vet to re glue it closed so Since Friday my daughter and I are watching her around the clock because the E collar does not stop her from jumping it actually temps her more to jump and push the envelope if you can believe that...I can she is a Siamese:) As far as surgery she is having a stool everyday which is great that is what the vet wants. She has not gone every day in years it was always every 4 days so this is a blessing and exciting to look in her box and see it daily sometimes twice as finny as that sounds....

However, Nala started vomiting, not a lot but once a day since Friday and I don't know why. It is mostly many hours late after she has eaten so she is digested because it is yellowish liquid I am assuming bile. One of the times it had a tinge of blood to it from irritation I guess? Once she vomited up shortly after she ate so I don't understand why but it is depressing me. It has been expensive and emotional 6 weeks from trying everything before surgery to get her colon to work and it failed right up until surgery last Saturday and now vomiting is starting....I am just tired and wore out of it all I am exhausted and don't want to deal with this anymore it is to much...When he did the surgery before he removed the colon he opened her up checked all her organs and he said her liver pancreas stomach and intestines looked good everything was working good and healthy so why is she vomiting?? He sent her home with critical care wet food from royal canin for post surgery it keeps her stool lose while stitched colon is healing internally so I just don't know but I have to call him obviously about these issues on top of discussing the food as well...

Another thing to she has started since the surgery is everytime she goes to sleep she shakes and twitches dreaming maybe but it wakes me up. She dreams from time to time but this is every single time she falls asleep, strange not sure if I should be concerned or not...

I am stressed out I cant win for losing and it just seems like one step forward is 3 steps back:(


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Is she also on antibiotics?  I would guess so, after such a major surgery.  I know antibiotics tend to make my cats sick
.  This could be what is causing the vomiting, but I'm guessing by now you've already discussed this issue with the Vet.

As to the twitching, shaking while of my cats has done this (on and off) her entire life.  I mentioned it to our Vet years ago, and she thought it was odd, but didn't really think it was anything to worry about unless other symptoms started happening as well.  Since she sleeps near my head, she also wakes me up when she does it, but that's just the way it is
.  I'd rather wake up to that than to hearing one of them upchucking a hairball or something

Try not to get depressed over what's happening right now.  After what's been going on, her system needs time to "re-set" I would imagine.  And a change in food may cause more digestive distress.  You might discuss the use of probiotics with your Vet as well.  I can't see where they could possibly hurt....
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  • #7


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Jul 6, 2014
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Good afternoon,

 Thank you for responding to me....Nala finished her antibiotics a few days ago before any vomiting began so she is on no meds at all. The Cisapride, miralax and all that crap was stopped when she had surgery so for once in years she is meds free. The vet and I spoke today, I read him my journal of times of everything and descriptions of her vomit and he said he is not overly concerned right now, he said she is still eating and drinking and happy, he also said the vomiting isn't every time it is sporadic and even though its some bile he is not worried right now.

He said we need to focus on what diet we are going to put Nala on what foods are we going to begin to try and he said to monitor her vomiting and if it is continuing after she is on new food then we will bring her in to address it then. He said if she wasn't eating or drinking or acted sickly we would be addressing it now but she is doing all of the above so lets focus on food now see how vomiting does and address it in a week or two if it don't stop...

So once again I am trusting his judgment...I also mentioned the shaking and movement every time she sleeps that wakes me up and he has not heard of it before other than dreaming. He said if I was not able to wake her up from it then there is a problem like a seizure but she wakes up when I tap her. He said not to worry about it as long as I can wake her from it. Yes it does wake me up but your right she is on my pillow to or right where I can hear her and if it wakes me up it does that is the least as long as that does not signify a problem more serious its just strange it started after surgery. The vet also said maybe Nala is now sleeping more deeply because we dream in a deep rem sleep and now that Nala has her diseased colon removed she is now sleeping much more deeper and comfortable....Food for thought....

What do you suggest as far as probiotics? I thought that was for the colon? She only has 3 to 4 inches of colon left now but please tell me what probiotics will work for Nala and how it will help her...any brands  you know of that I could buy?

I called a groomer today who has a company she orders goat milk from that is good to soother the stomach and she also can order me a raw diet blend of food for my cat...I have read on here raw diet is the best for cats esp with my problem so if you have any advise on these things I listed please share with me I would appreciate...



Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
Karin, I also thought maybe Nala is twitching in her sleep because she is sleeping deeper, more soundly, therefore able to dream about chasing rabbits

As far as probiotics, I believe they work throughout the entire digestive system, not just the stomach and colon, but don't quote me on that.  Here is the one several of us here at TCS use:  .  It's made with goat's milk.  It's the one I use and started using on my furkids before I started feeding them raw.  Here's another one that several folks use:  .  I think some people may even use both.  One one day and the other the next day. 

Since you're reading about the raw diet and are perhaps considering it, head on over to the raw forum.   Here's the link to the sub-forum.  There is all kinds of info in the Raw Feeding Resources thread in that light blue box near the top, then feel free to start up a new thread over there and ask any questions you want of the raw experts.  Is your Vet on board with raw?  That would be pretty progressive!  (and wonderful. IMHO) 
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  • #9


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Hey MsGreenJeens....

Thank you for sending me so much information...Yes you are correct Probiotics are for the entire digestive system. Funny you should mention Goats Milk because I met a groomer today who also recommended Goats Milk because it is an excellent probiotic and because my cat tends to vomit and has for years and she tested normal for everything the groomer said this will soothe her stomach and is very good to mix it in her food or put in a bowl as a snack to drink....They say Goats milk is he best for human babies for digestion why wouldn't it be for cats? I left a message for the vet as well about Goats Milk but I would also like you opinion about Goats milk and have you used or even know if it is a good idea. This groomer can order frozen already made raw diet but only comes in beef and chicken and I believe beef is not recommended for cats period and my vet says anything chicken should be left as a last resort. I left him a message today to get his opinion on a raw diet and what flavor and brands if he agrees with it some vets don't so I did not order anything yet till he calls me tomorrow to discuss what I need to try. I did not buy the Goats milk today I forgot it talking this lady so much but will go tomorrow and buy it. I also mentioned the Goats milk in the message to the vet what his thoughts are on that. Groomer said it is excellent for human digestion and cats/dogs...Now you mentioned Goats milk as a good probiotic so I may buy it regardless...So much to learn it stresses me out...

The groomer has it in a freezer there so I need to pick it up if vet says its ok I may try it regardless...She seems to be vomiting up yellow not a lot but some must be bile and many hours after she eats. Strange vet said he is not concerned because she is eating and drinking not unhappy and sickly and because it is not often but sporadic. He said if the vomiting don't stop after she is on new food and stable then we will address vomiting he want to get food choice situated first...Maybe due the surgery just some upset? I don't know and she is on no medications at all just special food for after a colon resection. Vet said the week she was there on same food with meds she never vomited once but I bring her home Friday and all meds stopped same food and she is vomiting...Who knows but if he isn't overly worried yet I guess I will relax...

Let me know what you think about the Goats Milk:) I don't know where you buy raw food at for cats but if you know of any brands or flavors to look for please let me know. I have a Pet supermarket here, Petsmart and Petco....I bet these places don't sell raw diets...So confusing...

Thank you for the websites you linked on your post to me I will check them out. I don't know how to use this site well I will try to find the raw diet forum group and post it there and see what help I get...There was no link in your post to the forum that you sent me but I will try to find it now:)
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MrsGreenJeens...I just found the Raw Diet Forum...Thank you I just posted a new thread there for feed back and I also posted a new thread under the forum called Cat Nutrition for advice on regular canned wet foods that are best for a post op Mega Colon cat to see what responses I get...Thank you again for telling me about this:)
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  • #11


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I am forgetting things I meant to tell you....You told me that maybe Nyla is twitching and shaking in her sleep because she may be in a deep sleep dreaming about rabbits....Well when I told this to my vet he laughed and said she is probably in a deep sleep and dreaming like never before because half her diseased colon was removed and all the discomfort is now gone and she is falling into deep peaceful sleep...:) I sure hope so:)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
So sorry I forgot to sent the link to the Raw Forum, but happy you found it on your own.

Goat's milk is AOK for cat's to drink.  Mine don't like it...won't drink it, but they don't mind the probiotics made with Goat's Milk.  I was thinking about getting some Feta Cheese for my girl who needs to gain some weight...just haven't done it yet because I'd rather she eat meats vs cheese

My local Petco told me they were going to start carrying frozen commercially prepared raw foods soon.  Yours may too.  Check out natural pet food stores in your area.  Just google to see if there are any, then see if they sell brands like FROZEN Nature's Variety, Stella and Chewy's, Primal, or Radcat.   Rabbit is probably the best and most well liked from what I've heard.  Many cats with food allergies to well with Rabbit.  I'm guessing if your Vet said to feed chicken as a last resort that maybe he's thinking she may have some allergies?  I don't know why else he would say to stay away from it.  Beef is sometimes iffy with cats...makes many cats sick, although mine never had a problem with it. 
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  • #13


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Jul 6, 2014
Beverly Hills, Florida
Good morning MsGreenJeens...

Yes I found the forum for Raw Diet and regular nutrition. I see I have a few responses already on the raw diet so I will read them later. I have never known Nala to have food allergies at all not sure why he said chicken as a last resort but he did...

I have paper work on Goats Milk as a probiotic and to soothe Nalas tummy as it is excellent for the whole digestive track...I also got paper work on a raw chicken or beef diet. Yesterday I took my daughters dog to a new groomer here and she supplies the Goats milk frozen, carries dog raw diet but the cats must be ordered from the supplier which she can do for me. The groomer printed out a lot of paper work I am dropping it off to my vet this morning at 9am on my way to an appointment and he will call me after 2pm to discuss what food we will use. We don't have natural pet food stores here but this one groomer carrier and can order me raw diet but only comes in chicken and beef no rabbit not sure why. I will call Petco and see if they carry any raw diet brands. I am not sure what the brand is called the groomer carries but will ask her when I pick up he Goats milk to try hopefully she likes it. Yes I heard beef is the worst for cats far to rich...

I heard vets are for raw and also against it so I will see what he says I wanted him to look at the paper work along with whatever he was deciding on and weigh in on it all so we shall see. I don't know what to do honestly it is all becoming to much it is getting to me and I am feeling agitated. I don't have time to grind meet in a blender and mix this and that I need it can ready or like this groomer orders it frozen all I have to do is thaw it out and it is good in the refrigerator for two weeks...Nala vomited again at 445am semi brown with clear liquid. This is day 5 and it is mostly between 2-6am I don't understand it at all but it is every day. Nala eats at 6am and 6pm half a can and maybe a little in-between those time frames for a snack only if she acts hungry so last time she ate is at 6pm last night and vomits at 4am that is almost 12 hours after she has eaten and sometimes it is bile and sometimes it has brown in it like this morning was no bile but brownish with clear so that seems like food left over?

 I don't know but with the paper work I am dropping off this morning I attached the journal of her vomiting times and the description each time. I know he said he is not overly concerned yet but I am this is not normal to me.

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Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
What's "best" always depends on the situation.  Did your Vet give you any more parameters other than "no beef" (and preferably "no chicken" per your other thread)?  For instance:  high fat or low fat, no grains or low grains, high protein, high or low fiber, that sort of thing, or is that what you will be discussion with him?
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  • #15


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Prior to the colon resection he stated to me she needed to be on wet food only no more dry kibble, cats with Mega Colon and IBD belong on wet only according to him for several reasons. He did tell me low fiber, low card, high protein and grain free. He recommended Evo 95 which is 95% meat. He again told me to stay away from beef and chicken or turkey a last resort due to its richness and not recommended for felines beef being the worst for their over all digestive health. He recommended to me either the Duck or Veal flavor only...Now this was before he decided surgery was the answer we were trying low fiber all meat foods to move the colon so now that most of her colon is removed it is trial and error.

I ran a raw diet and goats milk by him and he said right now it is not an option her colon is newly sutured and 4 inches if that left of it have to be careful what she eats it must be the right amount of everything. He switched her Hills ID wet for her digestive system which she has eaten for the past two years a tablespoon full twice a day to mix he miralax in so she definitely likes it. Vet feels she had been vomiting bile because she has been on temporary food while colon sutures heal and it is obvious body is now requiring more balanced food so I mixed a little ID in with the mostly AD I will have her converted by Friday.

He is confident this is why she vomited. He said she eats good all her meals and never vomits she only vomits in the middle of the night 8 hours or so after her nightly meal which is at 6pm. So I feel better it makes sense to me fingers crossed this ID stops the vomiting and her stool keeps coming. So I am not pushing raw or goats milk until he says so if at all ever. I am scared to just buy it and do it just after a huge surgery like this and she get sick I would feel shame looking at the vet when he told me not yet and I did something other than what he told me to do for her so I will stick to plan for now and revisit this subject when she is stable and healed.

Do you think that is fair am I doing the right thing in your eyes??


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I totally agree that she should be on all wet food from here on out.  Was she officially diagnosed with IBD as well as the megacolon?   I think I saw that in another of your posts.

Anyway,  it could possibly be that she is getting sick on the A/D because it's a different food, but I'm not thoroughly convinced of that.  I guess the only way you'll know for sure is if you switch her over and see what happens.  I do know that the A/D is higher in fat (and protein), but it's lower in fiber and carbs than the I/D.  Maybe all that fat is causing the issue

As for being grain free and low carb, the I/D is neither one
.  It's got 29% carbs on a dry matter % basis, and the fifth ingredient is wheat flour.  If that isn't a grain, I don't know what is.  That being said, though, prescription foods DO have their place, and it's possible this is one of those places.  I would give it a try and see what happens.  If she does well on it, then you've got your answer.

So are you going to transition her to I/D by Friday, then feed ONLY the I/D (wet) for awhile to see how she tolerates it?  If she continues to vomit several days after she's fully transitioned, then you will re-address this issue with the Vet?  I would say if that happens, now that we know the parameters he has set up, we might be able to recommend some foods

Good luck!  Hope this does the trick
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  • #17


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Jul 6, 2014
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Karin, I also thought maybe Nala is twitching in her sleep because she is sleeping deeper, more soundly, therefore able to dream about chasing rabbits :)

As far as probiotics, I believe they work throughout the entire digestive system, not just the stomach and colon, but don't quote me on that.  Here is the one several of us here at TCS use:  It's made with goat's milk.  It's the one I use and started using on my furkids before I started feeding them raw.  Here's another one that several folks use:  I think some people may even use both.  One one day and the other the next day. 

Since you're reading about the raw diet and are perhaps considering it, head on over to the raw forum.   Here's the link to the sub-forum.  There is all kinds of info in the Raw Feeding Resources thread in that light blue box near the top, then feel free to start up a new thread over there and ask any questions you want of the raw experts.  Is your Vet on board with raw?  That would be pretty progressive!  (and wonderful. IMHO) 
Karin, I also thought maybe Nala is twitching in her sleep because she is sleeping deeper, more soundly, therefore able to dream about chasing rabbits :)

As far as probiotics, I believe they work throughout the entire digestive system, not just the stomach and colon, but don't quote me on that.  Here is the one several of us here at TCS use:  It's made with goat's milk.  It's the one I use and started using on my furkids before I started feeding them raw.  Here's another one that several folks use:  I think some people may even use both.  One one day and the other the next day. 

Since you're reading about the raw diet and are perhaps considering it, head on over to the raw forum.   Here's the link to the sub-forum.  There is all kinds of info in the Raw Feeding Resources thread in that light blue box near the top, then feel free to start up a new thread over there and ask any questions you want of the raw experts.  Is your Vet on board with raw?  That would be pretty progressive!  (and wonderful. IMHO) 
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  • #18


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Jul 6, 2014
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MsGreenJeans....The probiotic pills you posted to me, are those capsules for cats? It reads as if for adult people? I'm Leary to give a pet something recommended for humans...Let me know if its for cats and how do they swallow big capsule....Also tell me which one is Best to buy....Thank you:)


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
They are human probiotics, but many of us give them to our cats.  We open up the capsules and mix the powder into their food.  I give mine 1/2 capsule in the morning, and 1/2 capsule in the evening (of the Natural Factors, which is made with goats milk)

I believe those who use the other probiotic I referenced do exactly the same thing...1/2 of the powder in the morning, and 1/2 at night, sprinkled on their food, or mixed into their food. 

As far as the BEST, that's really subjective.  Between the two I listed, some people think the 2nd one, because it contains one additional strain in it.  I just never switched over because mine seem to be doing just fine with the first one.

How's Nala?
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  • #20


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Jul 6, 2014
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Thank you for your response I do appreciate it. I also appreciate the advise given. The vet gave a prescription one today and it is a powder that comes in a packet that goes in her food. The thing is we tried to convert her over to wet food I spent two weeks trying 14 brands and flavors and most she hated and those she did like it was a one night stand if you know what I mean:) She is unreal and pickier than any cat I have heard of. So I didn't want to buy the packets but wanted to pills because I am to give the packet every day and if I sprinkle that on the dry food you can forget it she will never eat it and trying to get her to eat wet is hard. I am glad to hear that these probiotics are for adults technically not cats but the capsules are opened and put into food so buying the powder is about all I can do. I will continue to try to put a tablespoon down with power mixed in it...

Is probiotics something that really works or will help Nyla? I paid 30.00 for 30 packets a month supply I just hope I can at least find a darn food that she will eat at least a tablespoon of. Nyla has been a challenge since her surgery. She has spent more time inpatient than home. She began vomiting on and off not feeling well, not tolerating wet foods and kept going back to the hospital. Today she is home 10 days straight now for the first time and hope it continues. This last time he sent her home with Cerenia for vomiting and it works the best maybe a vomit once a week.

Its been trial and error so far. Her colon is stable pooing almost daily formed but soft. I said to the vet you fixed the back but broke the front end lol...He said every cat is different with this surgery but he feels IBD is also underlying she is a vomited with no indicators why. She had molars pulled and he wanted her on wet because she has molars on top but not the bottom so she is swallowing her food whole and vomiting up undigested food and that is why he wants her on wet but after two weeks of all types of wet I went to a Science Diet dry for seniors it is small tiny easy to chew kibble and easy to digest so he said go for it because she loves kibble and really likes no wet foods and the one she did like with gravy gave her the runs and gassy so I stopped it. This has not been fun and costly ....

So right now she is on the dry and I try wet still now and again she will eat the science diet liver and chicken flavor but not all the time. Like right now I mixed powder in the food and it is still sitting there...I hate wasting money and believe me I have thrown away a lot of wet foods because of her. Uhhhhh stressful this cat will be the death of me. Vet said my cat and all cats should be on wet it is better for the gut and provides extra moisture but my cat is a pain in the ass....