Should I Still Be Hoping My Missing Cat Will Come Home?

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  • #241


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May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Last night it was bitter cold so Patches didn't come.  He did show up at 5 am this morning.  I had left out some dry food so he ate a bit and then waited in an insulated feral villa house until I got up a bit after 6 am.  He ate a bit then and then came back around 8am.  This is the very first time I have seen him in day light!!!  He looked much better during the day.  I got out the binoculars to get a really good look at him.  His eye was not runny at all.  It was -2 degrees with wind chill of -13 so it was very very cold.  After eating, he sat on the deck for a bit and then left heading out to the back yard.  Stellar of course was under one of the pine trees.  I was a bit worried, but hoped my talks with Patches had gotten through to him!!  He just walked right past Stellar!!!  I was so proud of him.  I assume all of the food is doing wonders for him.  I put an outdoor electric cat heat pad in the feral villa and then moved another rubbermaid shelter with a heat pad where I had been feeding him.  Maybe he will go in them.  We are to have this awful cold weather for another 10 days. 

Thank you for your concern and I am not offended at all.  I do have some antibiotics on hand and would definitely use them if needed.  In the late winter of 2012 Patches did have a horrible UTI.  Both eyes were a mess and green mucous out of his nose.  I couldn't get him to a vet, but I did get some medicine.  He got better quickly. 

I am hoping each and every day to hear good news of George and Kuzon.  I say prayers for them each night.
At least Patches knows where he can find a warm bed and a good meal if he needs one. I understand, you have to make your indoor cats a priority and bringing Patches indoors now would undo all the hard work you've done getting your other cats socialised. Some cats just don't want to be house cats, do they? I've been feeding George's mother for nearly four years now, ever since she was a kitten. She's so sweet and friendly and loves to be petted, I've had her spayed and she's a lovely plump, healthy looking cat now. She won't stay indoors though, I've been trying to get her to stay for years but she gets really upset if the doors are closed and she can't see her way outside. At least I get visits nearly every day and I can see that she is thriving outdoors. I guess Patches is happier with his freedom.
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  • #242


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I am so glad every time I come to the site and see good updates about Patches.  I am praying that your weather improves - it must be absolutely miserable for the ferals. They are so lucky to have you looking after them with your shelters and heating pads.  Thank you, from all the animal lovers, for being such a good caretaker.

Thank you too and to Roxie as well, for the continued prayers for Kuzon.  Today is a hard day.  3 months exactly since the last time I saw my precious boy.  I am doing all I can to find him and not having any luck starts to weigh heavily and doubt creeps in....He MUST be dead, why else isn't he coming home.  He MUST have been taken and will never get away, why else isn't he coming home. 

And then there is a story like Alisa Brown's - and I know I can't give up hope.  One fine day Kuzon will stroll into the back yard and ask to be let in as if nothing has happened!!  I pray for that day to come for both George and Kuzon.
LuvNickles, these milestones are hard to get past, aren't they?

I think when a pet first goes missing you go into a state of panic. I was convinced that George was lying injured, or trapped and starving, or lost and scared and I just had to find him before it was too late. For the first four days I didn't eat, hardly slept and spent my whole time circling the neighbourhood looking for him. Somehow you get through it and realise that if your cat has survived those first few days it's because he has found a way to survive. After that you become more methodical, setting up cameras, checking all the other feral colonies in the area, marking the areas you've searched on a map.

I think the one thing that stopped me going completely nuts is running. I go for a run most evenings and there is something about finding your pace and keeping a rhythm with your breathing and your footsteps that helps you stay centred. You can't cry and breathe properly at the same time, you have to keep it together for the duration of the run.  Also, I run a different route every night so I could check out different tracks and parks and fields each time. I still hope that I'll see my boy on one of my runs. I often see other cats I know, sometimes miles from home.

 George has been gone 10 months, 3 weeks and 2 days now. Since he has been gone I've been really careful about taking photographs of all the cats I feed. Full body shots and close -ups of their faces, just in case I need to make "Lost Cat posters for any of them. Like you, I had a kind of premonition that I would lose George some day. I remember this time last winter when George would get in bed with me. He is a big cat, he took up a lot of room, and I'd lie there petting him and holding his huge paws and think,

"If ever George goes missing people will know he belongs to someone. They'll see how big and well fed he is, and how thick and soft his coat is, they'll know he's not just a stray cat."

I knew I shouldn't love anything as much as that, but I couldn't help myself. Now he's gone and all I can do is keep running through the dark, hoping he'll come home some day.

alisa brown

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2014
Thanks I really believe I witnessed a miracle because we live in the country and many things attack and kill cats. Hugs and kisses have been given, we love him to pieces.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Oh Norachan and LuvNickles my heart just breaks for you both.  Each milestone is so difficult.  I hope each and every day you will find your beloved cats.

Patches continues to come each and every day sometimes 2x a day.  We had 8 inches of snow over the weekend so traveling for him was difficult.  It also is bitter bitter cold again.  Right now it is 5 degrees with a wind chill of -12.  Tonight it will drop to -15 and windchills of -25 to -35.  We will have this until Thursday.  Patches was waiting for me this morning.  He ate and ate and then went into Shadow and Stellars shelter to see if they had food left.  The cats seem to be getting used to each other.  I am sure the cold prevents them from wanting to fight.  After eating this morning, Patches jumped up into the feral villa I have.  No one has ever wanted to sleep in it.  It is insulated, has 2 entrances and has a heat pad.  I use it to keep dry food out at night when it's really cold.  It keeps other critters out.  This morning Patches jumped up there and has been there on the heat pad for over 2 hours.  I talk to him each and every night and last night I told him to give the shelter a try and see if it was warmer than his current spot.  I assume it is also difficult for him to travel with the bitter cold and snow. 

I have another animal communication session scheduled for Friday.  We are having very difficult health issues with our 9 year old dog.  She is having a surgical procedure on  Thursday and we should have some results immediately.  I want to check in with the animal communicator after.  I will touch base with her about Patches. 

Blessings to you all.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I wanted to give an update on Patches as we have had a very rough day.  He stayed in  the feral villa for about 5 hours.  This was very odd, but I thought maybe he didn't want to travel because of the snow and bitter cold.  Around lunch time, Shadow came out of his shelter and was on the middle of the deck.  I assumed he was hungry as Patches had eaten all of the food.  I went out to take Shadow some food and Patches came out of the feral villa.  He was acting really strange.  He didn't want me to go inside and kept head butting me.  When I went back inside he stood by the door and meowed over and over.  He did never did.  I took him some food out but he wasn't interested.  I then took out a favorite scratching pad of his and some catnip.  He went crazy just as he did in the past.  He had a great time.  Yet once finished he just paced the deck.  His eye was very drippy and he seemed really unsettled.  He sounded congested too.  Then when he ate he had drool all over the place.  One of his eyes looked very bulging.  He kept wanting in the house.  I didn't know what to do.  No one else was home and didn't think I could manage it alone.  I remembered the animal communicator telling me that Patches would let me know if he needed my help.  He kept crying at the door.  Finally when DH got home I knew I had to get Patches to the vet.  I got out a carrier and decided I would throw a blanket over him and scoop him inside.  When I opened the door, he came right inside and it only took a few moments to put the blanket on him and get him in the carrier.  We have an emergency vet that sees ferals so off we went.  Since they thought he would need sedated, I was able to drop him off.  They were able to examine him without sedation ( shows how sick he is).  He has a bulging eye which they do not know the cause of.  Cellulitis was mentioned as well as an abscess. Yet the disturbing part is that last year when I trapped him they never neutered him.  I had wondered when I never saw the ear tip and then when he showed up, his testicles still looked awfully large.  He will get neutered tonight as well as his mouth checked.  He will also get a strong shot of antibiotics.  He was tested for FIV and Felv and tested negative.  I can pick him up tomorrow if all goes well tonight.  I am just sick.  Here I went through absolute h*ll last year trapping him and no wonder he left for 8 months, he was still intact.  Of course they keep asking me if this is the same cat.  He acts like Patches and knows everything about my set up.  He even rolled over for the belly rub today just like he used to.  If it is a different cat, it's a very cruel joke as he looks so similar and acts so similar.  But can I really say for sure it's Patches?  I have had my doubts.  But in my heart I felt that it was him.  He needed me.  I hope to know more tomorrow.  I just cannot believe this has all happened.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 29, 2013
Like you, I had a kind of premonition that I would lose George some day. I remember this time last winter when George would get in bed with me. He is a big cat, he took up a lot of room, and I'd lie there petting him and holding his huge paws and think,
"If ever George goes missing people will know he belongs to someone. They'll see how big and well fed he is, and how thick and soft his coat is, they'll know he's not just a stray cat."

I knew I shouldn't love anything as much as that, but I couldn't help myself. Now he's gone and all I can do is keep running through the dark, hoping he'll come home some day.
I remember those feelings.  Holding him in my arms like a baby and imprinting him on my soul.  I knew I needed to do that.  I don't want those premonitions to be the final word.  Just because we knew, doesn't mean they don't get to come back!


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 29, 2013
I wanted to give an update on Patches as we have had a very rough day.  He stayed in  the feral villa for about 5 hours.  This was very odd, but I thought maybe he didn't want to travel because of the snow and bitter cold.  Around lunch time, Shadow came out of his shelter and was on the middle of the deck.  I assumed he was hungry as Patches had eaten all of the food.  I went out to take Shadow some food and Patches came out of the feral villa.  He was acting really strange.  He didn't want me to go inside and kept head butting me.  When I went back inside he stood by the door and meowed over and over.  He did never did.  I took him some food out but he wasn't interested.  I then took out a favorite scratching pad of his and some catnip.  He went crazy just as he did in the past.  He had a great time.  Yet once finished he just paced the deck.  His eye was very drippy and he seemed really unsettled.  He sounded congested too.  Then when he ate he had drool all over the place.  One of his eyes looked very bulging.  He kept wanting in the house.  I didn't know what to do.  No one else was home and didn't think I could manage it alone.  I remembered the animal communicator telling me that Patches would let me know if he needed my help.  He kept crying at the door.  Finally when DH got home I knew I had to get Patches to the vet.  I got out a carrier and decided I would throw a blanket over him and scoop him inside.  When I opened the door, he came right inside and it only took a few moments to put the blanket on him and get him in the carrier.  We have an emergency vet that sees ferals so off we went.  Since they thought he would need sedated, I was able to drop him off.  They were able to examine him without sedation ( shows how sick he is).  He has a bulging eye which they do not know the cause of.  Cellulitis was mentioned as well as an abscess. Yet the disturbing part is that last year when I trapped him they never neutered him.  I had wondered when I never saw the ear tip and then when he showed up, his testicles still looked awfully large.  He will get neutered tonight as well as his mouth checked.  He will also get a strong shot of antibiotics.  He was tested for FIV and Felv and tested negative.  I can pick him up tomorrow if all goes well tonight.  I am just sick.  Here I went through absolute h*ll last year trapping him and no wonder he left for 8 months, he was still intact.  Of course they keep asking me if this is the same cat.  He acts like Patches and knows everything about my set up.  He even rolled over for the belly rub today just like he used to.  If it is a different cat, it's a very cruel joke as he looks so similar and acts so similar.  But can I really say for sure it's Patches?  I have had my doubts.  But in my heart I felt that it was him.  He needed me.  I hope to know more tomorrow.  I just cannot believe this has all happened.
Oh my....i just held my breath through this entire post.   frustrating that he was not neutered...what a miss on the shelter!!  but it will get taken care and he will get his anti-biotics and then maybe you will see the real him  - the old him starting to come through.  I would trust your instincts on this.  You are too connected to him to be mistaken.  Please keep us updated!!!!
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  • #248


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Oh, ShadowsRescue, this is just crazy!

I can't understand why they didn't neuter him if that is what you went to all the trouble of trapping him for. Do you have medical records from the first time you took him to the vet? What does the vet say about it?

Of course it explains why he took off for so long. Thank goodness he tested negative for FIV and Felv.

Do you have photos of Patches right from the time he started hanging around your place? I know that cat's coats change colour with the seasons and old age and battle scars can leave more white areas, but the coat pattern doesn't change. Do you have photos that show the patches pattern on his coat so that you can compare?

I'd love to see some photos of him, by the way. I have this image of a tough old feral with a heart of gold in my head.


TCS Member
Jan 27, 2014
HI norachan I feel so bad your cat is gone. ): My cat was a outdoor cat and I had him for about ten years. For some reason he never came home. It has been 3 months now and I'm stilll looking. I really hope and wish you find your cat. 

P.S. you have a wonderful cat! (:
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  • #250


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
HI norachan I feel so bad your cat is gone. ): My cat was a outdoor cat and I had him for about ten years. For some reason he never came home. It has been 3 months now and I'm stilll looking. I really hope and wish you find your cat. 

P.S. you have a wonderful cat! (:
I'm so sorry to hear your cat is missing. Have you had a look at these? There are some good tips on here to help you in your search.

I know 3 months must seem like ages to you, but Alica's cat was gone for 5 months and ShadowsRescue's cat was gone for 8 months and they both came home, so please don't give up.

I hope your boy comes home soon.

And thank you, I think George is wonderful too.



TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
Oh, ShadowsRescue, this is just crazy!

I can't understand why they didn't neuter him if that is what you went to all the trouble of trapping him for. Do you have medical records from the first time you took him to the vet? What does the vet say about it?

Of course it explains why he took off for so long. Thank goodness he tested negative for FIV and Felv.

Do you have photos of Patches right from the time he started hanging around your place? I know that cat's coats change colour with the seasons and old age and battle scars can leave more white areas, but the coat pattern doesn't change. Do you have photos that show the patches pattern on his coat so that you can compare?

I'd love to see some photos of him, by the way. I have this image of a tough old feral with a heart of gold in my head.
I will try my best to upload some pictures.  I do not think it is the same cat.  My world went topsy turvy last night.  The vet called me back at 10:30pm and said they were ready to start the neuter.  He went to check the FIV and Felv and the technician had read it incorrectly.  He was FIV positive.  He was exhibiting many of the symptoms.  DH and I went to the clinic at 11pm.  My only choice for saving this cat would have been to keep him secluded in a room by himself for the rest of his life.  Not a way to live.  I needed to say good bye.  The vet tech came into the room carrying this cat.  He was never sedated.  No way would Patches have let someone hold him.  This cat wandered all over the room, rubbing up against us.  It was not the Patches I knew.  I said my good byes to whomever it was.  I ended the suffering.  Most likely the cat would have died outside last night.  He was quite sick.  It's just a very cruel turn of events.  RIP Patches look alike.


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 29, 2013
I'm so sorry about the look alike.  what a trial you have been put through these last couple of months.  and now you are back to square one.  do you think you will consult the communicator again?  keeping patches in my prayers...


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
I should have gone with my gut and known from the start it wasn't him.  On New Year's Eve when I finally came face to face with this cat and ended up running into the house saying "You are not my Patches".  Yet I so wanted it to be him.  I find it difficult to come to grips with it all.  I spent most of yesterday crying off and on.  I feel so sad for Patches#2 and of course am desperately missing my original Patches.  I know I did the right thing in helping this other cat.  He was sick.  I hope he is at peace.

Thank you Norachan and LuvNickles for the kind words. 

I do have an animal communication session set for Friday as our beloved samoyed, Misty is going to an internal medical surgeon on Thursday.  The suspect she may have bladder cancer.  I have a session on Friday to discuss what the AC sees as well.  I will ask about the 2 cats then. 


TCS Member
Apr 27, 2011
My saga continues...  Last night around midnight another cat appeared on my deck that looks like Patches.  Of course with it being dark the camera only shows so much and he seemed to avoid the camera too.  I could not tell if he had an ear tip.  He was long like Patches, yet thin.  His head was more normal sized and no bulging eyes.  He had the striping on his legs and tail, but it wasn't as evident on his body.  He curled up in one of the feeding stations for an hour.  He used to do that when he lived here.  Yet, he didn't jump into the structure I keep dry food in at night during the winter.  I just have no idea and if it's not Patches, then why do these look a like cats keep showing up? 

I always talk with Patches when I am driving in my car.  Yesterday I told him all about Patches#2 and told him that I really needed to know if he was truly alive.  Someone heard me, but I won't know it's Patches until I see an ear tip. 

You all must think I am crazy!!

alisa brown

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jan 19, 2014
You may have to stay up one night and sit very quietly on the porch and see if he comes. I did that with one of my other cats that was missing for two weeks after he busted a screen in my window to get out.

My co-worker, her cat was missing for 17 days and he just came back this weekend.

We are praying for you.
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  • #258


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
No, we don't think your crazy. I see George look-a-likes wherever I go. I'm constantly looking for him in gardens and fields and parks, no matter how far from home I am. He's out there somewhere. Whether I ever find him again or not is another matter, but I'm sure he is out there.

Here's a story about a Spanish cat that was found in the British Isles.

I hope the "New" Patches turns out to be the right one.



TCS Member
Adult Cat
Aug 30, 2012
Dear ShadowsRescue, Norachan, I have been reading your posts and it brings tears to my eyes. I can feel and understand the pain of separation. Shadows Rescue you did a great job of care and love for Patches 2. And you will soon be rewarded with Patches 1 . Please don't lose hope. My cat who was sick is now fine again (though with a dead tail hanging) and wanders out in the night too. Also I have another male cat Molu who comes home twice morning and evening and eats his food and after few seconds of loves and hugs he goes back to his outer world. It has been now more than 8 months that he never opted to stay at home. Just because of Henry elder male who doesn't allow him in. As I have two storeyed house so I lock the elder cat  upstairs on other floor when Molu comes for feeding. And when he leaves I open the door of the elder cat. I really wish that both of them live together inside as they used to when they were kittens but now they hate like enemies.

I wish to tell you that last few days Molu disappeared and didn't came home. I was so worried. And each day I prepared his meal and waited for hours. It is very cold here and I stand at the main gate each night and also walk around the neighbourhood between 12.30 pm to 4.30 am I didn't sleep for so many days. And my eyes are in pain. In the morning I have my work, house work and to take care of elder cat as he still cant pass his stool on his own and I have to be ready for him when he wants me for his help. You will be surprised how long distances they cover. One day on my search for molu I found him 4 kms away from my house. And when I called him he vanished in the fog. It was his cry when I called him that made me recognize. But he didn't wanted to come.

I was so worried as how will he live without water and food. But one night again on my search for him I found him eating trash that people had thrown and it made me sad and I had just one question in my mind as why he doesn't want to come home and eat the fresh good food that awaits him. Is he now so afraid of elder cat at home? Does the elder cat talk to him not to come home (being his territory) when they do sometime meet outside together? Or is it Molu doesn't need me anymore?

After this  again I lost him and he disappeared this time and was not to be found anywhere. I searched continuously day and night around 5 kms and more around my area. I called his name and I didn't got any response. Earlier whenever I called him and even he was farthest from home he meowed and I understood he is alive. Also cold night the voice is heard clearly. But this time no voice of him.

You won't believe bad thoughts started coming to my mind. I thought maybe again my neighbour has killed him and packed him in a bag and thrown him. Or dogs have killed him. Or he is trapped. And I searched all the empty lands, houses and trash bins opening mysterious bags looking for my cute Molu. But all was futile.

It was 16th day yesterday and I as usual went on my search and while I was returning I heard dogs chasing someone. I went across a damp dirty pond where dogs were barking and I saw Molu all drenched and soaked in dirt and when I called him and went near him to pick him up for him he first refused but then came to my lap and I brought him home. He was howling so loud. I cleansed him with warm wet towel and as he was shivering I wrapped him in a blanket and wanted him to sleep. He didn't wanted to be fed and ignored his plates of food. And also he again came out of the blanket and rushed towards the door to go outside. He howled a lot. I engaged him with his toys and petted him to sleep because I didn't wanted him to go outside in this cold as he was shivering. But he stayed only for three hours and howled so louder that I had to let him out. Today again I waited for him to come home for food but he did showed his face outside howling all the time and left soon. He did not came in. I am not able to understand why has he left the food which I give him Why he wants to live outside forever.

I believe when cats live in the outer world for so long as with Molu as it has been 8 months they form company of other cats and want to be with them. They might be hunting birds, rodents or eating trash, they might be drinking drain water to quench their thirst (as I saw Molu doing it). Or they are afraid of male cats around Or They become wild and do not wish to come home.

It is not they do not like us anymore. They do like us as Molu rubs his head and licks me when we meet. Even outside when we meet he rubs his body and says that he loves me but maybe he wants his own world.

And I do believe Patches, George and missing cats are alive. And they will return too. They remember the love they received at our homes and they will meet us to show us up. May they come soon and we can see that they are alive and safe. Keep the faith. Prayers and love to all missing cats.
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  • #260


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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Hi Winkie,

Thanks for you message. I'm glad to hear that Henry is making a good recovery. I hope he's keeping out of trouble after he had such a lucky escape last time. How is your nasty neighbor? Did you ever manage to prosecute him for what he did to Henry?

I can imagine how you must have felt when Molu went missing. I guess it's really difficult to get cats neutered humanely in India isn't it? That would be one way to stop him wandering and to stop the two male cats fighting, but maybe that's impossible. It sounds as if he is quite happy being a stray cat. At least he has you to come home to when he needs you.

By the way, are there any monkeys in Lucknow? Maybe it's too cold for them there. I was wondering if monkeys can be dangerous for cats.