The Weight Loss Support Group

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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Congratulations to all who lost! 

For those who gained, keep at'll lost next week! 

I couldn't weigh-in on Friday morning, but I did weigh myself yesterday, right around 2:30 or so. According to the scales, I actually lost a bit of weight. Not much, about 1.6 pounds, but I'll take it. That eliminates what I gained last week and then a little bit more.

We pretty much limited ourselves to one meal a day for the most part. I had my morning coffee every day. On Thursday, I did have just a little bit of lunch and then the banquet dinner on Thursday night. On Friday, we grabbed a little breakfast and then had dinner at an Amish restaurant in Ohio. But the other days were pretty much one-meal days. I only had one Pepsi; the rest of the time I drank either coffee or diet Mt. Dew. And I walked on Wednesday morning (at the Guernee Mills mall, which is a 2-mile walk right there, plus a go around their parking lot) before we left the motel to head in to Wisconsin. Wednesday night and Thursday I hit the treadmill at the resort we stayed at.....didn't have much choice; the exercise room was right across the hall from our room! Plus on Thursday, Rick and I did some exploring and walking during the day.

Hopefully, I can get back on track this week. Things should calm down quite a bit.

Interesting article, Karen.....will see how I do with the tips! Thanks!
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At Abby's beck and call
Thread starter
Staff Member
May 18, 2005
I lost 2.73 lbs. this past week, and am 7/10ths of a lb. from another one of my mini goals :)  I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy that my over year long plateau broke in May, I'm loving this!
That's awesome, Pat! :clap:

I gained 1 lb this week.  Went from 335.4 to 336.4.  I'm thinking that being back on the steroid meds may have played a part in that but I'm off them again now, so maybe next week will be better.  Also I got a new DVD called Easy Yoga for Arthritis, and I'm looking forward to doing some of the stretching exercises in there. 
Oh steroids would definitely do that. Prednisone is my enemy. :nod:

This morning, I decided to try on a dress that I bought last summer, but felt it was too tight. I was going to donate it to the Goodwill, but decided on impulse to try it on. YEA ME!!!!!

  It's now a bit loose, and I wore it to work, and got a few compliments on it as soon as I walked in the back door! Yeah, baby!

That's fantastic! :clap::clap::clap:

[quote name="Furmonster Mom" url="/t/260217/the-weight-loss-support-group/360#post_3390325"
Sometimes we need those small victories.


neck -   - ( .25)
ta-ta's   - ( 1.5)
belly -   - ( 1.0)
hips  -   - ( 2.5)
booty -  - ( 1.0)
rt thigh  - ( .50)
lt thigh  - ( .50)

This puts me almost back to my starting point last month.  bleh.  :frusty:

I do think the Pringles were a big victory. :nod:

278 STILL:)  After this weeks eating...  I had way to many cookies.  I notice my 2x tighter shirts are alot looser.  3x is getting a bit insane.

This week proved I have no willpower when it is in my sight.  Working on it.
I have willpower issues also. :nod: It's great that you are seeing a difference in your clothes.

So I am cowardly posting late. 2.2 lbs gain for me. No excuses. I pigged out pretty much all week. I climbed back on the wagon yesterday and I promise to redeem myself this week.
YAY for back on the wagon! :clap: Let's do this! :woo:

Congratulations and Condolences all around!  The Pringles and the dress stand out to me, so good going!

I gained 2 pounds, but I sort of figured I'd gained and am happy it wasn't more.  I went out more, had more carbs, and did not do any more exercise than last week.  I also made a fairly rich dinner on Tuesday:  I breaded and baked chicken wings, then drizzled them with a lemon-butter sauce.

Today at our high school staff meeting, there were cookies and dried cranberries.  I'm happy to report that I ate more cranberries than cookies (I had 2 cookies).
Good job controlling yourself with the cookies. It can be so tough sometimes. :nod:

Congratulations to all who lost! 

For those who gained, keep at'll lost next week! 

I couldn't weigh-in on Friday morning, but I did weigh myself yesterday, right around 2:30 or so. According to the scales, I actually lost a bit of weight. Not much, about 1.6 pounds, but I'll take it. That eliminates what I gained last week and then a little bit more.

We pretty much limited ourselves to one meal a day for the most part. I had my morning coffee every day. On Thursday, I did have just a little bit of lunch and then the banquet dinner on Thursday night. On Friday, we grabbed a little breakfast and then had dinner at an Amish restaurant in Ohio. But the other days were pretty much one-meal days. I only had one Pepsi; the rest of the time I drank either coffee or diet Mt. Dew. And I walked on Wednesday morning (at the Guernee Mills mall, which is a 2-mile walk right there, plus a go around their parking lot) before we left the motel to head in to Wisconsin. Wednesday night and Thursday I hit the treadmill at the resort we stayed at.....didn't have much choice; the exercise room was right across the hall from our room! Plus on Thursday, Rick and I did some exploring and walking during the day.

Hopefully, I can get back on track this week. Things should calm down quite a bit.

Interesting article, Karen.....will see how I do with the tips! Thanks!
A loss with vacation is fantastic, Pam! :clap: I dont' think I would be able to do that.

Do we have a superfood this week? If not, how about quinoa?
Smiiten4Kittens already suggested blueberries, but quinoa is great for next week! :D

I had a fairly bad eating weekend. Salty Taco Bell and too much salty pizza last night. Some of my family was over and we got a bunch of pizza. I'm 2lbs up now. I'd like to say I'm back on the wagon, but just ate two pieces of pizza for breakfast. :rolleyes: Back on the wagon now. :anon:


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 29, 2013
Oh, that's right! Blueberries. I had some blueberries yesterday at breakfast with my dad. As for the cookies, they put them right in front of me; the cranberries were a little further down.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Oh heavens, I just love pizza for breakfast!

We ran to the store last night for a few cans of cat food and a bag of litter. Rick saw that Cheez-its were on sale and he put a box of Colby Jack in the cart. In all fairness, he really thought I would appreciate them as I had mentioned that we had no Cheez-its or potato chips in our road-food bag for the trip. But, I got a little hissy about it (I KNEW I would eat those puppies.) and he put them back on the shelf. Then he got hissy, so I went back and put them back in the cart.

I am proud to say that, so far, I've left the Cheez-its alone. He opened the box when we got home yesterday and ate a big bowlful. I ate some pretzels with mustard.
 I asked him to take the box with him when he went down to the grandchildren last night, but he said he'd keep them here for me. Honestly, sometimes I think he does it on purpose. But the darn box spent the night in the pantry....calling me.

I did a manicure last night, specifically so that I wouldn't be able to eat anything. And brushed and flossed. The things I do sometimes.

But I'm digressing...sorry. Pretty much the only things I do with blueberries (other than eating them frozen) is to make a buckle or a grunt sometimes. I do have some recipes for lower-calorie blueberry muffins, but they're not gluten-free or anything like that. Rick is not much of a blueberry fan, so while I always have them in the freezer, most of the time, I'll munch on them straight out of the freezer....they're pretty good that way. (I think we have almost 25 pounds of blueberries in the freezer right now! And I'm not kidding. Our Lions Club sells them as a fundraiser. My mom bought 20 pounds last year and froze them. When she passed away, my sister told me to take a good portion of the frozen food so it wouldn't go to waste.....she doesn't cook much at all. So I took the blueberries, too. And then I have my own ten pounds that I bought as well. Whenever I make muffins or buckle or grunt or cobbler, I make an extra batch for them; that way we're sharing.)

I have never used quinoa, but do have some recipes that call for it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 6, 2012
Wow, thank god that's over. My overtime is now finished and l'm officially on a 12 day holiday, woohoo.

l didn't weigh in on Friday, and might not be around much with holidays an' all, so my weight today is 180.6 for a total loss so far of 18lbs.

l celebrated with a half-tub of banana chocolate ice cream 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 20, 2012
I need to lose more weight so I'm going to try and get out today and walk a bit later after the housework is done. I think housework is excerise and that's enough !   
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Staff Member
Oct 11, 2006
Some motivation for you gals:

1. Instead of focusing on what you cheated with on your diet, why not keep track of every time you resisted temptation, and how many calories were saved by doing so? Just don't reward yourself with food!

2. Bear in mind, when you start losing weight, that you still may take a larger size, even after losing a lot of weight. Clothing sizes, at least for women, are weird sometimes. When I had the mega-weight loss many years ago, I discovered this--and stopped being angry with myself when I needed something that was close to my original fat size, even though I lost many clothing sizes. It's really demoralizing. In fact, this happened today.  I bought a belt over the weekend, thinking it surely would be a bit loose. Couldn't fasten it, though I lost 1.5 dress sizes so far!

Keep up the great work! You can do it.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 15, 2005
Oklahoma City
Mostly this is to vent.  I am now off the latest med cocktail from my gastrointerologist for Ulcerative Colitis.  I'm back on the prednisone and Imuran and Uceris.  Yuk!  It works and it keeps the symptoms in check mostly but long term the prednisone isn't sustainable.  I can't be on it forever.  I've been on it since January except for the last month while they weaned me off of it and we tried doubling up my Imuran but the double up gave me horrendous joint pain and big sores inside my mouth (yeah not so much fun).  For six months we have tried and failed five different cocktail combos.  It's discouraging and frustrating.  It could be worse, it could be so much worse I know this, but still I just want to not be doubled over with stomach cramps or spend evenings in the bathroom.   I just want to be able to stand up long enough to load my dishwasher without the back pain being so bad I have to sit down and rest.  It doesn't seem like I'm asking for so much.  I want to have just a tiny percentage more energy than I have now, just a small one, like 10 or 20 percent more.  I just am so frustrated and want to cry ... I feel like this is holding me back from trying to lose weight.  I also know this condition acerbates obesity because it makes it so your body can't absorb some of the nutrients in your food, so you want to eat more to get the nutrients.  Arrrggghhhh ...................
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Some motivation for you gals:

1. Instead of focusing on what you cheated with on your diet, why not keep track of every time you resisted temptation, and how many calories were saved by doing so? Just don't reward yourself with food!

2. Bear in mind, when you start losing weight, that you still may take a larger size, even after losing a lot of weight. Clothing sizes, at least for women, are weird sometimes. When I had the mega-weight loss many years ago, I discovered this--and stopped being angry with myself when I needed something that was close to my original fat size, even though I lost many clothing sizes. It's really demoralizing. In fact, this happened today.  I bought a belt over the weekend, thinking it surely would be a bit loose. Couldn't fasten it, though I lost 1.5 dress sizes so far!

Keep up the great work! You can do it.
You're are so right! Women's clothing is just weird. You can try on a certain size and it will fit beautifully. Try something else on in the same size? It won't even button properly. I don't know why they do it that way....I swear it's to make us feel frustrated and miserable. And it works.
Mostly this is to vent.  I am now off the latest med cocktail from my gastrointerologist for Ulcerative Colitis.  I'm back on the prednisone and Imuran and Uceris.  Yuk!  It works and it keeps the symptoms in check mostly but long term the prednisone isn't sustainable.  I can't be on it forever.  I've been on it since January except for the last month while they weaned me off of it and we tried doubling up my Imuran but the double up gave me horrendous joint pain and big sores inside my mouth (yeah not so much fun).  For six months we have tried and failed five different cocktail combos.  It's discouraging and frustrating.  It could be worse, it could be so much worse I know this, but still I just want to not be doubled over with stomach cramps or spend evenings in the bathroom.   I just want to be able to stand up long enough to load my dishwasher without the back pain being so bad I have to sit down and rest.  It doesn't seem like I'm asking for so much.  I want to have just a tiny percentage more energy than I have now, just a small one, like 10 or 20 percent more.  I just am so frustrated and want to cry ... I feel like this is holding me back from trying to lose weight.  I also know this condition acerbates obesity because it makes it so your body can't absorb some of the nutrients in your food, so you want to eat more to get the nutrients.  Arrrggghhhh ...................
I'm sorry. It feels like a losing battle. And weight loss is so difficult to begin with. But you keep at it. Don't you let this get you down. Vent all you want....we're here. Honest. Just don't you dare give up! 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Mostly this is to vent.  I am now off the latest med cocktail from my gastrointerologist for Ulcerative Colitis.  I'm back on the prednisone and Imuran and Uceris.  Yuk!  It works and it keeps the symptoms in check mostly but long term the prednisone isn't sustainable.  I can't be on it forever.  I've been on it since January except for the last month while they weaned me off of it and we tried doubling up my Imuran but the double up gave me horrendous joint pain and big sores inside my mouth (yeah not so much fun).  For six months we have tried and failed five different cocktail combos.  It's discouraging and frustrating.  It could be worse, it could be so much worse I know this, but still I just want to not be doubled over with stomach cramps or spend evenings in the bathroom.   I just want to be able to stand up long enough to load my dishwasher without the back pain being so bad I have to sit down and rest.  It doesn't seem like I'm asking for so much.  I want to have just a tiny percentage more energy than I have now, just a small one, like 10 or 20 percent more.  I just am so frustrated and want to cry ... I feel like this is holding me back from trying to lose weight.  I also know this condition acerbates obesity because it makes it so your body can't absorb some of the nutrients in your food, so you want to eat more to get the nutrients.  Arrrggghhhh ...................
So sorry to hear what you are dealing with.  My husband has undiagnosed issues (he refuses to get this checked out) that resolved to some degree when he went gluten-free.  I hope you find what works for you soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Oh heavens, I just love pizza for breakfast!

We ran to the store last night for a few cans of cat food and a bag of litter. Rick saw that Cheez-its were on sale and he put a box of Colby Jack in the cart. In all fairness, he really thought I would appreciate them as I had mentioned that we had no Cheez-its or potato chips in our road-food bag for the trip. But, I got a little hissy about it (I KNEW I would eat those puppies.) and he put them back on the shelf. Then he got hissy, so I went back and put them back in the cart.

I am proud to say that, so far, I've left the Cheez-its alone. He opened the box when we got home yesterday and ate a big bowlful. I ate some pretzels with mustard.
 I asked him to take the box with him when he went down to the grandchildren last night, but he said he'd keep them here for me. Honestly, sometimes I think he does it on purpose. But the darn box spent the night in the pantry....calling me.

I did a manicure last night, specifically so that I wouldn't be able to eat anything. And brushed and flossed. The things I do sometimes.

But I'm digressing...sorry. Pretty much the only things I do with blueberries (other than eating them frozen) is to make a buckle or a grunt sometimes. I do have some recipes for lower-calorie blueberry muffins, but they're not gluten-free or anything like that. Rick is not much of a blueberry fan, so while I always have them in the freezer, most of the time, I'll munch on them straight out of the freezer....they're pretty good that way. (I think we have almost 25 pounds of blueberries in the freezer right now! And I'm not kidding. Our Lions Club sells them as a fundraiser. My mom bought 20 pounds last year and froze them. When she passed away, my sister told me to take a good portion of the frozen food so it wouldn't go to waste.....she doesn't cook much at all. So I took the blueberries, too. And then I have my own ten pounds that I bought as well. Whenever I make muffins or buckle or grunt or cobbler, I make an extra batch for them; that way we're sharing.)

I have never used quinoa, but do have some recipes that call for it.
Fwiw, bisquick now has a gluten-free version, if you wanted to make blueberry dumplings or just use as a topping.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 1, 2003
Pacific NW
Sorry to be slow to respond, for whatever reason, I'm not always receiving a notification with the new messages from this thread :(
I'm looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in :)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jun 15, 2005
Oklahoma City
So sorry to hear what you are dealing with.  My husband has undiagnosed issues (he refuses to get this checked out) that resolved to some degree when he went gluten-free.  I hope you find what works for you soon.
Pat -- that's something I haven't thought about trying yet.  Thanks!  :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2012
Victoria, Australia
I forgot to get on the scales this morning. I don't think I've gained. I feel very hollow anyway. Yesterday we euthanised Ruben. I'm telling you guys because I feel like you are my friends and I know you will all understand how I am feeling. Life goes on but I'm taking a few days out to cope however I can. I wish you all the best of luck with your weigh ins. Ill be back next week.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Aw, Tammat, I am so very, very sorry about Ruben. 
 You take all the time you need and we'll be here. I'm keeping you in my thoughts, my friend.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I lost 3 pounds this week! 

And, for the first time in a long time? I am 4.4 pounds short of my weight goal! 
 (Now......let's see how I screw it up this time. That's usually what happens. I get really close and then...........boom! It hits the fan.)

My weight goal is 135 pounds (my doctor's weight goal for me is 130 pounds....and preferably 125 pounds). I need to get back down to 135 and then I'll think about going lower. At 58 years of age, I don't think I look healthy at 125; my face tends to look rather gaunt and drawn. I keep telling my doctor that, but she won't listen to me.
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