
TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 17, 2013
My cat Coal will turn 11 in May,. He has started limping on his hind leg. He is still weighting bearing on it and moving it. I have looked and felt of his paw I can find nothing on it. He does have a small growth on the top of his foot but it has been there for a while and has caused no problems with his walk before. He still has feeling and warmth to his feet and moves his toes to put pressure on it he will meow but he does not bite or scratch at you. Hes never been to active hes more of a home body that prefers to stay in and sleep. He is stilling eating and drinking and he climbs and jumps it just seems to be when hes walking. He doesn't hold it out or off the ground. He walks with it putting it on the ground. Hes still vocal like all ways, still asking for his treats and every thing and comes for his supper so expect for the limping everything easle seems to be fine. I was wondering if there's anything I can do for him. He do it one time before but after a day or so I was going to take him to the vet he started walking with out the limp. I have got a seven month old puppy and two other small dogs that like to play and roll him to get him to play with them so I thought maybe they may have pulled something while trying to get him to play with them. I am going to keep an eye on him Today is Wednesday I have to work Thursday thur Sunday. My vet is out on the weekend but well come in if I need him to or to the emercgney vet. I thought I would give him to Monday and if hes not no better take him Monday or Tuesday unless I see that he is getting worser then I could probably get my brother to take him but I usually like to go my self were I can ask questions and such. Does any one know of anything I can do for him till then or had this experience with their cats. I have read some that were about the same but Coal is not refusing to eat or drink and he is weight bearing on that foot. The paw  is what seems to be sore to the touch his leg and knee joint it seems fine. I appreciate any help I can get Till he either gets better or I can get him to the vet.


TCS Member
May 5, 2012
Waldron, Arkansas
From today till Monday is a long time.  It would be better if your brother took him in.  It could be something driven into the foot, splinter or such.  If you wait 5 days, it could get much worse. Have your brother to take him to your regular vet.  Your cat will thank you.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi BLACKIEINKIE, and welcome to the forum!

Given that you say Coal hasn't 'curtailed' his activities, isn't hiding, is doing all of the essentials - and, is looking like he's saying "What's all the fuss about?".......I'd wait till you can get a regular Vet appointment but - and, here's what you could do in the meantime:

Keep him indoors, in a room separate and away from the dogs and, perhaps situate things so that he can't/doesn't need to climb nor jump in there.

Don't feel sorry for him being in isolation - just do the visitor thing with him - he'll be fine.

He's also at an age where it is recommended that he get an annual Vet exam - that's intended to identify potential emerging issues early. So, maybe book that appointment - for a "senior exam"!

Keep us posted!
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TCS Member
Thread starter
Apr 17, 2013
My vet is good he gives them an exam every time they go in even just for shots. With Coal he limped on his hind foot about a month ago I guess and by the time I could get him an appointment he had quit. Like this morning he was limping he got up ate drink went outside to use the bathroom came back in and slept some and done it again. He came back in around 9:30 or so and was not limping at all. He just takes it by spells. Is for the reply of something in his foot, I have checked it and it has no marks no open wounds no sign of anything in it. Coal and his brother and three sisters lost their mother when they were barely old enough to eat wet kitten food, I had a small dog at the time and he adopted them like his own he help with cleaning them and taking care of them. Their mom went out to use the bathroom and never came back we are thinking some one took her due to her being a chocolate point Siamese. But they will let me really look at them and I have no problem with them letting me look in spots my other cats wont. Its not a money thing its I work from 4 in the afternoon till around 3:00 or so in the morning so with everything its hard to get an appointment. He might limp for a day or a day and half then he quits and may not do it again for months. His mood hasn't change still eats drinks bears weight on it, jumps climbs and talks up a Storm, purrs, goes out no problem using the bathroom, no change in his bathroom routine, He spends his days either in my room asleep or on the back of a chair asleep no change to any of his behavior no biting scratching fussing or anything, doesn't mind the other cats or dogs around him or sleeping with him. He shows no sign of pain just meows a little when I mash on the toes of that foot but he doesn't bite scratch at me or hiss turns around and goes back to sleep a purring.