Cat's eye is reddish

jenn baldillez

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 24, 2013
My cat, Spooky, is all black and has yellow-green eyes. Over the past 6 months, her left eye color started looking more reddish. It's not a bright red at all. More like auburn I think. It was very faint and I didn't think much of it because she was fine otherwise. No discharge, scratching or pain. Her personality hadn't changed and she was eating/drinking normally. 

I assumed it was similar to when humans get bloodshot eyes even though it wasn't on the white part of her eye. I waited it out and it went away on it's own. Unfortunately it returned a month or so later. It was a little more noticeable, but not much. This time it was 360 degrees around her pupil though. She still didn't have any changes to behavior. It faded a lot, but didn't go away completely. 

Last Wednesday it looked worse and I took her to the vet. She couldn't find anything wrong with Spooky's eye other than the discoloration. We tried steroid eye drops and an oral steroid, twice a day for 5 days. Today was the 5th day and there has been no change.

I just talked to my vet and she is recommending I take her to an opthamologist. My vet did tell me that one of the things the discoloration might be is melanoma.

I'm planning on seeing the opthamologist because I want to know what is wrong, but I'm very worried I won't like what I hear and I know I won't be able to afford to do anything about it. :-(

Has anyone else experienced a similar problem with their cat's eyes? Has anyone had a cat with melanoma of the eye? 

I'd like to know what to expect if it does turn out to be melanoma. Especially since I have another cat (Cosmo) who has a small red spot on his eye too that just appeared last week. 

Thank you


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
There have been a couple of member here whose cats have had iris melanoma, and that resulted in removal of the eye
.  But that was much better than the alternative.  However, from what you describe, it doesn't sound the same.  Maybe melanosis.

Here is one of the threads on melanoma

Here is another thread that shows better pictures:

Perhaps there is a difference between iris melanoma and plain old melanoma?  But since your other cat is starting to develop a red spot too, it seems like it wouldn't be melanoma it all, because that's not contagious
.  Are you taking both cats in? 

Just in case, here is a thread on melanosis.  Is this anything like what Spooky has?

Let us know what you find out.
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jenn baldillez

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 24, 2013
Thank you for the links! I'd say her eye looks the closest to the cat pic in the 3rd link (, but WAY less dark. If you are standing more than 3 feet away from her, you wouldn't really notice much of a difference. It's also not spotty like some of the other pics. It kind of blends in. I wish I could get a good picture of it, but she's very unwilling, of course! Haha

My other cat has more of an actual spot on his eye which worries me greatly. :( 

It looks like it will cost at least $200 for the opthamologist to check it out. Eep! So I'm not able to take both of them in for an eye exam at this time unfortunately. :(

I really hope it's something that is simple to solve or nothing to worry about. I'll post an update as soon as I know something!

EDIT to update: Earliest appointment I could get is for next Tues so I'll post then.
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jenn baldillez

TCS Member
Thread starter
Jan 24, 2013
Update about Spooky's eye...

The good news is that it's not melanoma!

Bad news is that they aren't sure what it is and it could become melanoma later. So now I just have to keep checking her eye to see if it gets worse until her follow up appointment in 3 months.

Unfortunately, the fact that it isn't cancer is only somewhat relieving. At least if it was, I could make plans for the next steps and take action. But right now, I just have persistent worry. 

Guess I just have to remind myself that she is in good health despite the eye and I need to just enjoy the time I have with her now. Sigh.


Every Life Should Have Nine Cats
Staff Member
Aug 13, 2009
I know what you mean about not knowing
.  But at least it's NOT melanoma. 

So, for your own records, I would take a very good close up picture of his eye, so you don't have to second guess yourself wondering if it's any worse.  If you think there is a change, then you can look at the picture and see for yourself. 

that there is no change, or that it goes away!!