Am I being paranoid?


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 16, 2012
Hello all! I recently adopted a kitten from the humane society.  She's about six months old now, and she's been to the vet, all up to date on her shots and everything.  About a week ago, my roommate accidentally kicked her in the nose, pretty hard.  Of course she didn't mean to, but Maude (the kitten) took off running and hid under a chair.  I coaxed her out, and she had a tiny bit of blood coming out of her nose, but after a few minutes she was fine and playing and running around again so I didn't think to much of it, other than to keep an eye on her for a while.  Now, about a week later, she started to do a little sneeze thing every once in a while.  It's not a full sneeze, just a little "tiff" is kind of what it sounds like.  Then, I noticed one day she had a little what looked like a booger in her nose.  She rubbed against my hand and it came off and her nose started bleeding again.  Not terribly, just a little, like before, so I just am assuming that was a scab.  NOW I just noticed about yesterday, her left eye is watering.  It's just a clear discharge, she doesn't squint, it hardly seems to bother her at all.  I'm just wondering if I'm being paranoid or if I should take her to the vet.  It's really not in my budget (I'm a college student) but it can be figured out if it seems to be the best option.  I just definitely can't afford an x-ray or something like that...I can hardly afford a normal visit.  Other than those few things, she seems 100% fine. She still plays, runs around, eats normally, etc.  

Oh! One other thing that I'm not sure is contributed or not.  A few days ago, I came home from work and went into my bedroom where her litterbox is (in my closet).  She proceeded to look right at me, and pee on the floor.  I called my vet right after that and they said to try a few behavioral things, and that seemed to work, but I can't tell 100% since I only noticed it when she did it right in front of me.  Granted, there could have been a few factors that made it behavioral, such as her box hadn't been cleaned in 2 days because I wasn't home and we just recently got a new litterbox with a cover and a flap (which I have since taken off) however she had been using that for about 3 weeks before.  So I just really need some guidance here! Thanks!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
She needs to go to the vet to be checked for a urinary tract infection.  If you've only had her for a few weeks, it's very possible that she's got an upper respiratory infection starting.  That's very, very common with new kitties when adopted, no matter where they come from.  Stress can bring on both a urinary tract infection as well as an upper respiratory infection. 

How many litter boxes do you have?  You should have 2 for her. 