Search Results

  1. inquisitive

    New Kitten

    I currently have a very sweet & docile 3 yr old neutered male Ragdoll: Kitty Witty. He’s very tolerant of my 6 yr old nephew and my 1 yr old terrier pup, but not a complete pushover. I’m bringing home a new male Maine Coon kitten in 2 weeks and am afraid of stressing out my Ragdoll. I will...
  2. inquisitive

    Toilet drinking

    I bought a ceramic fountain for my 8 month ragdoll kitten and he still insists on drinking from the toilet. The fountain is cleaned regularly but I never see him drink from it. I have tasted the water from it (the fountain) myself & it's fine. I don't want him to drink from the toilet but would...
  3. inquisitive

    Washed cat with tea tree oil soap

    i washed my 6 month old kitten's rump with a few drops of Castile soap with tea tree oil. I then was concerned and found, on the Internet, that tea tree oil is toxic to cats. I immediately rinsed cats rump again and then washed him off with Johnsons & Johnsons baby shampoo. Has anyone else made...