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    Older cat not getting along with kitten

    I have an 8 year old cat and I just got a kitten who's about 7 weeks old. I've had the kitten for about a week now. Polka (8y) is not getting along with Jinxx (7w). When I was washing him the day I got him (once because he came from a house with a lot of cats and kittens and he smelled like...
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    Should I cover my kitten while he sleeps?

    thank you for your help. and by "roam free," I mean around the house. Right now, he's downstairs (two flights down from usual) and he's exploring, but I'm down here too.
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    Should I cover my kitten while he sleeps?

    by the way, he hasn't gotten his shots yet and I have an 8 year old cat and a 13 year old dog, so I can't really let him roam free just yet.
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    Should I cover my kitten while he sleeps?

    His name is Jinxx and he is 6 or 7 weeks old. Right now, it is 95°F outside. I have an attic bedroom so it feels over 100° without the air conditioner on. Also, I tend to get hot easily, so I have the A/C on low. If my kitten is sleeping, should I cover him with a small blanket or something so...
  5. Hey!


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    I'm new here! I just got a 6 week old kitten (he might be 7 weeks old now, I'm still waiting to find out the exact day he was born) from a friend of a friend.
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