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  1. S

    What dangers do cockroaches pose to cats?

    I'm a little pissed off... I'm living in my first place with roommates that are almost twice my age. When I told them that I found four dead roaches and two live between the counter and stove, nobody batted an eye. So, because I thought "they know best", I thought it wasn't a big deal.  I've...
  2. Black specks on kitty's tail?

    Black specks on kitty's tail?

  3. S

    Black specks on kitty's tail?

    So my cat has these black specks on his tail. I tried to pick them up, it doesn't seem like they can just be lifted off his skin but then again it's damn near impossible to get him to chill out just long enough for me to separate his tail fur to see his skin. His tail fur is really greasy and he...
  4. IMG_4568.JPG


  5. S

    Please help me... ringworm is going to make me lose my mind

    Ok so I asked about ringworm that wouldn't go away a little while ago, it had remained contained to one kitty but now I have reason to believe the other kitty has it (like, 2.5 months after kitty1 was showing symptoms). I've been treating my cat, and now I'm treating the other cat, and trying to...
  6. S

    Persistent ringworm!!!

    I'm trying to treat his environment but our vacuum kind of sucks (haha bad pun) and I can't constantly be doing laundry since my roommate seems to go through his entire wardrobe in one day, and he's always taking the washing machine. Any tips on how to treat the environment in other ways? Also...
  7. S

    Persistent ringworm!!!

    So my cat moved into this new house, with a new cat and new dog, in the very beginning of March. He was very stressed and his immune system, understandably, took a hit. Within the first week he got an eye infection. That cleared up with an eye cream. On April 25th I found a very perfect circle...