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    Kitten fights older cat

    I have a 3 year old female and 4 month old male and just ordered a refill of Feliway. In my experience so far the Feliway has taken the edge off my female's annoyance/aggression towards the kitten, but it does not inhibit my kittens urge to play. The kitten is not fierce with her but still...
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    I don't like my cat.

    What is the reason you are still keeping the cat? For the sake of your children, because of guilt, or something else? You said you wanted a cat for a long time, what were you hoping it would be like once you did get a cat? If you can clearly picture what you wanted out of your relationship with...
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    DESPERATE PLEASE HELP!! Play Aggression or Something Else?

     I can understand why you're anxious around your cat, goodness he's beating you up! I believe you would have to take a look at the cat's body language to determine what kind of intent they have, whether it be play or something more sinister. Either way, if he is hurting you, whatever his...
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    Kitten meds please help

    What medication are you giving them? Is it a liquid or pill? Like Columbine said, hiding medication in food so that they eat it themselves is the best method since there is no trauma. I used to try hiding pills in pill pockets but my girl started eating only the treat part. Try to hide the...
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    How much do you spend on your cat every month? (Food/Litter/Treats, etc)

    Agreed, too much! I'm scared to calculate the total of everything, but just for food its $120/month. And vet care this month has cost me around $1000 for 2 cats...most of that is from emergency visits. You can certainly get by with much less I'm sure. 
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    My cat passed last week, please i need your thoughts and help, feeling major guilt sadness and uncer

    Hi Heidi, I am so sorry for your loss   You really did love her very much and tried hard to do right by her, I think that's all she would have wanted. Your poor girl went through a lot those last days with her body and mind breaking down, but at least she did not have to exist with such pain...
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    Advice on Feeding Practice

    If you're always present when they eat and have timed meals then you can try feeding them in separate large cages that are placed side by side. The cats can eat inside of their own large wire cage and be let out once finished. Not sure if they would mind a situation like that.
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    odor problems following me in public from cat odor at home

    I used to live in a house ruined by what my mother called "animal smells" and their bathroom "accidents". The few things that really helped were to get rid of smelly fabrics such as old blankets/sheets and to use an air purifier. We used to have a tall ionic air purifier that would eliminate...
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    How do you spoil your cat?

    I give my kitty some baby food on a spoon as a special treat (beef, stage 2). It is gobbled up! It so nice that you'll be rewarding her  
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    I need some sleep- HELP

    Hi @kids and pets  sorry Romeo is not letting you sleep, I understand what that's like . Hopefully you're having a little improvement at least! I was thinking, have you tried only letting Romeo out (and in) during specific set times? Maybe he can be trained using an alarm sound to know when the...
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    Why does my kitten lick me so much?

    Hi @kerri21  I have a cat that also LOVES to lick, she is a 3 year old affectionate female. Now not only does she lick me...but she'll even lick inanimate objects! This behavior in my cat seems to be just another way for her to explore her world, but kitty is smart and she also uses it as a way...