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    Rachael Ray's 5-minute fudge

    I made that last year and it was great! Easy simple and in 10 minutes you're done. Rachael is great!
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    Tennis elbow

    I have had tennis elbow several times in the past, from playing tennis too much. What the doctors have told me, is rest is really the key. Advil or Aleve should help with it too. If you can't give it rest, which it seems. Try Advil and Aleve to see if that helps, it should. Hope you feel...
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    Cat gets aggressive after I pet her...

    Oh sorry, I thought I had read that topic. It was actually the other one. Thanks for that.
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    Cat gets aggressive after I pet her...

    I don't know if this would be "over stimulation" as I am unfamiliar with that. Anyways when I pet Sadie (my cat) she will be fine and then she will start to attack my arm. Like she will scratch it, and the claw it and bite my arm. I try and pull away but then she just does it more. I...
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    Why do cats try to groom their owners?

    Hi All, This may be a tired old question. But why is it that my cat always tries to lick and groom me. Is it because it is showing me that it loves me? Or it thinks I am ugly? I am sure this happens with other owners, I was just wondering if anyone knows why.
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    Languages. How good are we?

    I really want to learn Russian. I have worked on cyrillic, but am just starting. If anyone is intereted in helping teach me, PM me.
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    Need help with my son....(LOOOOOOOONG)

    I am 16, so you may not want to take my advice. But I am sort of young and could maybe say what I think about it all. Clearly at least to me, it has to do with his father letting him get away with anything and everything. If I were you, I would try and just talk to his father and have him...
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    I need help now!

    I am no expert on this, but from what I have read maybe I can give you some tips until someone more experienced can help you on this matter. First I would try and get the cat into a room where it can be left alone and to get used to the surroundings, living indoors etc. Maybe where you can go...
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    How do you decorate your Chistmas Tree?

    Wow, those are some nice Christmas trees. My cat would always mess with the ornament apples, they would be everywhere in the morning.
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    Trying to get cat to move to another part of the house?

    Well I have had her about a year, and she was loving and everything. But I got busy with school, and other stuff so my parents basically fed her and took care of her but they didn't really love her etc. Now, I want us to be like old times (that sounds so strange, lol) And I have started doing...
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    Trying to get cat to move to another part of the house?

    Should I just maybe try closing the door that way she is forced to stay in the room? I mean I don't want it to be forced, but I never see her and I want her to socialize and be around me. But she is basically alone all day long in a room where no one is . That can't be good for her. I just...
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    Trying to get cat to move to another part of the house?

    I did what you said and gave her some toys, she is playing with the one that I actually made as I type. I closed the door so she can have some time in here, I will open it in a little bit, I gave her some bedding on my dresser so she can lay on there she has been going to that too. She seems...
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    Trying to get cat to move to another part of the house?

    Thanks for your reply, yes her litter pan is easy for her to get too from my room, but really nothing to entertain her I don't think... And I have both her water and food in here. I will try the ignore method when she comes in thanks.
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    Trying to get cat to move to another part of the house?

    Hi everyone, I have a problem sort of. My cat she is just over mainly spends her time in the dining room alone she is not very social but that's where her food is so I figured she just wanted to stay close to that. But I need her to be mainly in my room and this side of my house because we...
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    Do you talk to yourself?

    I do and answer myself. But it's mostly just like thinking to myself. Like trying to problem solve or figure something out.
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    What does your username mean?

    Mine is "Breakaway" after Kelly Clarkson's smash single and CD. I also love the name has great meaning.
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    Summer Storm Preperations... Where do You go?

    We go to our inner hallway in our house. It has with stood two tornadoes. Hopefully it will continue to work. It's wierd though because those two storms were within 6 months.
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    Cat is agressive and attention seeking

    No she's not spayed, that could easily be the problem. I need to get her fixed spaied ASAP. But at the moment she's not in heat. Thanks for the replys.
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    Cat is agressive and attention seeking

    Hi, It's kind of a long story. Anyways I had a kitten, female she was brought from the outside to inside at about 10 weeks she hid for about a week or so but then came out and about. And she's about 8 months now and has never been to affectionate I have had cats in the past and I just figured...
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    New game - This or that

    Rain Music in the car or silence?