Search Results

  1. tuxedoontheloos

    black eye?

    I woke up today to find Tucker's left eye fairly swollen. It isn't red and the third eyelid isn't showing. My guess is that he crashed face first into a wall while zooming about last night. Is there anything I can do to make him feel better? He is being his normal playful and affectionate self...
  2. tuxedoontheloos

    Homemade foraging toy

    It's easy, cleanable, cheap to make/replace, and keeps Tucker occupied for longer than anything else I've tried. I thought I'd share for anyone else who's interested in a fun homemade toy or has issues with feline vaccuum cleaners who eat their kibble too fast.
  3. tuxedoontheloos

    Kitty Alarm Clocks

    Everyone knows that cats make the best alarm clocks, because their snooze button requires going all the way to the kitchen. I'm curious about how different models convey their Wake-up and Feeeeeed Meeee!!!! message. Do you get endless meows in the morning? A paw to the face? A lump on your...
  4. tuxedoontheloos

    Fostering in a small environment

    I've been thinking for awhile that Tuck would do better with a friend since he's so active, but I have no clue how he reactss with other cats. Fostering seems like a good way of figuring this out and helping another cat so I'll be visiting the shelter on Monday to see who's there. I'm worried...
  5. tuxedoontheloos

    Blue Eyed Tortie

    Previous to Tuck showing up I'd been looking at various cats in the local shelter. One that really struck me was an eight year old tortie with brilliant blue eyes. I don't have a picture but she's very dark, not at all pointed or oriental looking, and has several extra toes. Luckily she's in a...
  6. tuxedoontheloos

    Vomiting from Fancy Feast

    I've just got back from a week long visit home. During that time, Tucker was looked after by a friend who gave him his daily kibble and canned allotment. No vomiting was reported while I was away. When I got back I gave him a big can of Friskies  Turkey Dinner pate. Tucker seemed very dubious...
  7. tuxedoontheloos

    what to ask the vet?

    Tucker is getting his booster shots tomorrow and I was wondering if there's anything in particular I should ask the vet. He's been fixed, but that was pretty much a drop-off cat, pick-up cat deal-o with no real interaction. I'm very curious to find out if he's gained any weight since the...
  8. tuxedoontheloos

    I *think* he's spraying?

    This is a bit of a weird one. Firstly, my sense of smell is very odd. Somethings I smell with greater than average acuity, other things I don't notice unless they're pointed out, and certain scents I just don't smell. Cat pee is one of those things that linger on the edges of my ability and it...
  9. tuxedoontheloos

    Domestic longhair

    Mostly this is me taking an excuse to share cute cat photos, but I am interested to know what people think. This is Mr. Tucker. Vet's best guess is he's somewhere between 5-8 months. I've never been adopted by a long haired cat before so I'm endlesaly facinated by his fluffiness and little ear...
  10. tuxedoontheloos

    Amigo cat food?

    I found some cans of this stuff at Shoppers for 50cents. Broght one home and Mr. Tucker seemed to like it (but then he likes everything) the ingredients aren't bad and a quick google reveals no recalls but I can't find any reviews for it. Has anyone else fed this stuff? I'm seriously thinking of...
  11. tuxedoontheloos

    Mr. Tucker

    Hi all. After a decade of not being able to have a cat Im finally living somewhere where the landlord is okay with felines. I put in a screening form with the spca but before they could get back to me some kids dumped a sweet little kitty across the street. Mr. Tucker is approx. six months...
  12. tuxedoontheloos

    Best grocery store choice?

    I got adopted by an abandoned kitty on Halloween. Tucker is a six-month old grey and white long-haired ball of fluff and mischief. And I am completely conflicted on what to feed him. I live in a small town. the nearest pet supply store is a two hour drive, which I try to avoid in the winter...