Search Results

  1. S

    1 and half week old kitten missing in the house?

    Do you think if I bought my cat over and closed the doors from the mother cat and kittens, that he might sniff out the missing kitten?  I am so worried about the poor little thing, they all seemed so healthy and she was acting like the best mother! There was no 'runt' of the litter or anything...
  2. S

    Do not know where else to turn

    Hi there, firstly I'd like to say, you're awesome for helping out homeless cats :) I'm not from Oklahoma, I'm actually in Australia so I have no idea how close these are to your area, but here: Just search Oklahoma cat rescue on...
  3. S

    1 and half week old kitten missing in the house?

    My neighbour has had to go away for a while, and I'm watching her cat. Anyway, Mumma cat seems healthy and fine, and so did all the kittens when I saw them yesterday.  She's relocated one of the kittens to another area of the house (we think) and we have searched literally everywhere we can...