Search Results

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    Aggression toward crawling baby

    My cat has always been pretty aggressive/quick to scratch and bite. My husband and I know her triggers, how to calm her down, and when to just leave her alone. Our baby (getting to be a quicker crawler every day) is not so wise. Rather than escaping when the baby crawls towards her, my cat will...
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    Cat suddenly scared of my husband

    Just in the last week or two, our cat has been having occasional freakouts (hissing, growling, scratching) toward my husband when he gets in bed with me/us. The cat seems genuinely scared of him, though we've lived all together for 5 years and they've built their own sweet relationship (slowly -...
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    Difficult, biting Cat

    Hi Guys.  I want to say, first of all, that my cat can be sweet and loving.  She's sweet for about 2 minutes after I come home, and sometimes when she's sleepy.  Though if I touch her when she's sleeping, she bites me.  She bites a lot. She chases my legs across the room (and scratches/bites...
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    No sleep for weeks - it's my sanity or the cat.

    If you have any expertise – or even any experience – with cats, please help.  I am currently working in a third-world country (development nonprofit) and I adopted a kitten out of the gutter.  I’ve figured out food and even found flea/tick medication and dewormers – that’s not the problem.  The...