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  1. chat chatton

    can i spay my cat if she is pregnant?

    hello all, i have been giving my cat anti pregnancy injections to prevent her from getting pregnant, but the problem now is that it seems she is because she looks fatter and her stomach moves so i need to know if she can have a sterilization even if she is pregnant. thanks in advance.
  2. chat chatton

    adopting a cat?

            Hello everyone,    I have a question about cat psychological health concerning his adoption and i hope someone can help me to get some information about it .    In a special situation a had to give  the older cats  that i have in my house for adoption because they are  16(with the...
  3. chat chatton

    causes of cat's tummy bulge after giving birth?

    hello everyone, my cat have just gave birth to four kittens but her tummy is still bloated ? i want to know why and is it dangerous please help! thank you,