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  1. C

    Giant Lump On Apollo's Face, Please Read And Reply ASAP

    We often try hard to keep Apollo from going outside but many times everyone is careless and the cat lies in wait. So he goes outside often and comes back in. There are a few other cats in the neighborhood and I suspect (from hearing cat growls from outside) that she sometimes confronts them...
  2. C

    Why are they no large cat breeds?

    Let us look at two of the most popular domesticated pets: Dogs and Cats. There are hundreds of breed of both, and each breed is unique and some can look very different from each other. However what is the biggest difference between dogs and cats that are domesticated? Domestic Dogs have a much...
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    Cat Vanished Out of Thin Air!

    Apollo vanished yesterday and hasn't been seen since. He has no collar but he does have a chip but I don't know whether he will come back because Rocky never did. Actually, the last time we saw Apollo was inside in the nightime. Unlike Rocky, Apollo was a full time indoor cat so I fear he may...
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    Would you want a pet Cheetah?

    Would you ever want a cheetah as a pet? Believe it or not, but cheetahs can be tamed quite easily. Lions and tigers can only be "trained". Trainers remind us that big cats like tigers and lions are wild at heart, and can't be trusted all the time. I'm sure you've probably heard many stories...
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    Lion vs Tiger

    Well they are cats, just bigger and wilder. Who do you think would win between a lion or a tiger in a fight and why? Which cat do you like better? I like lions better, but a big siberian tiger might be a big match for a lion. A bet any big male lions can beat any other sub-species of tiger.
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    Is Cobra a cursed cat owner???

    It seems very strange to me. It seems every cat I've ever had has died quickly or got lost . My first true bonding relationships really only started last year. Anyways, here is the story of my loving cats. July 2003 I heard cries in my sideyard. I wasn't sure at first whether it was real...
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    Can you teach a older cat to use the litter box?

    My neighbor was going to give her black cat to the pound because theyvwhere moving, but I adopted him. I didn't ask them whether he uses the box and they are now gone, but it doesn't seem he can use the box. He was mostly a outdoor cat, but it seems he can adapt to inside living. By the way, he...
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    My Lost Cat, PLEASE HELP!!!

    About the time I registered on this forum, my cat disappeared. He hasn't come back in a long time. He disappeared yesterday (Saturady morning, May 15). I don't understand where he can be and I am very worried. Very worried. I write this thread Sunday night May 16, and he hasn't even left a trace...
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    High Kitty? Get off the Catnip?

    I've heard that catnip does weird things to your cat. I've even heard it makes cats kinda high. Is that true?
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    Cat's Size

    What is the average weight for a domestic cat? Also, what is the largest domestic cat ever recorded in the world and what breed was he/she?