Search Results

  1. petunifer

    Where'd the whiskers go?

    My cat is not yet 2 and I've noticed she is loosing her whiskers. She has 4 sets of whiskers and 2 seem to be falling out or something, is this normal?
  2. petunifer

    Little Miss finicky

    My Little Miss Meowsalot takes being finicky to a new level. She once quit drinking for a couple months because I changed her water dish (she got moisture from wet food) if I change her wet food she will go a day without eating it (I feed her half wet and half dry in separate bowls) now she has...
  3. petunifer

    Please help

    I got my kitten a new water dish. It's a drinking fountain actually. I noticed on day 2 she was not drinking at all. I switched back to her original water dish and she still won't drink. This is going on day 3 with no liquids. I am very worried about her. She was panting very bad after just a...
  4. petunifer

    Ants and kitten.

    My little miss meowsalot has a window perch which she loves. Recently we are having a lot of ants coming in the window. Is there a safe and effective way to get rid of the ants that won't harm my kitten?
  5. petunifer

    A cold?

    I have had a pretty bad cold for about 2 weeks and now my kitten is sneezing. Is it possible that she could've caught my cold?
  6. petunifer

    Fully charged kitten

    She is electrifying. I generally shock everything I touch and now my poor kitten is doing the same. What can I do for her static charge?
  7. petunifer

    Green, green, green

    My Little Miss Meowsalot seems to love all things green. The toys she plays with mainly are green as she picks them out. She was roaming through my fresh washed socks she picked out the green ones. Iknowcats see colors different but is there a reasons he loves all things green? My favorite...
  8. petunifer

    First time cat owner...

    Hello, I recently rescued a kitten well actually it has been about two months. I rescued my sweet Little Miss Meowsalot when she was an estimated 4 weeks old. I named her so because she was so tiny when I brought her home and she meowed the entire way home. She has filled my home with so much...
  9. petunifer

    nappy kitten

    I recently had my kitten spayed and now she has to wear the E cone. Since she cannot groom herself her fur is paying the price. I have seen the  bathing/cleaning cloths at the pet store but was unsure about using them. Can anybody please give me some suggestions. Thanx 