Search Results

  1. justicat

    Tiger Lilies...

    Are extremely toxic, even deadly to cats. In case you didn't know, which I did not. My Stella is currently at the ER vet clinic due to potential exposure. My boyfriend found a lily pod on the floor (I had them high in a vase on a dresser) around lunchtime yesterday. it wasn't torn or chewed...
  2. justicat

    INDECISIVE kitty: Inside or outside?

    My girl is driving me absolutely up THE WALL. After I come home from work, I love on her and then let her outside on the balcony (supervised, of course). She loves it out there and will play with whatever bugs she finds, curls up on the patio furniture, listens to the stuff. So...
  3. justicat

    Leaving kitty by herself for the weekend?

    Two weeks ago I rehomed my cat, Ollie, to a family friend. Stella and Ollie weren't really bonded, per se...but she isn't used to being the only cat. She's much more needy and vocal since he left, and relies on me for socialization since I live alone. I'm traveling out of town this weekend and...
  4. justicat

    Diarrhea and poor baby. :(

    While living in a two kitty household has a multitude of blessings, one of the biggest curses is difficulty in telling who is so sick. :( I'm almost certain it is Ollie. I always come home to chunky, yellowish vomit (ew, sorry) and diarrhea outside of the litterbox. Both cats still have their...
  5. justicat

    Normal behavior with a new cat?

    My new kitten Fritz seems to be adjusting very well to his new home with me and my two other cats! He and Stella get along great and romp and play all over the house; however my cat Ollie is less than thrilled. He does not physically attack Fritz (and he's had plenty of opportunity to do so) but...
  6. justicat

    A kitten ran up to me last night...

    While it was pouring rain. Couldn't be more than a couple months old! I wrapped him up in a blanket and took him back to my apartment. I'm not sure if I'm keeping him or not - I have two other cats and live in a one bedroom apartment. Stella likes him and wants to be friends, but Ollie is less...
  7. justicat

    PLEASE help me and my cat!!!

    I'm not sure if this is health or behavior related,  but either way this CANNOT be happening! Today, while taking a nap on the sofa, I got a faint whiff of cat urine. Deciding to investigate further, I peeled back my large area rug and this is what I found... Yes, you are looking at a ruined...
  8. justicat

    Diarrhea and scooting bottom on carpet...

    Could this be worms, a parasitic infection, or anal glands? Something else? My poor baby Stella is really going through it. :( We're still trying to get her passed this URI and then these new symptoms appear. I figure I'll take her to the vet again on Monday or Tuesday. Loving our bi-weekly...
  9. justicat

    Is my kitten just being a kitten?

    And I don't know if he is still technically a kitten since he had his first birthday in April...  So, Ollie is my first baby I adopted. I think he's super sweet and adorable but he has his moments of...I don't even know what to call it. He's gradually adjusted to Stella, the other baby I...
  10. justicat

    I'm getting frustrated. (URI)

    I adopted Stella in February from a local shelter that I hold very near and dear to my heart. They have all the cats in one big room to mingle, play, and share space with. Unfortunately it also contributed to a mass URI in all of their cats. Stella and I have been fighting with her URI since I...
  11. justicat

    Coming home to cat poop on the floor...

    Naturally they won't do it when I'm here because they know I'd bust them for it! For the past couple of days I have been coming home to balls of cat poop piled up in my kitchen or living room floor, and needless to say I am furious. >:( I don't even know which one of my two monsters is doing...
  12. justicat

    My new baby's leaky eye :(

    I adopted Stella from a shelter about three weeks ago. Since then I discovered she had an upper respiratory infection and took her to the vet, where they put her on some antibiotics (Clavamox) that cleared up her sneezing very well. When I first adopted her, I noticed her left eye was running a...
  13. justicat

    Should I adopt another cat?

    Lately I've been thinking about adopting another cat and I'm not positive if I just want to have a new happy, purring friend or if I'm really thinking about what my current kitty wants, lol. My cat, Ollie, is almost a year old and is extremely rambunctious and just a big ball of energy in...
  14. justicat

    My cat neglects his toys and slams himself into walls.

    I've only had my Ollie for eleven days but he's entirely spoiled rotten! I'm not sure what types of toys he enjoys just yet, so he has a random mix at the moment: a scratching post, giant feather wand, three little throw mice, two big jingle bell rolling balls, and two mice on posts that he can...
  15. justicat

    Howdy y'all!

    I'm here for my new kitty baby, Ollie. :) He's a seven month old male kitten who belonged to my aunt, and I took him in after she unexpectedly passed away. This sure isn't my first rodeo with cats, but this is the first male cat I've had and as a kitten he's quite the experience! We're adjusting...
  16. justicat

    Red splotches inside kitty's ears...

    My kitty seems to have reddish purple splotches on the inside of his ears. He had a bad flea problem when I first got him and I'm still attempting to treat it (though it isn't as bad) and I'm wondering if the two are related, or what I should do?