Search Results

  1. ariinya

    Is It That Time?

    The cat I'm talking about is a 16-year-old male named Sammy. He's a pretty good-sized old man, about 15lbs, and a real pig when he eats, which he does with gusto. At times he seems to have the energy of a kitten, but those times are becoming fewer and farther between. The biggest problem is...
  2. ariinya

    Addicted to a Toy

    I'm not sure what your cats do all day. Molly stands in one place, occasionally yowling, until I come to play with her. It's just one toy, a wand with feathers on it, that she absolutely loves. I have it on the ground for her, but she needs to have it moving to be satisfied with it. Molly...
  3. ariinya

    Switching from Free-Feeding Dry Food to Timed-Feeding Wet Food

    Hello everyone! And Happy New Year's Eve!!!! :woohoo: May this year be better than last, yes (and isn't THAT setting a low bar)? As the subject says, I'm ringing in 2021 by changing my kitties' food! I haven't chosen what kind of food yet, though a friend gave me a bit to try them on, see...
  4. ariinya

    15 Year Old Cat Having Some Issues

    Hello again! Well... Sammy is absolutely stumping me! He seems to be in absolutely perfect health (on the outside). He plays like a kitten and constantly has the zoomies around the house! However, I've noticed that he drinks a great deal of water and urinates very often. 6–8 times a day...
  5. ariinya

    Molly's Breed?

    I was wondering if my little Molly resembles any breed out there. Some have told me she has an interesting shaped face (I don't see it, she's just my beautiful little girl). I have many pictures of her, but these are the most recent.
  6. ariinya

    Cat Howling All Night and Day

    Hi guys. I'm going through sort of a rough time. I just moved to a new apartment, and it definitely doesn't feel like home yet. It seems the same way for my cats. Little Molly is hiding under the blankets whenever she hears the upstairs neighbors tromping around, and Sammy...... Well, Sammy...
  7. ariinya

    Losing my Cats

    So... my dad died on February 14th, which was enough of a blow. Since then, I've been trying to get his Railroad Retirement Benefits, which I do by proving I was his dependent; basically, that I'm disabled and cannot work to earn money myself. Which is true enough. I'm on the autism spectrum...
  8. ariinya

    Patches Not Eating

    Hello everyone! Back once again for your sage advice. ^_^ My sweet baby boy (who is not such a baby, as he is 12-years-old) is not eating. I suspect he might have a sore tooth, and I don't know what to do for him. :( Even if there wasn't the Corona pandemic in town, I'm going through a...
  9. ariinya

    Continously Throwing Up

    My little cat Molly has been throwing up constantly since about 3pm this afternoon (it is now 6pm).  There's nothing in her stomach, so it's just bile at this point.  I'm extremely worried.  She hasn't had anything to drink since this began.  Right now I have her isolated with me in my room, so...
  10. ariinya

    Wound Licking

    Hello guys.  Long time no chat.  It's been a rough year.  ^^;  I had a lead inserted in my back, and batteries in my left glut, and it got infected at the beginning of this year.  I spent Christmas through New Years at the hospital and briefly slid into a coma.  Now I have two HUGE scars and an...
  11. ariinya

    Bloody Nipple

    Hi guys.  Sorry, I'm not a big talker, so I only come here when I have problems.  ^^;  My apologies for that.... Anyway, I'm here because one of my male cats, Jinx, has been shedding fur.  My vet thinks it's over-grooming.  I disagree, as I have NEVER seen him lick any of the spots that are...
  12. ariinya

    Ear Mites?

    Hello again!  While looking up something for my other cat, Jinx, I noticed a description of something else that fits another of my cats. Patches has black gunk in his ears.  Is this... normal cat ear wax, or could it be mites?  The thought makes me twitchy and itchy.  -.-;  I've never SEEN...
  13. ariinya

    Bare Spots in Fur

    Hello everyone.  I'm getting very worried about my cat, Jinx. He is COMPLETELY INSANE!  But that's not why I'm posting.  ^^; This is an older picture, so it doesn't show the bare spots.  I can't get him to SIT STILL long enough to get a picture.  However, for the past six months or so, I've...
  14. ariinya

    Diet Cat Food

    Hello everyone!  I signed up to this site because I have a rather sticky issue; at the moment, my dad and I have four cats.  One is Molly, my sweet baby girl (and the ONLY girl!) that we adopted after my mom died.  Sammy and Jinx, a pair of mid-size male cats.  They're not too big, though they...