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  1. T

    how to dis-infect a wound

    Shadow the stray cat was on my back porch last week and later that night i herd cats fighting. I didn't see him for a week until right now today. he has a large cut about a cm under hid right eye. how do i make sure it does not get infected. im nowhere near a vet.HELP!!!will rubbing alcohol work...
  2. T

    cat shelter

    Hi! Ao I recently made a shelter for my friend shadow the black stray cat. he comes every day to my parents back porch at around 3-5pm and i feed him. he climbs into my lap and takes short naps and then leaves shortly after if i dint stay out with him. i have tried putting some food inside the...
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    HELP!!! Can cats eat bones

    I feed a stray black cat(shadow) that chills in my backyard. I feed him chicken(liver,breast meat,etc). I left a chicken neck on the porch and had to go do something. When i came back the neck was GONE BONES AND ALL!! He seemed fine, no choking, groomed himself like he usually does after eating...
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    shadow theback black cat :3

    Hi!! So earlier this year, somewhere in January or February I noticed two cats that I'd never seen before across the street. One was big and with a mix of beige brown and black fur,and the other was almost half its size and jet black. I watched them stair each other down until the bigger cat...