Search Results

  1. G

    Cat gave birth to kittens

    My cat gave birth to three kittens last night. The only time she meowed or seemed in pain was right before she gave birth to the first one. After that she had each of them within 5-10 minutes of each other and she seemed to be doing very well. I peeked in on her and said hey to her and she gave...
  2. G

    When will my kitty feel better?

    For the past week my kitten (the vet said she is about 6 months) has been sneezing more then several times a day. Today we took her to the vet and the doctor gave her a antibiotic prescription .5 2x a day. She just started it. But how long do you think until she starts feeling better?
  3. G


    Tonight I met a kitten and we named her Fuzz. We did not realize how sick she was until we brought her inside. We tried cleaning her up with a washcloth. (She seemed very hot. She had a ton of fur on her small little body.) She was about one month old but if you seen her she was the size of a...
  4. G

    It is 11PM and a mother kitten just abandoned her baby newborn(?) kitten.*PLEASE HELP.)

    It's 11PM and no stores are open to go get formula. This little kitten is practically dying and I don't know what to do. I want to help it so bad and it's so heart breaking. It looks to be maybe a month old. But it is the size of a week old kitten. If anyone at all could give me any advice at...
  5. G

    Yay for being new!

    I recently just joined! I have been looking all over for active cat sites to flaunt my babies on. All my babies are from outside. Three of them.  This is Lucy and she is my oldest. We have had her for about 8 or 9 years. I'm not sure if she was feral before because I was pretty young when we...
  6. G

    My little feral kitten

    About two weeks ago I rescued a feral kitten from my back yard. For about two days we gave her time to adjust in my room to get use to everything and then I let her run free and she eventually got along we one of my cats. (My other cat is a hard cookie to crack but with time!) On Wednesday night...