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  1. D

    My little Pumpkin died today

    I am very sorry to have to tell you that my little baby crossed over the rainbow bridge today. I took him to the vet because he just wasn't acting right even after he had a massive poop a couple of days ago. I nearly cancelled today's appt but thought better of it. When I took him in they...
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    How can I get my elderly cat to like his pine pellets box? Has chronic constipation

    My senior kitty, who I posted about not long ago because of his chronic constipation issues, has two boxes available to him. One is clay litter (non clumping only) and pine pellets. I noticed that a couple of times he tried using pine pellets because he must have felt uncomfortable in the...
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    Pumpkin had another weird episode overnight...not sure what to make of this - long post

    Several weeks ago I posted about what a vet thought was some kind of transient stress episode that caused him to get lethargic, drool etc. He snapped out of it and seemed fine, and was recently to his vet again for constipation issues. They found nothing wrong with him and sent him home. Last...
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    At what point does one realize it's time to let go of their fur baby? I'm not ready to yet.

    I had a conversation a little while ago with one of the vets at Pumpkin's clinic. We were going over his medical hx, most notably the constipation issue. Somehow we wandered into the subject of having to let go of our pets. I told her I am not ready and she reminded me of how old he was and...
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    My cat's constipation is getting worse & I have no way to get him to the vet

    I posted a thread recently about this and his use of new Corelle water bowls. He likes them now and is not having any problems drinking. However, his constipation persists and I am getting worried. This morning I found a piece of poop in his box that was about an inch in length. He's eating...
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    Black residue on new stainless steel cat bowls / constipation issues

    My cat's vet and I decided a few years ago that Pumpkin would use stainless steel bowls only. He seemed to have a reaction to plastic. Every now and then, when I replace these bowls (stainless steel eventually gets well-worn with stains) a black residue appears on the paper towel when I dry...
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    Pumpkin was suddenly panting and lethargic after taking his medicine....I thought I was going to lose him

    A couple of hours ago I gave Pumpkin his usual medicine - Laxatone with Miralax and his antacid - and had to put it on his paws because he didn't want to take it. He's been giving me a very very hard time about this as of late. A few mnutes after this, he ran in the living room, hopped on...
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    More questions than answers about heart arrhythmia in my senior cat

    I just got off the phone with his vet and asked a bunch of questions I asked if an injury could have caused this and she said no, that would be unlikely. I asked her this because he fell from our window sill a couple of times recently. I heard the noise but wasn't facing him, so I don't know...
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    Senior cat with heart arrhythmia

    My senior cat, who's about 14-15 years old, was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia close to two months ago. For now the vet and I are keeping an eye on his weight, how he's eating etc rather than put him on medication that worried me due to potential side effects. His ekg confirmed the...
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    Cat has PAC's and will go on heart medicine soon, needs advice

    Pumpkin is about 14 years old and has a hx of bowel issues. He's been on Laxatone, Miralax for constipation and an antacid for several years and lately he's been steadily losing weight. So, during last year's checkup his vet suggested I take him to get his heart checked. I couldn't do this...
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    I don't know if this is an emergency or not because Pumpkin is acting just fine....

    I posted before about some of his behavioral issues, including yowling at night, etc etc. But this takes the cake. I bought my little boy a new toy which he absolutely loves. However, while he was playing with this toy he also played with the tiny box it came in and got into some of the...
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    My emotional support cat makes TOO MUCH noise at night...I don't want to lose my home

    I live in a HUD-subsidized apartment building and have been here for about a year and a half. I like it here even though this place has issues. My cat, who is a rescue/emotional support cat, will at times yowl loudly for reasons I don't understand. I doubt it's health related because he's...
  13. D

    I need to find an alternative for my baby's litter

    I did some re-arranging of my baby's litter this past weekend and hurt myself. i had back and chest pain and went to the ER to rule out anything worse. Fortunately it wasn't a heart attack and just a muscle strain. I was sent home. I've been struggling with the weight of these bags of litter...
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    My cat escaped temporarily from my apartment this evening and I am a nervous wreck

    I did wash this evening and left the laundry room just as it closed (10pm). When I got back to my apartment, Pumpkin decided to sneak out on me. He never did this before and I had to drop everything and chase after him down the hall in my wheelchair, telling him repeatedly to "please stop."...
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    My cat might have heart trouble

    I posted not long ago about the colour of Pumpkin's poop and weight loss. I finally got him to the vet's today and found that his thyroid is ok, as well as the rest of his bloodwork. His weight has stablised for now but the vet said it sounded like he had an irregular heart rhythm. Otherwise...
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    Pumpkin is nearly back to his old self but continues to lose weight

    I posted a thread about the colour of Pumpkin's poop not long ago and that seems to have straightened out, whatever the problem was. He's pooping more and pees ok, so I tossed the extra (disposable) litter box and now he's back to using just one. He has another one in storage I can drag out...
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    Black poop?

    I haven't posted in awhile because my cat's been doing well. But this morning I saw something that alarmed me. I found several pieces of his poop that were very dark and stinky. He's had pooping issues off and on over the years but nothing very serious for a very long time He's on Laxatone...
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    How to safely store dry cat food?

    It's been a long time since my last post because of my health and the pandemic. I'm just getting over a bout with Covid. I moved to this new apartment building a couple of months ago. It has over 100 apartments and I was skittish at first about moving into a large place like this because of...
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    Pumpkin's vet visit

    Some of you may have seen a thread where I was concerned about making arrangements for the care of my cat should something happen to me. I'm not in the best of health and was worried sick about this issue after my brother went back on our agreement re. Pumpkin because I'm vaccinated. I was...
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    I need advice on making emergency arrangements for my cat's care should something happen to me

    I wasn't sure where else to put this message, so here I am. It's been awhile since I last posted here. Not only has my cat been coping with chronic tummy issues, I have been going through some very serious issues myself. I adopted Pumpkin just over 8 years ago after he was abandoned in...