Search Results

  1. mewlittle

    Can I use this as cat litter?

    Is small pet wood bedding safe to use as cat litter? I got plenty of that in a big box its about half full for the rabbit ,the rabbit barely puts a dent in it after each bedding change and if it is safe for cats I would only use enough to cover the bottom and change frequently Here in about 3...
  2. mewlittle

    Pickyness or just not hungry

    I'm not sure if I should post this in health or nutrition due to I don't know if its pickyness or if its lack of an appetite for whatever reason Before I start Soar has a vet appointment on December 4th Can't get one sooner, the one I had set in September they cancelled it out so I made one...
  3. mewlittle

    What cat litter that actually lasts?

    So I bought 2 50lbs of paws n claws unscented clumping cat litter at tractor supply on November 1st thinking 100lbs would last on my math of 20lbs per cat BUT NOOO a bag lasted 6 days and the pees clumps fall apart and its dusty Anyone know of any brand of clumping cat litter that is unscented...
  4. mewlittle

    Klinefelter Syndrome male Calicos

    My mom was watching YouTube about California condors and the guy said something about the birds having ZZ and ZW instead of XX and XY which lead me to look up cats chromosomes which led me to about male calico/forties What I learned (correct me if I'm wrong) The black gene and the orange gene...
  5. mewlittle

    I need comb/brush recommendations (human allergy help)

    Anyone have any recommendations on combs/brushes etc that remove cat dander and loose hair? And that it won't rip the hair and skin that will work with all hair types? If its on chewy that's a plus I'm having a hard time finding one to remove dander and loose hair that don't look like it's...
  6. mewlittle

    Whats your thoughts on firstmate brand? And other questions

    I'm looking into changing my cats diet from friskies dry (They haven't had it since my last nutrition post which has been about a week) to Firstmate dry grain friendly I understand that friskies dry and wet is horrible I ended up in a money rut and food is better then nothing but when they...
  7. mewlittle

    What you mean im a rabbit?

    Barqs (rabbit) thinks she is a cat and Astrid (kitten) thinks she is a rabbit XD My brother took the picture after we caught both setting next to each other and this was the first time Barqs sat on the back of the couch hahaha she got jealous of the cats and started acting like one Aren't they...
  8. mewlittle

    Human Dental question

    If not allowed you can delete and I apologize Currently can't see a dentist mentioned below on why I'm going to try to explain and describe this as best as I can So my first molar on my upper left side seems to be expanding in size or getting bigger and the texture feels like sand paper it...
  9. mewlittle

    Show your cats setting like a human

    This is my moms cat Soar setting on me and she is setting like a human She is hilarious Show me your cats setting like a human
  10. mewlittle

    Is there a recall?

    Not sure where to ask this I had to temporarily feed friskies dry due to money issues they was doing ok on it for the most part until this current bag I have that is half full ,at first Cali started puking after I found her when she went missing from Oct 9th to Oct 13th so I thought it was just...
  11. mewlittle

    Possible lymphoma HELP PLS NO HATE

    NO HATE OR JUDGEMENT PLEASE Fyi im trying to figure out how to get money so she can be seen by a vet (I'm on SSI), 5yr old spayed female came from a TNR program way before I got her, My 5year old cat Cali has been having weird symptoms etc going on and I'm suspecting Lymphoma, Symptom/signs etc...
  12. mewlittle

    Cali needs tests stuck at vets NEED HELP ASAP

    I need help with vet costs my cat Cali suddenly got sick today ,they won't do testing until I get Raiden's surgery balance fully paid up and Cali's current amount and rising (boarding costs and meds) paid up ,Raiden's current balance is 240 was around 600 it's on a payment plan directly through...
  13. mewlittle

    PINK VOMIT currently at vets

    Unsure if this is the right forum to post in Cali suddenly puked up pink vomit twice after the first one I called the vet to get her in after I got the go ahead and while waiting on the taxi she did it again her abdomen is even kinda hard a few days ago I asked this site (and some fb groups) why...
  14. mewlittle

    Cali sleeps in food dish unsure why

    Unsure if this is behavior or health related, when I get paid soon she'll see a vet but in the meantime anyone have an idea why she does this? She likes to sleep in her food dishes and water dishes, she has plenty of spots to sleep at but sometimes she sleeps in her food -_- This is new I'm...
  15. mewlittle

    What does my cat resemble the most?

    To me he seems like a mix of Ragdoll and Siamese, I'm curious what you guys think what he resembles the most, Back story he showed up out of the blue on my front porch meowing his little head off right before a storm hit ,He was 5 months old at the time (still had baby teeth) when I opened the...
  16. mewlittle

    Very picky cat NEED HELP

    So my mom's cat Soar is really picky she is about 2 years old but a size of a kitten at around 6 lbs but need to be at 8-9 lbs. Previous owner was abusive and only fed her roman noodles 🙄 ,she only likes the meow mix cups and it has 1.8-2% of fat content in it and I see to many recalls on it...
  17. mewlittle

    Anxiety issues anyone with tips?

    Anyone with tips on how to handle anxiety? I hate it when i get an anxiety attack :/
  18. mewlittle

    declawed cat what cat litter is best?

    Hi I currently don't own any cats at the moment but my mother in law has a cat she got him jan 13th this year he happened to be declawed for medical reasons and this cat used to be abused not by his late previous owner thou this cat was set on fire was thrown on walls etc his late previous owner...
  19. mewlittle

    Declawed cat question NO BASHING

    My mother in law got a cat today his name is mischief already declawed she new his late owner she made a promise to her she would take him when she passes she was on hospice When mischief was still with his late owner he required an injurie to his claws the only way to fix it was to declaw him...
  20. mewlittle

    Flagyl question

    My cat Marty got prescribed Flagyl for 7 days for diarrheal issues how long after taking the flagyl for it to work? and if it does get ride of the diarrhea will he continue to have normal stools after stopping the Flagyl if not how long would he have to take it for? I have a gut feeling it...