Search Results

  1. kumitekat

    Eating is his best friend

    It is difficult to tell from your description exactly what the problem is. It sounds like he started tearing apart bags after he received human food from friends. He wasn't getting into anything before that event? One of my thoughts is that he likes the plastic of the bread bag. Some cats have...
  2. kumitekat

    Kitten won't stay in room

    Yes, this is normal. She likely thinks it is a game you guys play every time you get home. I guess I understand why you keep her in your room while you are out, but why can't she be out of your room while you are home?
  3. kumitekat

    Does anyone else's cat do this?

    Yes, my cat likes to sit on my math book. When he was a kitten I would read one page, then move him to the other side of the book so I could read the page he was sitting on. Then I would just move him back and forth. I thought it was cute, but I think I got him in a bad habit. Oops. One of my...
  4. kumitekat

    Anti-social terrified awkward cat

    Most cats personalities improve when spayed or neutered. It is unfortunate that you and your other cat went through such a traumatizing experience. LOVE the advice from P3 and the King! The vet was likely responding to your questions about not getting him neutered by trying to make you feel ok...
  5. kumitekat

    Cats hate each other, we need help!

    Holy cow! That is quite the sacrifice. Those cats don't know how great they have it! So lucky! I'm a little jealous of their new cat tree, I have to admit. So awesome!
  6. kumitekat

    Anti-social terrified awkward cat

    I wonder if Grim would like one of those electronic toys that are very predictable? It is possible he is frightened by the toys because he doesn't know what they are going to do. In fact, I believe that is the definition of fear. Something that performs a motion that is the same over and over...
  7. kumitekat

    Cats hate each other, we need help!

    I admit that I do not have any experience with feral cats. Or even stray cats for that matter. But I can infer that these cats are likely stressed out by the abrupt change in environment. I'm sure that seems obvious though. So what to do about it? 1. TERRITORY: You spoke only briefly about the...
  8. kumitekat

    Neuter'd cat's going outdoor's

    No, your gut instinct is absolutely correct! And you should not worry that you are being overprotective. I used to feel the same way you do. I felt so guilty watching my cats want to go outside, that I would let them. I always had cats that would just adjust to a certain territory and be just...
  9. kumitekat

    Quick Q on litter placement

    I think your cat will still use the litter box even when the weather gets cold. I no longer let my cats outdoors, but when I did have an indoor/outdoor cat, he would carefully go outside in the snow, do his business and want in immediately. I never had problems with him going by the door in the...
  10. kumitekat


    Some cats don't like citrus smells. I would suggest seeing if you can build a barrier to keep cats out. Wired fencing with angles they can't climb. The angles should reach out toward the outside of the enclosure. Cats will look up, see the fence looming over the top of them, and will not climb...
  11. kumitekat

    Cat Hates Dog! Dog Hates Cat!

    Hmm.. See I am just learning to be a dog person. We have them at the office, and I lived with someone who had one once,  but otherwise I have never had one of my own. However, when I walk the dogs at the office, I always get nervous when they meet other dogs outside. I don't know what they are...
  12. kumitekat

    Hairball as an intestinal blockage

    Thanks! Yes, this is really great!
  13. kumitekat

    New here , please help :)

    They should not have trouble going back. Cat's prefer to be able to cover their feces to prevent predators from finding them. However, they have been known to keep using a trouble spot over and over again. You should try moving the boxes upstairs for awhile. Maybe around the areas they are...
  14. kumitekat

    kitty taking fiance's socks

    My cat makes a weird "meowing" sound too when she picks up a certain toy in her mouth. The toy is one of those soft ones you can fill with catnip (we have one in the shape of a duck and one in the shape of a hamster). So, it's similar to the sock feeling in the mouth I would think. If you want...
  15. kumitekat

    Cat Hates Dog! Dog Hates Cat!

    YES! Totally agree. Clip the nails or put caps on them. Then reintroduce them. I am thinking that your dog may have learned his lesson after being scratched in the eye, but you never really gave them another chance after that. I used to live in a house with three cats and a dog. The cats ruled...
  16. kumitekat

    Hairball as an intestinal blockage

    I did a Google search already for intestinal blockages. Mostly I found the information to be stuff I was already aware of, like watching for changes in behavior, not eating, etc. These things are all obvious to me. I am concerned that once it gets there it may be too late and wanted to check...
  17. kumitekat

    Hairball as an intestinal blockage

    These are great articles, thanks! I have also wondered about everyone saying that brushing is the only way to stop hairballs. (see the first article) I have always thought that it doesn't really make any sense because it wouldn't happen in the wild. I just do it because my cat loves it. If...
  18. kumitekat

    Kitten suddenly didn't use the litterbox! Blarhg!

    I would try unscented litter too. It might be more stinky to you, but if it is more stinky to them, maybe they will get the point. Also, kittens in shelters are forced to play in a small little cage right next to their litter box. The litter box becomes part of their play toys. Your kittens are...
  19. kumitekat

    How long does a cat take to forget its owners? im going on a trip....

    I lived with my friend for 4 years, and in the second year she brought home a new kitten. He bonded with both of us. He does this really cute thing if either of us pick him up. He practically puts his arms up like a toddler when either she or I pick him up and hugs us and rubs his nose on us and...
  20. kumitekat

    Please help me!!

    My thought is that he is nervous. You mentioned the possibility that he MIGHT want his own litter box? Does this mean you have other cats? I'm sorry if I missed that. The fact that he is not peeing just outside the litter box indicates that it is likely not a litter preference problem.  I am...