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  1. S

    Baby and Cat.... some really concerning issues...

    I would suggest giving softpaws a try....they are nail caps for cats and a humane alternative to declawing. You can find them online or at pet stores.
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    what's up with my cat & trees?

    My parents cat Max does this too......he really did get stuck once when he.climbed a large oak tree with a broken leg. It is a new game she has come up with.
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    my cat hates my girlfriend!

    I completly agree with this. Your poor furry baby. Slaping the cat across the its abuse. Ignorance.would maybe be the case if it was light slap on the bum bu not the face. In my experience cats are amaxing judges character. Do not leave your kitty alone or...
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    Will my kitten forget me when I leave for college?

    I had to leave my kitty (much older...passed away at 21 rip moonlight) to go to college. It is hard but if your parents are going to take care of her do not worry too much. My cat was super excited to see me when I cam home to visit. I would not worry about her forgetting you when you are...
  5. S

    Anyone have a cat who likes to sleep on them?

    Yes....Niko loves to curl up and sleep on mt chest/neck in the middle if the night. I love it :) She only does this with me. When she wants Daddy she will cuddle next to him or at his feet.
  6. S

    rehoming cats; Siberian advice; screen advice

    As an kitty mommy of a Siberian I highly recommend them. My parnter is.super allgeric to cats and a I also allegric but less severly. My Siberian is a little over a year and an indoor cat only. We were sketepical at first but the genetic.mutation that causes protein really does.seem