Search Results

  1. F

    Seeking So Cal Cat Rescues

    Our Alliance program pulls dogs and cats from the county shelter (NOT a no-kill shelter)  and sends them to rescues in other areas. Unfortunately we know of few cat rescues. I've been asked to try to find more in the So Cal area. If you know of one that might be interested, please post their...
  2. F

    Writing Contest: Volunteering at a Cat Shelter

     In January I became homeless after being unemployed for three years (local job market very poor), and I found living in my car to be boring to say the least. I also thought it would look better on my resume if I showed I was using my time productively rather than just "job-hunting".  In Feruary...
  3. F

    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    LOL I did several google searches but failed tofind that shelter. Kudos to you!! And thank you so much!!
  4. F

    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I overlooked that number earlier - we called them and they are taking the kittens!  We are all so happy!
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    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    Safe Haven said no :( Looks like there is nothing we can do.
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    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    I'm not sure of their age, but definitely less than 16 weeks. However they've had two positive tests. This shelter simply doesn't have a safe way of keeping them, and having them here is putting all of our other cats, including kittens that aren't vaccinated yet, at risk. Everyone here hates the...
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    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    time is running out....
  8. F

    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    Thank you, this seems like a great site and I look forward to exploring it more. The kittens are scheduled to be euthed Thursday afternoon if we can't find a rescue to accept them. I hope something turns up!
  9. F

    Hi, I'm new!

    I came across this site while searching for a shelter in CA that would accept some very sweet kittens that tested positive for FeLV. I'm a volunteer at a small shelter in the So Cal desert. I love cats best, but love all animals. I myself have 5 cats.
  10. F

    seeking rescue shelter for FeLV positive kittens in CA

    I'm a volunteer at a no kill shelter. However, we do not have facilities for FeLV positive cats. These sweet kittens just came back from fostering and tested positive. Does anyone know of any California shelters for these kitties?