Search Results

  1. N

    Update on Sundae

    Thank you all who helped me with my kitten Sundae and her terrible URI. It got worse before we finally added Lysine, erythromycin eye ointment and a secondary antibiotic to the clavamox, which was azithromax. Expensive week! Cost $200 in meds but she turned a corner. She's MUCH more playful and...
  2. N

    Please Help! Kitty Has a Cold!

    We adopted a kitty last week from petsmart and took her to the vet and she came down with a kitty cold within 2 days of being home with us. She is our only pet. She's 9 weeks old now. She started off sneezing. Vet said she had a slight discharge from 1 nostril. Still eatng and payful and acting...
  3. N

    Encouraging New Kitten to Use Litter Box

    We adopted a new kitten yesterday and so far she doesn't seem to like the litter box. Might it be the litter? I purchased tidy cats scoopable? I also purchased a hooded litter box. Should I remove the hood? I caught her squatting in a corner and picked her up and she urinted all over the kitchen...
  4. N

    Just Adopted A Kitten and Getting a Golden Retriever in 2 Weeks

    Hello all. I am new here. We adopted a kitten today from a rescue. She's 8 weeks old, spaid, and had 2 sets of shots. We've been looking for a kitten for some time now and fell in love with this little girl. She's buff and white and long haired. We also put down a deposit weeks ago for a golden...