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  1. catman513

    Show me your eyes

  2. catman513

    How Long for Kitten to Acclimate

    Thanks, everyone. I think this kitten was kept too long with the breeder and he just misses her. He was handled like a pet there and reportedly was very social. The breeder is a true cat lover and that is a different socialization than bred kittens usually get. He's a great little kitten but...
  3. catman513

    How Long for Kitten to Acclimate

    It has been almost one week. He has his own room, and has located himself under the bed. He comes out to eat and play a little but draws back at any movement to pet him. I've spent a lot of time with him.
  4. catman513

    How Long for Kitten to Acclimate

    I have a 22 week old Siamese bought from a breeder who is too shy to be petted or picked up. He will take food very close to me but if I reach out he jumps back. His play is noncommittal and doesn't result in contact. how long is normal for this new cat. PS there are no other animals in...
  5. catman513

    Adding water to wet food

    I add water to all of Jack's feedings. He used to drink from the toilet and this has all but eliminated that. He won't drink from a bowl of water.
  6. catman513

    My Cat Is Too Agressive During Play, Help!

    I think that some cats do not have an ability to parse play from fighting. Probably did not have sibling kittens that allowed him to develop play/fightng skills. One can actually see that in children too. Kids with a lot of brothers (typically) are more refined at escalating play/fighting so no...
  7. catman513

    Cheap Wet Food

    OK, Friskies Pate 5.5oz runs from 24@ $11. 13oz 12@$9.84.
  8. catman513

    My Kitten Keeps Peeing Everywhere

    Always rule out UTI, then move to behavioral issues.
  9. catman513

    Should I Let My Cat Outside?

    An outside cat has a life expectancy of about half that of an inside cat. They all want to go out. But should they?
  10. catman513

    Can I Ask A Poop Question?

    On a Ragdoll you have to trim a little of the fur around the anus.
  11. catman513

    My Cat Doesnt See Me As His Mum

    My favorite cartoon in all the World shows a woman yelling at her cat: "Get down from that table." And, the cat yelling back: "You're not my real mom."
  12. catman513

    Peeing On Dog Bed

    Good luck with what you have done so far. But . . . something is bothering him . . . a lot. Remember, cats are territorial and need to control some space free from others.
  13. catman513

    Introducing A New Maine Coon Kitten To My Adopted Kitten

    Remember, cats are utterly territorial. If you give them each their own restricted space for a while things will be easier.
  14. catman513

    Ibd And Prednisolone

    It also comes in crumbley little blue pills that easily crush into powder and which can be mixed into the gravy of wet food. My finicky eater doesn't even notice it or likes the taste.
  15. catman513

    Help With Feeding A 4 Month Old Kitten

    Give her wet kitten food. She needs the nutrition. If you want to, get some high quality kibble, and put it through the blender and mix it with the kitten wet food. She may have an underdeveloped digestive tract.
  16. catman513

    Please Help Me!!

    Yea, mostly cats bond to humans when there is a one cat household. When you have two, you are lucky to have either one of them bond to you and not just to each other. Nothing you can do but love them both.
  17. catman513

    Cat Disturbing Sleep Badly

    Jack did what we called the "Attack on the Villagers" when he was a kitten. He would wait until we were asleep and then violently leap on one of our faces, then run away. I waited one night until he did it and slammed a bed pillow down on him as he tried to escape. He was so shocked he never...
  18. catman513

    Cats "talking" In Their Sleep

    I think the vet was pretty much wrong about cats not caring about the past. Evey cat I've had has a good handle on the past. Who to watch out for, how to handle other animals, what gets them what they want. All of these things are driven by the past.