Search Results

  1. C

    Microchip? Yes or no?

    I had not really considered doing this before as my little one is not a door darter and after all, most people in my neighborhood would not check him for ID anyway. (He wears a collar - at least when he is not busy taking it off for me). That's how I ended up with him actually - abandoned...
  2. C

    Do cats care about shape of their toys?

    After many unsuccessful toys, I brought home a small success - Kong catnip badger. It is so successful I am already thinking I might want to get a backup cause he has never liked anything else so much. Do you suppose it is the actual shape (in this case, the tail is easy to grip)?
  3. C

    can u recommend a good scale

    I want to start tracking weight but as I look at the baby scales I find it hard to imagine him even *fitting* in the bucket type ones let alone staying in them. And some of the "flat" ones don't seem to get good reviews. Those of you who track, what scale did you buy? TIA
  4. C


    On vets advice I changed food bowls and have been washing his face, but I am disappointed to note it does not seem to have improved (and its been a few weeks). Vet assured me it was a mild case, so I expected it to clear up a little more successfully. Is there something else I can try or...
  5. C

    how much time does your cat get out of your day

    I couldn't quite think of how to ask, but how much dedicated time does your cat get from you a day? What is "enough"? Naturally I love my cat, but days like today where I was gone more than normal I feel he is shortchanged. (He is sitting on my lap purring - so I think he has forgiven me, but...
  6. C

    favorite collars?

    I have been looking at old threads and see ragtime and beastie bands seem to be most preferred types. Any advice on why to choose one over another? I got a cheap breakaway one from the local store already, it has come off twice in 3 days and this time I can't find it anywhere in the house, so...