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  1. C

    Picky cats & shape of kibble

    It seems to me I read somewhere that flat faced breeds like persians tended to have more difficulty picking up certain shapes/sizes.
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    Furminator Question

    I think mine is also 1.75 on a short hair - I got it for $10 or $15 and it was well worth it for getting hair out but it is a messy process.
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    Microchip? Yes or no?

    This thread has sure grown. I read a couple of articles against microchipping that stated it could cause a type of cancer. I like the idea of a tatto as a visible thing. Hmm.
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    Microchip? Yes or no?

    Thanks guys, suprised its 100%! I just figured it would not be so common what with it not being visible to the average person. I'll give the vet a call tomorrow and see about it.
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    Microchip? Yes or no?

    I had not really considered doing this before as my little one is not a door darter and after all, most people in my neighborhood would not check him for ID anyway. (He wears a collar - at least when he is not busy taking it off for me). That's how I ended up with him actually - abandoned...
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    Do you clean out your litterbox everyday?

    Once a day, scrub and fresh litter every other week.
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    Do cats care about shape of their toys?

    Yes, he loves to play with some of the household items and has Da Bird, laser, Cat dancer. I just love to spoil my cat so always think he needs more.
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    Do cats care about shape of their toys?

    After many unsuccessful toys, I brought home a small success - Kong catnip badger. It is so successful I am already thinking I might want to get a backup cause he has never liked anything else so much. Do you suppose it is the actual shape (in this case, the tail is easy to grip)?
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    can u recommend a good scale

    Thanks for the suggestions! I had not considered that "human" scales came in smaller increments than 1 lb. (Not sure I want to know my own weight in that much detail - eek!) I definitely liked the price of the Eat Smart one though! The Zieis looks nice too. I hadn't really expected he would...
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    can u recommend a good scale

    I want to start tracking weight but as I look at the baby scales I find it hard to imagine him even *fitting* in the bucket type ones let alone staying in them. And some of the "flat" ones don't seem to get good reviews. Those of you who track, what scale did you buy? TIA
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    Mackerel's taken a turn for the worse. :(

    I'd stay away from ham: A quick google search of an ASPCA chat meantions bacon so I would think would be same. The same goes for bacon, where fat content is concerned―and foods that are high in salt could cause excessive urination...
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    Who Says You Shouldn't Play with Your Food?

    LOL you have a great point!
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    Who Says You Shouldn't Play with Your Food?

    I like the idea of containing the ball! That's why I had not previously bought one - I was leery of having cat food crumbs all over the house - not that he would hesitate to eat them! What do you clean the floor with, knowing the cat will be licking that spot?
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    Any suggestions on how to get my cat to eat his food all at once?

    give him less at one serving and another serving later?
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    On vets advice I changed food bowls and have been washing his face, but I am disappointed to note it does not seem to have improved (and its been a few weeks). Vet assured me it was a mild case, so I expected it to clear up a little more successfully. Is there something else I can try or...
  16. C

    Oscar is overweight?!

    What a cute little tiger you have there! I would not worry too much his weight as you are feeding controlled amounts, but it depends on what else vet said. Did he recommend a certain "ideal" weight or do you feel he just mentioned it because you asked?
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    how much time does your cat get out of your day

    Somehow he does not understand the concept of I would like to pet you know and I will be gone long tomorrow so you should take advantage. I just wish I could explain but of course I know he is really okay. I just love my cat. Getting him a friend would not be a good idea as I am allergic. He...
  18. C

    how much time does your cat get out of your day

    I couldn't quite think of how to ask, but how much dedicated time does your cat get from you a day? What is "enough"? Naturally I love my cat, but days like today where I was gone more than normal I feel he is shortchanged. (He is sitting on my lap purring - so I think he has forgiven me, but...
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    favorite collars?

    Thanks. Sounds like I would be okay with either then.
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    favorite collars?

    I have been looking at old threads and see ragtime and beastie bands seem to be most preferred types. Any advice on why to choose one over another? I got a cheap breakaway one from the local store already, it has come off twice in 3 days and this time I can't find it anywhere in the house, so...