Search Results

  1. C

    Does Feliway really work?

    Does anyone have experience with Feliway working for them? I'm thinking of getting the stuff in the spray bottle for spraying in carriers. Rocky's a trooper and actually kind of likes going to the vet. Penny flat out hates it and thinks it's the worst thing in the world. She stresses out so much...
  2. C

    Bad diarrhea and vomitting...when to take to vet?

    Last night I noticed one of the cats had really bad smelling diarrhea. Today I monitored the litter boxes and found out it's Rocky. He's gone at least three times so far today and I'm almost positive it was him who vomited on the carpet (partially undigested food). He isn't acting sick in any...
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    Microchipping V Tattooing

    When we first got the cats I put breakaway collars on them. Unfortunately, they hated them and figure out how to get them off. Rocky was pretty darn smart enough to hide his collar so well I couldn't find it for days. After a while of trying I gave up. A year ago I tried again with different...
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    Who needs an alarm clock anyways?

    Every morning at around 6:30 AM Rocky will sit on my chest and pat my face or pounce on my feet to wake me up so I can feed him. I like him waking me up better than an alarm clock. It's a gentler way to wake me up. Except for when he decides to pounce on my feet.
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    Being bullied

    Penny is the smallest of my three cats and has FIV. Ever since a little over a year ago when she came home from the vet after being at the vet almost all day we still kept her separated so she could recover. When she was finally allowed to mingle with the other two a day or so later they acted...
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    Does anyone else's cat do this?

    Penny "clips" her own nails. That's right. She uses her teeth and bites into her nails to "clip" them. She always does it to just the right length.
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    Spike is a six year old JRT mix. Most people are suprised that he's so calm, which is understandable since he's mostly JRT. We adopted him back in November and he had been previously trained. We're working on saving up for hiring an in-home trainer to re-train him and teach him some things he...
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    Knocks cups over?

    If you leave a cup anywhere, Penny will knock it over. She'll bat at it and knock it over, then run for the hills. Any ideas as to why?
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    How to put weight on a cat

    Penny has FIV, so I don't know if that will affect her ever gaining weight? Anyways, she weighs around 7 pounds and is very petite and scrawny. I'm thinking around 9 pounds would be how much she needs to weigh. How do you get a cat to gain weight? I'm currently feeding her 1/4 cup of dry food...
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    Cats constantly slipping outside...

    Rocky is overweight by a pound or two. He's 14 pounds and should be about 11-12 pounds. The problem with him being overweight started when we started keeping them inside a year ago. They were born outside and kept outside up until we got them (at seven weeks old, they are now almost three). We...
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    Hello there! I am one of eight kids and have a passion for animals. I love learning about them, taking care of them and talking about them. Cats are my favorite animal. We have three cats (all siblings). Rocky is a grey tabby. He's 14 pounds (needs to lose a couple pounds) He is very social and...