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    Cat bullies other cats; also "wiping" compulsion? Anxiety?

    Hi everybody, Haven't posted in quite some time! The kitten I got last June, who we named Tchaikovsky (or Tchai for short), is now a full grown ball of trouble - but of course he's still adorable. Anyways, a couple of months ago we ended up moving in with my mom and her two cats, and while our...
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    Kitten is still biting during play

    Hello lovely cat people~ Some of you may recall my boyfriend and I recently adopted a new kitten from a rescue. We've finally settled on the name Tchaikovsky (Tchai for short) and he is a cute little booger and we love him lots. He had some parasites, which he's been/is being treated for, and...
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    New kitten issues: FLEA and diarrhea

    Hi everyone, so we just got our new 10-week-old kitten today and he's super cute and we already love him. <3 But I was petting him on my lap just a little bit ago and I noticed a flea on my leg! We have no other animals - I DO work at a groomer, but I've never brought a flea home before and...
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    New kitten, looking for advanced behavior resources!

    Hi everyone My boyfriend and I have just been approved by a rescue to adopt a new kitten! We are both experienced cat owners, but neither of us have had a kitten since we were kids, and I was hoping for a kind of list of "things to expose your kitten to!" or some resources and tips for...
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    kitty litter getting stuck to paws

    Hi! So I just recently got a new cat, Jazira, to foster until my friend gets a place of her own and can take her back. My friend supplied me with all the cat stuff, including a covered litter box with a swinging door and a litter mat to put in front of it and a big bag of Feline Pine to use as...
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    About to get a potentially aggressive cat

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here as I don't currently have a cat. It's nice to meet you all. I have sort of unique situation that I need some advice about. But first, some background: A very good friend of mine found a stray young cat about 4 years ago and took her in as her pet. Jazira...