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    Prayers for Sassy

    Hi everyone! I need to ask for some prayers and vibes for a kitty named Sassy. She had surgery for a diaphragmatic hernia today, and was doing VERY well after the surgery, but then took a turn for the worse. The owners brought her in for a spay, and couldn't afford the repair surgery, but we did...
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    Sweet little Sammy

    Sammy Sammy was a beautiful, pure black kitty who came into the clinic one day in June last year. He came in at one month of age, and was hit by a car. He was paralyzed from his waist down; he couldn't even urinate on his own. We kept him in the hospital for a couple of weeks, and I took him...
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    A kitty at the clinic came in one day; she had been adopted five days prior and the owner couldn't get her to eat, so they brought her back. She's such a sweet cat, meowing constantly when she wants attention. The only way we could get her to eat was to dope her up on valium. She'd pig out on...
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    Feline Heartworm

    Recent studies have shown that in high heartworm populated areas, cats are just as high in infection rates as dogs are. With cats, it's harder to detect, and usually it's too late when it is detected. The reason is that it takes three female heartworms for the antigen tests to pick up the...
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    Silly kitty!

    So... I'm trying to sleep. I lay down, close my eyes, kitties snuggled up with me (hogging the bed, as usual! ), and I just can't sleep... why, you may ask? Well.... MY CAT IS SNORING TOO LOUD! Okie
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    Official Introduction

    Hi! I've been posting for sometime now, and I figured now is as good as any to introduce myself! My name is Okie... yes, that's what I'm actually called in real life... it's a nick name that sort of stuck! I am a veterinary technician for the local SPCA medical center. I've been a vet tech...
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    Super Jump

    Apparently, my kitty thinks she can fly! My tortie decided to try and jump on the HIGHEST shelf in my house! Naturally, she missed, did a half flip, proceded to hit the computer desk below, which finished her flip for her, before landing on all fours, screaming as she was falling!!!! She...
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    Why to vaccinate your animals.....

    Thursday night, I was headed home from work, and got called back to the clinic; there were some foster puppies, two of them, who were acting poorly when the foster owners got home. They rushed them into the clinic; one was bad, but stable, and one puppy was agonal, dying. I tried everything...
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    Prayers for Ginger

    Hi there, I'm Okie. I need some oh so important prayers for a very sweet kitty named Ginger. I'm a veterinary technician, and one of our MANY surgery patients had a problem with her anesthetic last Monday, and died on the table. We managed to resussitate, and she now has brain trauma. I've been...