Search Results

  1. ryffian

    Squinting Kitty

    Poor Rafiki. A little history: She was a barn cat at the racetrack, I took her in and spayed her. Brought her to my place to recover. I have 3 cats. She's been in the bathroom. Lately I've left the bathroom door open (i.e. my cats can interact with her). There has been some hissing, but...
  2. ryffian

    Too Many Cats? Knowing When to say When?

    I'm sure this has been discussed here before, but how do you determine how many cats you can have, and how do you know when to stop adopting? I started out with one. Then I got her a friend. Then I had three. Then I was down to two. Then I ended up with one more. So now I have three...
  3. ryffian

    CatChannel Cat College?

    Have any of you participated in the CatChannel dot com's "Cat College"? I was reading my Cat Fancy magazine and saw an ad for it. Just wondering what it was all about. (Mentioning way too many cat-related things in one post ... I sound crazy.)
  4. ryffian

    Finding a cat show

    I've been to horse shows, pig shows, steer shows, and dog shows, but never a cat show. How would I go about even finding one to attend? Not as an exhibitor, but just a spectator. Do people even go to cat shows just to watch? What sort of things would one expect?
  5. ryffian

    'Come With Me Kitty' Harness

    Have any of you used the 'Come With Me Kitty' harness and lead? It's made by Premier, the same people that make the Gentle Leader for dogs (of which I'm a big fan).
  6. ryffian

    Keeping dogs out while letting cats come and go

    I have been transferred out of town for work for a few months. I am staying in a 2 bedroom apartment with my 3 cats and my coworker and her 2 chihuahua-mix dogs. The main problem is that the two dogs aren't housebroken. And they seem to prefer sneaking off into my room to pee and poop...
  7. ryffian

    2nd Story Balcony Safety

    The cats and I are staying in apartment out of town for work for a few months. The apartment is on the second story and it has a balcony. If I let them out on the balcony, would my cats try to jump off if they saw something worth chasing down there? It's not screened in or anything. Any...
  8. ryffian

    I've been kissed?

    Some people have "I've been kissed " in their signatures. Other than butterfly kisses, what is it referring to? Just wondering. Thanks!
  9. ryffian

    Baking a Cake - Made a Mistake

    I am so ashamed to even admit that I did this. I love to bake and fancy myself fairly decent at it. WELL .... I was mixing up a cake mix from a box, and thought it said "1 1/3 cup oil" when in reality it only said "1/3 cup oil." Duh. As soon as I poured a cup of oil into the mix and thought...
  10. ryffian

    Hello from Louisiana!

    Hi all! I stumbled across this forum the other night and it really seems like a great place. Born and raised in Ohio (GO BUCKS!), moved to Louisiana 3 and a half year ago for work. I'm a veterinarian, and although I learned about all sorts of species in vet school, now I work primarily with...