Search Results

  1. D

    Are there other men cat lovers out there??

    As long as no one will hug me for it, I'll gladly admit to being a cat guy.  Would that make me catty?  Dave
  2. D

    What's your favorite song?

    That is a great tune! My favorite song is easily Everlong by the Foo Fighters. I fell in love with my wife to that song. Dave
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    Question of the Day Wednesday Sept 28, 2011

    I am a big fan of melons! Except for honeydew, although I haven't tried it in years. Dave
  4. D

    What's for dinner tonight?

    What cut of beef did you use? Now I am really hungry. Dave
  5. D

    I've gone squirrly.

    Very cool! Please keep us posted. Dave
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    my husband may be choosing btw 2 job offers!

    I can't imagine having a baby without having a family support system around me. Babies are challenging enough in their own right, without making things even more difficult. YMMV, of course! Hopefully at least one of the offers will come through for him. Good luck! Dave
  7. D

    Advice for finding a hunting cat needed.

    Please tell me this is a joke thread...
  8. D

    Elevated bowl suggestions, please

    My wife objects to the water play since the water dish is in her office, and we have pseudo-hardwood floors. They are okay if the water doesn't stand there too long, but we don't always get to it as we both work full time. Funnily enough, I have actually been putting the water on top of the...
  9. D

    Elevated bowl suggestions, please

    Thank you for all of the replies! I think I'll take some of the low-tech approaches mentioned and then work my way upward as needed. Thanks again! Dave
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    Daily Question: Thurs. Sept 2

    I tend to do more hiding in the bathroom than I do reading. The wife and kiddos are great, but I need some me time every now and then and my computer room doesn't have a lock on the door. Dave
  11. D

    Elevated bowl suggestions, please

    Hello all, Boys will be boys. Try as I might, I just can't get Calvin and Hobbes to stop playing with their water, so I thought I'd give an elevated bowl a shot. If you have experience with one that you love, please share and let me know where you picked it up (if you remember). Or, if...
  12. D

    RIP Turboscratcher #2....

    Give a golf ball a go. I tried forever to find suitable replacements and then my 7 year old son decided to show me up in about 30 seconds. Ta da! Dave
  13. D

    Question of the day, Friday June 4th

    A 10 pound bag of Optimum Nutrition Double Chocolate Whey Protein. Ta da! I like fun little threads like these.
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    Question of the Day: Tues. May 18 2010

    Ever since I quit caffeine cold-turkey last year, I have been drinking a lot of water. I am usually in the 120-160 ounce range, but I usually fall somewhere in the 140 ounce neighborhood. I am trapped at my desk all day, so drinking water is one of those things I do without realizing it. It...
  15. D

    The Perpetual People Exercise Post

    My son also has me using his Pokewalker whenever I exercise or when I am at work. LOL I ran around the basement for 30 minutes yesterday and got in something like 5,000 steps, which he loved. I think I currently have Spearrow on my hip. Dave
  16. D

    The Perpetual People Exercise Post

    Hello all, The doc thinks that I have mono (but I hope it is just a super nasty cold), and I have been pretty much dead on my feet for the past week. I am hoping to bang out some push ups, pullups, etc. tomorrow, but I am getting worn out just thinking about that. Keep kicking tail, folks...
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    The Perpetual People Exercise Post

    Howdy howdy! If you are starting to not use the rails, that is the reason why you are sore. Instead of using your hands and arms to steady yourself, your body is using lots of other muscles to keep you stable, and many of those muscles don't normally get a lot of attention, so it will take...
  18. D

    Daily Question: Thurs. April 22th 2010

    Here is my typical morning routine: 5:05AM - Alarm goes off, hit snooze frantically 5:35 - Finally drag my lazy self out of bed, brush teeth, etc. 5:45 - Put on exercise gear and get in a good 30 minute work out 6:15 - Choke down protein shake and relax in front of mindless TV 6:27 - Wake...
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    The Perpetual People Exercise Post

    If you want to fire up a post like that, please do so! I'll be happy to chime in once I see what you are after. No pressure of course. Running inside versus outside? NO IDEA! But I hope to find out tomorrow. Here is entry I made in my online fitness journal: I did a trial run in the ol'...
  20. D

    What brand of sardines do you buy for your kitties?

    Thanks very much for the reply and advice, sharky. I appreciate it! Dave