Search Results

  1. W

    Maine coon mix??

    Hello there! Just seeking everyone’s opinion. My baby Levi was brought to me a year ago after being found in the middle of the street at 5 weeks old. I’ve always thought his nose is very unique. I’ve never seen coloring like that that makes him look like he has a wide nose lol. Recently...
  2. W

    Eye attached

    Can someone give me an idea as to what cans be going on with my Rambo's eyes? He isn't lethargic..he's active the same. He's eating well. He's an outside cat and I know this is around the time that our condos hardened put out chemicals for bugs, plants, etc. and I'm worried it can be a reaction...
  3. W

    Scooping water out?

    My kitty is 3 months and he has a habit of scooping ALL his water out from his bowl lol does anyone else have this problem? I've never had a cat that did that before.
  4. W

    nibbling, keep me up at night!

    My kitten has a thing for nibbling me all over my face...lips, nose, cheeks, and even under my chin! He goes crazy when I dont let him..meows up a storm. Why does he do that? Usually he'll do it for a bit and give up after I dont let him but last night he kept me up all night and I thought...
  5. W

    High quality food for kittens?

    What are some high quality brands of wet/dry food sold at Petsmart for kittens? I recently went out and bought my kitten Authority dry food and the Petsmart I went to only had one choice of wet food from Authority so I had to get another brand. Is it bad to mix brands? I want to start getting...
  6. W

    Forum points

    does forum points, posts, etc. count in order to put a custom avatar or a picture in my kitty profile because it isnt letting me and where do I get those neat signature banners everyone has!
  7. W

    So sad, just realized

    I just bought my kitty about 3 or 4 days ago and he just turned 2 months today. His owners said he was already eating dry food on his own and to give him Friskies for kittens. Well I went out to 2 petcos and couldnt find it so I settled for Kitten Chow. When I bought him home I noticed him on...
  8. W

    New kitty :)

    just got him last night he'll be 8 weeks on sunday. his owners said hes half siemese and have persian but idk! take a look he has a little white under his chin. looks nothing like his mom! i think shes half persian and siemese and maybe his dad was a black shorthair
  9. W

    Just got a new kitty and I'm concerned! please help

    He is about 8-9 weeks old and his owners said he was already eating dry food. Well since I've bought him home he has not ate or gone to the restroom. Is that normal? I've tried to feed him by hand and I've introduced him to the litter box but he still wont eat or go. I've also given him water...
  10. W

    How to keep cat indoors

    Hello! I'm new to the forum and about to adopt a kitten this Thursday. I've had experience with cats before and sadly my last cat was ran over He was a stray and I took him in and as much as I tried keeping him in, he wanted out. Does anyone have any advice on how to keep cats from wanting to...